What is Your Arm Style?

If you are looking for a new sofa, loveseat or sectional, you are aware of all the style options out there. But, then you ask yourself: what style is best for me? To help you with this, let’s look at one of the defining factors: the ARM. (more…)

Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom

Young children tend to be particularly fond of their bedroom because it’s often the only place in the house where they have some control. If you are thinking about organizing their space, it’s important that you identify their needs and tastes. (more…)

Decorating With Black

BLACK. A colour that’s sure to be found in any wardrobe has somehow managed to create controversial opinions when it comes to home décor. Why is BLACK so important to our wardrobe? And why do we tend to gravitate towards black when we shop for an outfit? Let’s see… Sophistication. Mystery. Elegance. Goes with pretty much anything… Dirt-proof. OK, maybe not this last one. (more…)