8 Simple Tips to a Good Night’s Sleep

When you toss and turn all night, you have tons of time to think of the reasons why you can’t get some shut eye. Let’s review 8 great tips to make sure you get the sleep you need!

You may have heard all of these tips before, but you are still not sleeping well for whatever reason. Studies show that our days are getting longer and our nights shorter and it has nothing to do with daylight saving time! Why aren’t you sleeping? What keeps you so revved up that sleep has become a hindrance to your productivity. Whatever it is, you need to change things up!

1) Coffee, drink less of it!

Yes, you’ve heard this before and yet you continue to drink copious amounts at the worse time of the day. This includes the caffeine in teas, colas, chocolate and that headache medication you just took, yup, that too! Being more aware of what you are ingesting may yield some interesting results! Go caffeine-free for a while and see what happens!

If you want to know more about caffeine consumption and sleep, read this Can’t Sleep: How Much Caffeine Are You Consuming.

2) Reduce the lights and noise in your bedroom

The idea of creating an oasis in your bedroom should not be a big surprise or impossible to achieve. Sight and sound are the two biggest disruptors to sleep especially when you are tense and need to relax quickly. Getting room-darkening curtains or if you prefer an eye mask to remove any visual stimulation is a great start. If you live near a busy street, playing white noise while you sleep will cut out any distractions keeping you awake.

3) Don’t mess with the internal clock!

When you get to sleep at the same time every night, even on weekends, it keeps your internal clock on steady mode. Sleeping and waking at various times during the week creates some internal confusion and your body loses its routine and balance.

4) Start a sleep hygiene routine

Routines keep us on track, balanced and help us sleep. Before bed, have a cup of calming chamomile tea, or a hot bath. Practising yoga or gentle stretches before hitting the bed helps trigger your mind that it’s time to wind down. Whatever you think, your body will obey! So, think happy thoughts and write them in a gratitude journal.

Stretching in bed

5) You’re having what for supper?

Making the evening meal a light and nutritious feast can impact how you sleep. Moving away from fried and fatty foods at dinner to a vegetables, lean protein, and healthy carbs dish could make all the difference. Healthy before-bed snacks are possible if you follow the suggestions listed in my previous article: Snack Attack at Bedtime: Easy and Healthy?.

So, what’s on the menu?

6) Nap at your own risk!

Naps are great, don’t get me wrong! They are excellent at boosting energy and productivity. It’s the time of day in which you indulge that will impact your nighttime sleep. You must make sure they are less than 20 minutes and early in the afternoon.

Read this article from my colleague Gerry to become a successful napper: Habits of a Successful Napper.

7) Sleep disorders can be keeping you up

If you suspect that you suffer from such disorders as snoring, or sleep apnea, it is always best to consult with a health professional. This blog on helping you determine if you have one is a great read and full of issues to look for: How Do You Know If You Have a Sleep Disorder.

8) Keep it cool!

Your room temperature should be at a cool setting to promote a comfy sleep! Extra blankets on the bed, microfibre sheets and comfy pj’s can offset the cooler air so drop those temps!

Check out more tips on temps here!

Keeping these tips in mind can make all the difference in the world because how you sleep affects everything!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert