Best Slow-Cooker Breakfast Meals

Bacon and eggs, waffles and sausages, yogurt and fruit: these are what breakfasts are made of! Not so fast! According to some internet research, there are actually hundreds of varieties of breakfast foods enjoyed all over the world. So, if you have been eating eggs, ham, yogurt, or cereal, get ready for a wild idea in breakfast foods.

First, a little history. Although the formerly known “crock pot” was patented in 1940, the slow-cooker technology only really soared in the mid-1970s when women returned to the workforce in large numbers. Various appliances brands created their own unique design, sizes and features and so, the competition began to create the best appliance since the toaster!

Some of the benefits from using a slow cooker include creating nutritious meals without the constant supervision and so, freeing up your time to do other tasks like reading a book! Additionally, working outside the home allows you to return after a long hard day to a delicious ready-to-eat meal.

Slow cookers were mostly designed to cook meats, stews, and soups. Pulled pork or chicken recipes are plentiful, but did you know that your favourite breakfast meals can be ready for you at your wake-up time? Imagine sleeping through the night as your slow cooker is magically cooking up your favourite recipe.

Here are my top 2 favourite breakfast meals to wake up to and that get me out the door satisfied!

1) Oatmeal with cinnamon and apples!

There is nothing better on a cool fall morning than warm oatmeal and apples. I start by spraying the inside of the slow cooker with cooking spray or oil and then add the few ingredients. I prefer to use 1 cup of steel cut oats, as these contain the highest nutrition. I add 1 ½ cup of coconut milk, but you can choose your favourite, as well as 1 ½ cups of water, 2 cored and diced apples, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of salt. I leave it on slow for about 7 hours and voilá! I like to add some toppings like nuts and fresh berries just before serving.

Breakfast pie with eggs and sweet potatoes!

2) Breakfast pie with eggs and sweet potatoes!

If you love your eggs in the morning, you must try this! In a bowl gently beat 8 eggs, then add 1 shredded medium sweet potato, 1 lb of sliced breakfast sausage. I spice it up with a teaspoon each of basil and garlic powder with a small diced white onion. We love mushrooms and red peppers, so I include some of those with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture into your well greased slow cooker on slow for 7 hours to make sure the sausage is cooked through. Remember that left-overs will still be delicious so making a batch won’t be a problem.

These are only 2, but your local bookstore will have several recipe books dedicated to the slow cooker and breakfast. Search online for those meals that take as little as 2 hours for large batches of food for a brunch or breakfast for dinner! Ingredients include all kinds of grains, vegetables, meats, eggs and cheese. For you out there who love your breakfast sweet, you will find recipes with jams and bread, buns and honey. Whatever you enjoy eating in the morning, have it ready and piping hot.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

How Does Spending More Time Indoors Affect Your Sleep?

How Does Spending More Time Indoors Affect Your Sleep

The water skis and the canoe are put away with the tennis rackets and frisbees. The beach balls are deflated, and the garden furniture is neatly stored in their usual spot to spend the winter. You look at the empty patio and yard covered in snow and suddenly feel sad that another summer is gone. Now what?

Although many people embrace winter with the anticipation of downhill skiing, tobogganing, skating and snowball wars, many cringe at the same thoughts! The shorter days and the cold inspires me to do so much less than I do in the summer. In warmer months, I am more active in my garden, taking long walks by the river, and entertaining on the patio. While during colder temperatures, I do like the bears and hibernate. But, if not careful, it could cause symptoms affecting my sleep.

When we live a more active lifestyle we are getting more oxygen into our blood supply keeping all bodily systems working optimally and allowing us to have a restful sleep. When we spend much less energy, our metabolism slows down causing us to gain more weight, fatigue sets in, and sleep in not as restful or restorative.

Science tells us that due to the shortage of daylight, we tend to produce more melatonin causing us to feel more sluggish. Additionally, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, brings on episodes of depression and disrupts the sleep cycle.

Colder air requires heating up our homes which can have a drying effect on our skin and sinuses making for an uncomfortable sleep. While in summer months we enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables regularly, they are less available in the colder months causing us to reach for high fat, high-calorie sugar-laden foods which will impact our bodies hormone levels and adversely affect our sleep.

Couple on a treadmill at home

Follow my tips on how I try to avoid the pitfalls of the winter blues while still enjoying the cold winter from the comfort of indoors.

1. Since I don’t like taking long walks in the snow, I make sure to get thirty minutes daily on my treadmill or exercise cycle. If you don’t have any equipment at home, view some cardio videos online and get moving every day. Nothing feels better than getting tired from a good workout.

