Sleeping Tips for a Stomach Snoozer

Sleep can either be serenity or stress. If you fall asleep easily, sleep is a wonderful journey through stars and clouds and floating sheep and peaceful skies.

But, if you struggle getting to sleep, it can be the opposite. And for those of us who sleep on our stomachs, trying to sleep in other positions can put even more pressure on the whole falling to sleep situation. Especially with continually hearing from people how bad it is for your body.

That’s not what we’re here for. We get that stomach sleeping can be unhealthy, but we want to help you get to sleep how you want to get to sleep. That’s why I put together these tips for stomach sleepers: not to try to get you to fall asleep in another position, but to help you fall asleep on your stomach in the best way possible. Now, let’s get dreaming together.

Lose the Pillow

Sleeping on your stomach can cause neck issues, especially if you have a super thick pillow. To help your neck as much as possible, try to use a thin pillow. Even better yet, try sleeping with no pillow at all! This may seem counterintuitive to everything you were taught at sleep school, but that’s actually the best thing you can do for your neck if you tend to faceplant into your mattress.

Remembering to Stretch

Do you make sure to do your daily exercises? No? Well, if you are going to commit to sleeping on your stomach, you should repay your body by doing it some favours.

I know it can be a hassle to add anything else to your already packed morning routine, but you should also throw in some morning stretching — it will help realign your body after a night of stomach sleeping.

Benefits of stretching in bed

Maximizing Your Mattress

There’s another key factor in the “you+sleep = happiness” equation, and that, of course, is your mattress. Because you are a stomach sleeper, you may need a more supportive and firm mattress. If you feel like you aren’t getting what you need from your mattress, then it might be time to look into getting a new one. We’re always glad to help you find one that will perfectly fit your sleeping needs – so stop by and try out our wide selection of Beautyrest mattresses!

Pelvis Positioning

OK, sure, I just told you to get rid of your pillow. But I didn’t mean that you should throw it out! There’s actually something you can use it for that can help: Instead of using it to rest your head, you should sleep with it under your pelvis. This will help your back and spine, and you kind of need both of those in the long haul.

If you’ve tried all these tips and still are having problems, perhaps it isn’t how you sleep that’s the problem. Instead, the problem could lie with your mattress. Give us a call today: We are always here to help you find a Beautyrest mattress that will safely set you adrift on the shores of sleep!

Shop our Beautyrest Mattress now!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert