The Advantages of a Dual Fuel Range

Anyone in the market for a new range is very familiar with gas, electric and induction ranges, however, professional chefs typically consider a dual fuel range to be the best cooking appliance to invest in. On the other hand, the typical consumer tends to wonder what the difference is between a gas range and a dual fuel range. (more…)

4 Ways to L-O-V-E Your Kitchen


Love it or lose it: The first step to loving your kitchen more is to love what’s IN it. Maybe 2017 is the year you update your appliances or ditch the fancy milk frothing machine you never use. Adopt a little of the Kon Mari method, (more…)

2017 Kitchen Trends

With the New Year underway, it is time to choose a New Year’s resolution that you can strive to achieve in 2017. Whether it is to start going to the gym, drink less coffee, clean out your closet or renovate your out-dated kitchen, why not get started today. (more…)

Getting Connected: The Future of Appliances

Home appliances aren’t seen as glamorous, but they are a necessity in our day-to-day life. Whether it is your washing machine, oven or refrigerator, we rely on them for so many things to make our lives easier. Do you find yourself wanting more from your appliances, more than what they already do? (more…)

Don’t fret! You Can Handle This!

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, holiday, anniversary or having friends over to watch the season finale of that show you all watch, planning a large dinner party can be very stressful, with so much to do and plan. Who is on the guest list? Party theme? Decorations? What to wear? What is on the menu? Some well-chosen appliances can really help to make your evening a success. (more…)

Holiday Kitchen Wish List

The holidays are fast approaching, so it is time to get ready for your house guests and the big holiday dinner. As we all know, the kitchen is the heart of the home, this is where we cook, eat, drink, and socialize especially during the holidays. (more…)