2. When I am home all day, I make sure to open the blinds and pull back the curtains to get as much daylight into my home as possible! This will help ensure that my moods are balanced.

3. I make sure that I have my humidifiers up and running from the first day I increase the temperature on the thermostat. It is important that I keep my skin from getting dry and itchy and my sinuses moist. Nothing is worse than having an itch you can’t reach while under the covers trying to sleep!

4. I replace my darker decorative tones in throw pillows and blankets from fall to bright festive colours. Colour therapy is a must for me during the long winters as it keeps my surroundings cheerful and when the bright sun shines off the snow banks outside my windows, and streams indoors, well it just makes everything lively.

Keeping my moods high in the winter is the key to staying emotionally balanced when daylight is short, and the temperatures are low. This will yield better choices at meal and snack time, higher energy levels, and ultimately, a restful and restorative sleep!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

4 Ways to Stay Cool with a Sealy Mattress

4 Ways to Stay Cool with a Sealy Mattress (2)

There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep when you are sweating and stuck to your sheets, rolling around and tossing and turning through a way-too-hot summer night.

You aren’t alone: Summer nights – while a catchy song – can make for some of the worst sleep of the year. And the hotter it gets, the worse it can be to find some comfort and fall asleep.

Don’t toss in that sweat-soaked towel, however. We’re here to help you find that cool, comforting sleep you want, even when it’s ten thousand billion degrees out. Here are four ways to beat that heat and stay cool with your Sealy mattress.

Some Basics

Before you start looking at advanced sleep solutions, there are some basics you should sure to check off your list first. Are you using light, breathable summer sheets? Ditch your heavy winter comforters and throws, you won’t be needing them for a few months. At least.

Have you tried using a fan? Some people find the ambient noise soothing, so that can help promote sleep while also creating some air circulation. Air conditioning, opening a window, or other methods to cool down your whole room can also go a long way, but assuming these solutions haven’t helped, let’s look at a few other things you can try.

4 Ways to Stay Cool with a Sealy Mattress (2)

Shower Yourself With Cold

There are two types of people in the world: Those who shower in the morning, and those who shower at night.

But, if the heat of summer is dragging you down, you might want to try cooling your body before you get into bed. One study showed that a cold shower helped people fall asleep faster and have better sleep. Just make sure to dry off well, as you don’t want to bring any extra moisture with you into an already humid bedroom.

Cooler Heads Prevail

If you are looking for other ways to stay cool, perhaps you should start thinking less about your bed and focus more on your head. More specifically, what you are resting your head on every night.

What types of pillows are you using? Have you tried a Sealy pillow with cooling technology? These pillows wick away moisture, which helps keep you cooler. And when you are fighting away summer heat, every little bit helps.

Perfectly Cool

Sometimes when you have a problem, you need a solution that was perfectly formulated to attack that problem. Something created with that exact problem in mind, and ready with a spear of solution that was sharpened specifically for whatever the problem is.

In this case, the problem is sleeping too hot. And your perfect spear of solution is Sealy mattresses. Sealy has mattresses that were engineered to help people who sleep too hot or too cold, as well as to address other common sleep problems. You’ll never be uncomfortable when you have a Sealy mattress to rest on.

Sealy offers innerspring, memory foam, and hybrid options, meaning no matter what you prefer to sleep on, Sealy has you covered.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Diet and How Beautyrest Helps

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Diet and How Beautyrest Helps

There are a lot of factors that go into getting a good night’s rest. Room temperature, how comfortable your mattress is, lighting, stress, and how many times your partner kicks you in the night, can all have detrimental effects on the quality of a person’s sleep.

What you might not know, however, is that lack of sleep isn’t just making you tired, it is hurting other areas of your health. Of course, getting a Beautyrest mattress is one way to help improve the Zzz’s you are getting every night, and the positive effects of improving your sleep will ripple throughout your life and improve your overall health. But if you aren’t sleeping well, here are some ways that lack of sleep can be ruining your health.


Without getting too medical textbooks and Dr. Oz about things, there are two hormones in the body that help control appetite and satiety. Ghrelin is what makes you hungry, while leptin makes you stop eating when you are full. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, the levels of these hormones can change. Womp womp.

So, while it may seem like not a big deal that you keep staying up until the wee hours of the night, it actually is changing your body chemistry, and not in a good way. Think about that the next time you are debating between staying up for a few more hours of Netflix or finally settling in for some shut-eye.

