Sleep in the Animal Kingdom

Are you like me and constantly worry about sleep? How well you sleep? How much you sleep? How will you ever get through the day with the little sleep you got? Believe it or not, you are not the only mammal preoccupied with sleep. (more…)

How Modern Appliances Help Make Meals Memorable

A good meal, a memorable one, is one that most likely involves food that is ‘juuuust right’ and shared with someone (or people) you love. Hopefully, there is laughter. Hopefully, you have had time to linger. Sipping a good glass of wine over a conversation or enjoying a bite of decadent chocolate cake is like time slowing down and we could all use a bit more of that. (more…)

Fall Into Comfort With Ease

Are you finding yourself spending less time outdoors? When you do, are you sipping a hot coffee instead of a cool and refreshing drink? Those are definite signs that summer is waving a fond goodbye while Fall rolls in with the cooler temperatures and crunchy fallen leaves under your feet instead of soft sand. (more…)

How to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

After a whole day of being exhausted at work, all I want is my bed. But when I finally get tucked between the sheets, I feel wired and restless? Are you like me and toss and turn for hours on end with no sleep in sight? Perhaps this unbalance is caused by easy-to-change habits. (more…)

Essentials for Easy Family Entertaining

Do you ever feel like some people excel at entertaining and seem to pull it off with ease and that you’re not one of them? You aren’t alone. But as a formerly horrible hostess, I’m here to tell you my top three essential tips for easy family entertaining. You too can learn to thrive as a host, rather than hide. (more…)