3 Outdoor Cooking & Kitchens Trends to Know About (Large)

Outdoor kitchen with sink and BBQ

Cooking outdoors has been part of humankind since the caveman, and our pleasure in gathering together hasn’t waned since. Outdoor kitchens, from the most basic of barbecue setups to the full enchilada of prep surfaces, sinks, seats, bar service, and entire outdoor rooms, have continued to gain momentum and are now considered a big selling feature for home resale.

When it comes to cooking and enjoying the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together our top three trends.

1) Simplicity

In Outdoor Cooking:

A great meal, just like a great party, doesn’t need much – just the right attitude and ingredients. Simple backyard barbecue meals from our past are seeing a resurgence in popularity. Think pasta salads, Jell-O moulds, egg salad sandwiches, and the classic burger. Sure the pasta salad might have some quinoa sprinkled in for good measure, the eggs are organic free-range, and the bread is gluten-free, but its nostalgic nature makes it a crowd favourite and help us dream of simpler days.

In Outdoor Kitchens:

If you are just starting your outdoor kitchen creation, focus on the basics like a great barbecue with a large enough capacity for guests, and a great outdoor sink for quick hand wash and help during prep. And during dinner parties, keep things simple by bringing the indoor furniture outside.

2) Long Time Running

In Outdoor Cooking:

Smokers, the outdoor kitchen’s version of a slow cooker, have made a major comeback. With smokers, one must have patience, but just like the classic Hip lyrics say: “it’s well worth the wait”. From backyard briskets to the Thanksgiving turkey, we’re seeing smokers and meat smoked recipes pop up everywhere.

In Outdoor Kitchens:

Where previously the outdoor kitchen was a barbecue, today’s outdoor kitchens include longer cooking time options like pizza ovens and smokers. Take a seat, enjoy the outdoors and your company, pull some wine out of the outdoor bar fridge and put on a good Canadian album while you wait to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Danby Outdoor Fridge

Danby 3.3 cu.ft. Outdoor Compact Refrigerator

3) Edible Garden

In Outdoor Cooking:

Fresh herbs, vine tomatoes, and a crunchy cucumber are awesome additions to any summer meal. Even better when they’ve come right from your kitchen garden! With even more people looking to know more about where their food comes from, kitchen gardens are becoming more popular than ever. Read this guide from the Almanach if you want to attempt the vegetable garden challenge Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

In Outdoor Kitchens:

Rather than spending time doing back-breaking yard work, more and more backyard designs are incorporating low maintenance landscaping and maximizing the outdoor entertaining areas. With planters for fresh herbs and other veggies, gardens are kept to hearty annuals giving you more time to enjoy your outdoor space with family and friends and a great meal.

If you are curious about how you can improve your outdoor living and entertaining, below are more readings just for you.

Outdoor Furniture: Types of Materials
Become the King or Queen of Your Outdoor Kitchen
New Refrigeration Technologies Dad Will Love


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