Sugar Rush

We’ve all been there: Sometimes you just don’t get enough sleep and even though you’ve already had enough coffee to cause a normal person to break out into the shakes, your eyes are still heavy. What are most people probably going to turn to next?

Sugar. Sweet, delicious candy bars. Delectable gumdrops. Enough cotton candy that even Willy Wonka would shake his head in disgust.

And what does the research say? If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you may crave more high-calorie foods. And that’s going to put a nasty dent in your diet plans, that’s for sure.

Pushing Off the Physical

There’s only so much one person can get done in a day, and if you are tired, that amount is going to drastically go down. If you are dragging throughout the day, you probably aren’t going to waste the time – or energy – to stop by the gym on the way home.

Nobody likes working out when they are tired, but again, it all starts to add up: If you are sleeping less and less and keep passing up going to the gym or going out for a hike or walk, it’s going to be harder and harder to keep up those healthy habits.

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Diet and How Beautyrest Helps

Cycle O’ Caffeine

It’s no secret – especially for those in the workplace – just how prevalent caffeine is in our culture. But caffeine can start to build a vicious cycle. The more caffeine you drink, the harder it is going to be for you to fall asleep at night … which means you are going to be tired the next day and keep craving that sweet, sweet hit of caffeine.

Moderation is key. Except for sleep: Make sure you are getting enough, and try to get that diet train back on track to destination healthy station. And remember, getting a new Beautyrest mattress is one way to make sure that you get the sleep you need, and you’ll start to see the health benefits in no time!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

How to Keep Your Palliser Leather Couch Looking Brand New

How to Keep Your Palliser Leather Couch Looking Brand New

So, you made the decision to invest in your favourite leather sofa. While leather may be a material that can last a lifetime, it’s necessary to take the proper precautions to ensure that your piece will still look like your favourite piece years down the road. Luckily, it doesn’t take much time or dedication to make this happen – follow some of our tips and tricks to make sure your timeless Palliser piece looks in fact, timeless.

Protected Leather vs Unprotected Leather

The first thing you will need to do is a little research on what leather you are working with. Leather comes in many shapes, forms, classifications, you name it. The 2 main categories your leather will fall under are protected leather and unprotected leather – your first step will be identifying which category your sofa falls under.

For a little background, you may be looking at protected leather if your sofa features a topical, pigmented coating on its outer surface. This kind of leather is used in environments with lots of traffic – children, pets, spills, and so on due to its high level of durability. Unprotected leather (typically named aniline-dyed leather) has more of an unfinished look and is extremely soft to the touch. Discover which category your sofa falls into by checking online or asking one of our sales associates to help figure it out for you.

Look at Your Room

No really, look at your room. Where is your leather furniture located? Is your piece by an air-conditioning vent or a window that gives your room lots of sun? If the answer is yes to either of those questions, it’s time for a little Feng Shui. Leather starts to crack when placed under extreme temperatures or when there is a lack of moisture. We suggest moving your furniture away from air vents, fireplaces, radiators and open windows that bring in lots of light.

Palliser 41049 Oakwood

Conditioner, Conditioner, Conditioner

Nothing will protect your Palliser leather couch better than regularly applying conditioner. Taking this extra step will stop your sofa or chair from drying out and developing cracks. If you apply a conditioner once or twice a year, you will be able to slow down the aging process of your favourite sofa. You only need to use a very small amount of conditioner – just enough to cover the surface of the sofa. Do not over condition.


Moving? Need to put your sofa in storage? When it comes to leather, how you store is important. If you can, start by getting your sofa professionally cleaned and thoroughly dried. Once this step is complete, you are ready to store. Two key thoughts to keep in mind: NEVER place heavy items on top of the leather sofa and always place your sofa on top of wooden pallets.

Leather care is simple if you do it right. Taking small actions – such as applying conditioner every 6 months and moving it from areas of high exposure to sun and wind – will help keep your sofa looking brand new.

If you’re looking for a new furniture and are interested in one with leather material, stop by our store to see our large selection today! And when you get the leather couch of your dreams, be sure to follow these tips and tricks so your leather sofa or chair truly lasts a lifetime!

Alex, Your Furniture Expert

Get Creative by Adding Signature Design Statement Pieces to Your Home

Statement piece by Signature Design by Ashley (Large)

Home is where the heart is, so it only makes sense that your house should be filled with furniture you love and designs you find aesthetically pleasing. Just because neutral colours are trendy for walls and couches, that doesn’t mean you need to jump on the beige train in your home.

