Night Cap, Anyone?

We are constantly looking for ways to live healthier, sleep better, and improve our overall quality of life; but sometimes, it’s just not easy. With so many online forums, some contradicting each other, the truth is, it has never been harder to find that perfect formula. (more…)

Appliance Maintenance List

Along with all the responsibilities of daily life – family, work, finances, school – it’s easy to forget the chores that need to be done to preserve and maintain the possessions we’ve worked so hard to acquire. Care of our appliances is certainly one of them that should not be overlooked. (more…)

Recliners: Relax in Comfort and Style

The days of the big, clunky recliner hulking in the corner of the living room are long gone. As women began buying more recliners and demanding more stylish options to choose from, manufacturers obliged. Now, there are recliners available in modern, contemporary styles in a wide variety of colours and fabrics. (more…)

What’s on Top of Your Mattress

In the 1960s the water bed constructed of vinyl became a new phenomenon in sleep. In the 1970s, using the same vinyl created for the water bed, the air bed came to be, and everyone wanted one. In the 1990s, more sleep space was introduced and the queen size bed flew off the shelves. (more…)

Napping: A Lifestyle

In the past decade, scientists have been racking their brains around the benefits and harms of napping throughout the day. Studies have clearly shown that napping just 20 to 30 minutes a day can improve focus, creativity, and performance. (more…)

Bar Stools 101: Finding the Right Fit

Please…be seated…And while we’re at it, let’s make that comfortably seated. But what do you need to do to ensure you, your family, and your guests enjoy the stool seating you provide? Finding the perfect stool for your seating needs is as easy as three simple steps. (more…)

Become the King or Queen of Your Outdoor Kitchen

Today’s backyard barbecues look less like Dad covered in lighter fluid and charcoal and a lot more like the family kitchen, but outside. Today’s outdoor grilling centre or kitchen includes fully-functional cooking areas for the chef and comfortable seating for the guests. Basically, it brings comfort and design to a natural setting, maximizing the use and appeal of your outdoor space. (more…)

Sleep Habits of City vs Cottage Dwelling

Nothing soothes the soul better than a sleepover in the country. Far away from crowds, cell towers and traffic will, without a doubt, melt away any stress and give you a great night’s sleep. Planning a camping weekend or renting a cottage does wonder for the body and mind. (more…)

Cottage Space Saving Tips

Families that frequently travel to the cottage know all too well that using space effectively is key to keeping things organized, easy to find and neat. Follow along as we list the easiest ways to maximize on space and minimize on stress. (more…)