Bringing the Freshness Indoors: Apartment Dwelling

Whether you are excited for the warmer summer months or dreading the lack of air-conditioning in your home, we all need to adapt to the changing seasons. For some, that means sprucing up the house, while others taking time off to enjoy the outdoors. If you happen to live in tight quarters without cooling, we have a few tips to help keep you cool. (more…)

5 Things to Look for When Buying a Dishwasher

The dishwasher is practically an essential household appliance, and if your home is like most, the dishwasher gets used, abused, and heavily used. So when it comes time to buy a new one, it’s important to think about your lifestyle and habits. With innovative new features and designs all the time, there’s a good chance your new dishwasher will be a step up from your previous one. To help you sort out which dishwasher will be best for you, I’ve pulled together 5 top tips on what to look for when buying a new dishwasher. (more…)

What’s Living In Your Pillow

Imagine looking at your pillow through a microscope. Barring any visible stains, this would be the only way to really determine how clean your pillow truly is. Due to sweat and fluids from colds and other viruses, your pillow can harbour harmful bacteria including mold, fungi and dust mites that you will breathe in every night. (more…)

Do You Suffer from Sleep Debt?

So, you had another deadline to meet and you clocked up another 60 hours of work! It’s been a month of similar weekly deadlines and sleep has not been your priority. You are now in a brain fog; your body feels like it’s been hit by a semi-truck and your eyes are red from endless reading and writing! (more…)

Bedroom Solutions: Making the Most of Your Tax Return

If you are expecting a tax return, your mind instantly fills with all the wants, desires and dreams you have waited to buy for yourself or your family all year. Maybe that cruise you’ve been considering, or maybe a beach vacation to help you de-stress, or a down payment on that luxury car when your economy sedan won’t do anymore. (more…)

Be Prepared for Easter Guests

Easter is that one celebration that really creeps up on people. Firstly, it is never on the same date each year – like Christmas, since its yearly date is determined by the last Full Moon after Spring or the March Equinox which is always on the 20th. This will naturally impact other Christian holidays in the Gregorian calendar around this time of the year, like Palm Sunday and Good Friday. (more…)

Bedroom Temperature: What’s Your Preference?

As there are sleep positions, pillow choices, and sheet preferences, your bedroom temperature can also affect how you sleep. When it’s cold outside, we seek heat: we throw on an extra blanket, switch to warmer textured sheets or raise the thermostat. When it’s hot outside, we throw off the blankets, fit our coolest cotton sheets to the mattress and blast that fan speed on high. (more…)

Open Plan Living: 3 Key Points to Consider

The challenge: your dining room and living room share one large open living space so you naturally ask yourself how to best divide that space and create a harmonious connection between the two? Don’t fret! I have some guidelines that will help you create a cozy and functional living space. (more…)

The Best and Worst Sleeping Positions

Studies show that too much sleep or too little sleep is linked to a host of problems. From obesity to heart disease to diabetes, there is no escaping that how you sleep can affect your overall health. What you may not be aware of, is that the position you prefer to sleep in has an impact on your health as well. (more…)