It’s YOUR home, so it should shine with the colours and designs that YOU love.

While there are many ways to make your home stand out, one creative alternative from the norm could be adding bold Signature Design by Ashley statement pieces throughout your space. By doing so, your house becomes less of a suburban dwelling and more of an art exhibit. Not the boring ones where you don’t understand anything, but the ones that keep you coming back for more.

If that’s the ideal kind of nest you desire to have, here are 4 tips to spruce up your home’s interior with eclectic statement pieces:

1. One is enough

“If everything is special then nothing is special.” – Reagan Hayes, furniture and interior designer

A statement piece could be anything from an emerald green accent armchair to an extravagantly and elegantly carved wooden coffee table. Statement pieces are made to stand out, and if there’s a variety of flamboyant furniture in one room the novelty may wear off rather quickly.

Choose no more than two or three statement pieces for a room to keep it from getting overwhelmingly kitschy. Unsure what Signature Design by Ashley statement piece fits your space best? Our sales associates are ready and happy to help you make the best decision possible.

A8010159 (Large)

2. Don’t Be Afraid of Patterns

Some people may try to steer clear of patterns on their couches and other furniture – but we want you to embrace them! Even if you failed geometry, don’t let a few geometric patterns scare you off. They can really add an original flair to any room. If you have a room with not much going on, including a sofa with a geometric or other pattern can really make it pop.

Making a decor pop with patterns

3. Let Colour Into Your Life

Just like we said with using patterns, don’t be afraid to accept vibrantly coloured statement pieces into your life, as well! A little burst of pigment never hurts – especially if the room is a dull and neutral hue. Wake up your room with a striking red console table that will ignite your passion for your home every time you see it. Brighten your space up with a sky-blue chair that lifts your spirit every time you’re near it. Colour can change your mood, so work with it to design a space that makes you happy.

50501Set - Adding colour with Signature Design by Ashley

4. It Doesn’t Have to Be Huge

When you think of a statement piece, do you think of a massive hunk of junk taking up space in your home? Before you decide you don’t have enough room to fit such a large item, you should know that statement pieces come in all shapes and sizes. Something as small as an embellished table lamp could be the only statement you need to make. No need to go crazy with size – as long as it’s noticeable, then you’re set.

Interested in adding a captivating piece of furniture from Signature Design by Ashley to your home? Visit us at today choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, colours, and more.

Alex, Your Furniture Expert

Preserve Fruits and Veggies Better in a Samsung Refrigerator

Preserve Fruits and Veggies Better in a Samsung Fridge

Keeping fruit and vegetables in ripe condition after a couple of days seems like an almost impossible feat. The moment you leave the store, the fruits already seem like they’ve aged. So, doing your part to preserve produce properly will help you keep them delicious for longer, and hopefully, you’ll never need to waste any ever again.

With the assistance of a Samsung Refrigerator and its extra-large capacity (some have enough room to fit up to 28 bags of groceries), you’ll find that storing your fruits and vegetables for more than a week won’t leave you with a mouldy problem.

Follow these guidelines to help preserve your fruits and vegetables like a pro in your awe-inspiring Samsung Refrigerator.

Separate the fruits and veggies

Fruits and veggies may mix together well for a diet, but when it comes to them being in the same drawer, they couldn’t be worse for each other. As fruits slowly age, they give off an ethylene gas which helps them ripen but ultimately makes vegetables spoil quickly. So, whatever you do, separate your fruits and vegetables into different drawers in your Samsung Refrigerator.

Let Them Have Space

After a big grocery trip, it’s easy to just shove everything in the refrigerator and call it a day. But your healthy treats need space in order to last a while, so storing them without a strategy could cause them to rot rather quickly.

On a positive note, most Samsung refrigerators are built with an immense amount of space, so finding room for all your vegetables and fruit shouldn’t be an issue.

As long as you do the following with your produce before storing, you should be fine:

  • Remove any ties and rubber bands
  • Cut leafy ends off
  • Allow for a good airflow by poking holes in bags
  • No need to refrigerate your tomatoes

Preserve Fruits and Veggies Better in a Samsung Fridge (2)

Use Its Advanced Technology

Refrigeration has evolved so that your fruits and vegetables can stay cooler and fresher for longer. With Samsung’s advanced technology, your food will stay fresh for twice as long. Because there is 70 percent humidity in these fridges, opposed to 30 percent in a conventional fridge, your food will never dry out. Produce will look so good that after a couple days, you won’t even be able to tell how long they’ve been sitting in your fridge.

