Feng Shui in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep Quality!

What is Feng Shui (pronounced fung-shway) and why should it be in your bedroom? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of placement where every corner and space of your home or office, in simplistic terms, has a compass directional pull.

 It is said that placing a painting with mountains in a space that will work better with a water theme could affect some aspect of your life. (more…)

Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom

Young children tend to be particularly fond of their bedroom because it’s often the only place in the house where they have some control. If you are thinking about organizing their space, it’s important that you identify their needs and tastes. (more…)

Arrange Flowers in Your Bedroom Like a Pro

You know that bedroom; the one with every detail curated just so. With a rainbow of books colour coded on the shelf, finely upholstered settee by the window, twinkling lights above the bed, and a display of pillows that just ‘go’. The magazine cover room. The one with a design so perfect that Martha Stewart herself couldn’t paint a better picture. (more…)