Humidity Controlled Crisper Drawers

For those fruits and veggies that need extra attention, find a Samsung refrigerator with Humidity Controlled Crisper Drawers. The compartments will help keep your produce crisp and fresh while providing a generous amount of space for all your greens and goodies.

If you’re looking for ways to keep your produce in good condition for more than a couple days, look no further than Samsung refrigerators. They have the capacity, the storage setup, and the advanced technology to prevent your produce from going bad. Come by our store to see which Samsung fridge will fit into your home and your lifestyle.

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

How GE Induction Cooktops Work

How GE Induction Cooktops Work

Do you believe in magic? No, we aren’t talking about your favourite “Harry Potter” film, we’re, of course, talking about GE Induction Cooktops.

Through the power of induction, these cooktops offer state-of-the-art cooking technology – combined with stylish designs – that will easily elevate your cooking into magical territory.

But how does an induction cooktop work? What does it do? And how can it change your kitchen and cooking, for the better, forever? Let’s dive behind the scenes and take a look!

Magnetic Magic

Time for a little science lesson. Again, while induction might seem like a mystic art, it’s actually powered by magnets. The cooking elements produce a magnetic field. And when you place a metal pan – of the correct size and type of metal – on it, the electrons in the pan will vibrate and make heat. See, it’s science, not magic!

As for the cooking surface itself? It doesn’t make the heat. It all happens in the pan, and the element can’t function without the pan there.

It’s Elemental, Watson

GE Induction Cooktops have not one, not two, but five different induction cooking elements. What this means is that you have five different surfaces that are safer to use and touch – given they don’t heat without the pan – and that you’ll be able to easily clean.

Each element has individual timers, so if you love making complex multi-course meals, or just want to cook five different pots of macaroni and cheese at the same time, GE has you covered. The cooktops also have pan removal detection, so your cooktop will know when you’ve removed a pan and turn the burner level off accordingly.

Pan removal detection on GE induction cooktops

Promethean Fire

On traditional stovetops, controlling heat can be tricky, especially on cooktops and stoves that don’t have precise heating control. That’s not the case here, though. GE Induction Cooktops have a melt setting, which allows you to heat up delicate foods without having them burn or get scorched. If you ask us, it’s a melt made in heaven.

Glide Into Action

Old, analogue methods of controlling cooktops are so 1990-late. GE cooktops have electronic controls that let you manage how hot each element is getting, all with an easy swipe. That’s right, touch control just came to your cooktop, and you’ll never want to go back to old-fashioned knobs and buttons again.

Boiling water with a GE induction cooktop

Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew

Let’s take a second and be honest: Life is busy, and sometimes there just isn’t time left in a day to wait for water to boil. Well, GE Induction Cooktops have a solution for that, too. With an 11” 3700W heating element – GE’s most powerful induction element — these cooktops were made to bring water to a boil before the pot even knows what hit it.

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

6 Unexpected Items You Can and Can’t Wash in a Whirlpool Laundry Machine

6 Unexpected Items You Can and Can't Wash in a Whirlpool Laundry Machine

You’ve been washing clothes your whole life. Deep down inside, you probably think of yourself as a washing warrior, and that you long ago mastered the secret art of what you can – and cannot – put in the washer.

Well, guess again. We bet that there are some things on this list that will surprise even the most hardened laundry veteran. Sure, everybody knows bras and bathing suits can’t go in the wash, but here’s a list of a few more unexpected items that you either can – or really, really can’t– put in a Whirlpool washer.

Do: Mop Heads

Just because mops handle cleaning on their own, doesn’t mean that you can’t give them a little break and clean them, too. Double-check the mop head just to be sure, but most removable mop heads can be thrown in the wash, and that way they can live on to clean another day.

Don’t: Flammable stains

Unless you are trying to turn your washer and dryer into a Canada Day fireworks celebration, flammable stains should be kept out of them. That means things like paint thinner, gasoline, motor oil, cooking oil, and alcohol are all out. Again, unless you really want to launch your Whirlpool washing machine into outer space.

Don't put flammable stains in your laundry machine

Do: Oven Mitts

Oven mitts can easily become prime territory for caked-on, hard-to-clean stains. Lasagna, pizza, and most foods you pull out of the oven seem to be made to spill, and going in and out of the heat of the oven means those stains quickly become annoying to clean.

Don’t do it by hand! Throw those mitts in the washer, and let the Whirlpool laundry machine handle the hard work.

Don’t: Coins

That jingle-jangle noise you hear when you are moving your giant pile of clothes from the hamper to the washing machine? It’s not the pitter-patter of reindeer on the roof. That’s the noise of little armies of pain that are about to descend on your poor washing machine.

You always want to make sure to go through your pockets for any loose change – or gum or other stray products for that matter – before putting clothes in the washer. Coins can mess up your washing machine, and you’ll have to save a whole lot of pennies to go out and buy a new one. Keep a little coin jar by the laundry, and treat yourself to some coffee after a few months, instead.

Washing Yoga Mats

Do: Yoga Mats

After you’ve finished your daily downward facing dog and frequent frog pose, don’t just roll up your yoga mat. You could be tightly rolling it up with all the sweat and perspiration from your workout still in there, and if you use your mat frequently, there’s no reason to leave it with all those nasty germs that could easily be knocked out in a quick wash.

Again, you’ll just want to double-check to make sure, but most yoga mats are A-OK to put in the washer.

Don’t: Car keys

Batteries + washer = bad idea. You always want to make sure to check your pockets – yes, all pockets on each item of clothing – before throwing a load in the wash, just to make sure that you didn’t leave anything in there that could damage other clothes, or the Whirlpool washer itself.

As for keys, any remote or anything attached to them that have batteries are already a bad idea, but the keys could also pinch, puncture, poke, or otherwise destroy other articles of clothing. Check your pockets twice, if you have to.

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

5 Reasons to Get a Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Set from Bosch

5 Reasons to Get a Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Set from Bosch

Stainless steel has been a kitchen mainstay across the country for decades now, but over the past few years, its sleek, stylish sibling “black stainless” has been taking over in a big way. “It’s the fastest growing appliance colour,” says Mark Allwood of Consumer Reports. “There’s been a 1,000 percent increase in black stainless-steel models on the market in the past two years.”

As high-quality brands like Bosch continue to adopt the option, the appeal of black stainless just keeps growing. For anyone looking for a new kitchen set, Bosch’s line of black stainless appliances really is a no brainer. The sleek, timeless design of Bosch appliances and the contemporary cool of black stainless combine to create a kitchen that’s as elegant as it is efficient. But if you still aren’t sure, check out these five reasons why your next kitchen redo should feature a black stainless set by Bosch.

1) It’s Easy to Take Care of

If you’ve ever owned stainless steel appliances, you know what a hassle it can be to keep them clean. Streaks, scratches, and sticky fingers can take a real toll on your beautiful stainless steel, quickly dulling its natural shine. With black stainless steel appliances from Bosch, those fears will be a thing of the past. These appliances aren’t made with a simple foil coating, they’re made of a special material that resists scratches and fingerprint marks to keep your kitchen looking better than ever.

2) It Matches Everything

A Bosch black stainless appliance set goes well with everything, and we mean EVERYTHING. White walls? Check. Bold cabinet colours? Check. Contemporary kitchen? Definitely. Rustic inspired style? A great way to add a modern touch! Black stainless really can do it all, and it’s a great way to pull together a kitchen, no matter the style. You know what they say—black is the new black!

5 Reasons to Get a Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Set from Bosch

3) It’s Hip

The black stainless appliance trend started in Europe a few years back, and it’s been slowly making its way west ever since. Not only do black appliances embody a contemporary cool that American kitchens are always striving for, they have a certain unbeatable European elegance about them that’s impossible to resist. Plus, even though the trend is gaining popularity fast, we’re still in the early years of the black stainless steel-explosion. That means you’ll be way ahead of the curve when the trend really makes it big time!

4) It Makes Décor Stand Out

In addition to being works of art in their own right, black stainless appliances can also be arranged to take a supporting role to your favourite accent pieces. Like a black velvet jewelry box, black stainless makes the gems in your kitchen pop. Whether that means your painstakingly painted cabinets, a one-of-a-kind antique table, or your kids’ artistic masterpieces, black stainless provides a perfect backdrop for the most important things in your home.

5) It’s Bosch

You’d be getting a full set of Bosch appliances! Need we say more? Well loved by home cooks and professional chefs (like Chef Curtis Stone of Top Chef and Take Home Chef fame), Bosch has made a name for itself as a brand that’s as excellent as it is elegant. A Bosch kitchen really is a pro-kitchen, and all style aside, if you get a black stainless appliance set from Bosch, you know you’ll be investing in a reliable kitchen set that will serve your family well years to come.

So don’t wait! Get started on that kitchen reno and take your style to the next level with black stainless steel appliances from Bosch. Your future kitchen awaits you!

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert