Can Too Many Accessories Create Clutter?

The answer is Yes. Too much of a good thing can be just too much. Simply take a look at the two pictures below and you’ll have good examples of what clutter means. Like everything in life, trying to strike the right balance is key: too much un-appointed ‘stuff’ will cause your room to feel busy and look messy. Not to mention the nuisance it is to your tidy-up and cleaning routine. (more…)

Mattress Shopping Woes: The Myth of The Sale

The phrase “best price guaranteed” gets so overused in this consumer-driven day and age, but very few retailers actually treat their customers to these well-known savings. Differentiating fact from fiction in a retail setting is not always easy for many consumers who usually find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of promises and red-ticket reductions. (more…)

Your Own Place – Where to Start

Finally, you’re about to move into your own place – At long last! You thought this day of freedom would never come! But then reality sets in, all of the decisions you have to make and how to decide? You begin to gather ideas of all of the options that surrounding you; be it on-line via friends, blogs, and magazines or in-store. Here are 5 key things to do before you make any decisions. (more…)

How to Choose Living Room Occasional Tables

So you bought new furniture or are about to? Have you given any thought to accent tables? No? Well, you’re not alone! You should though, because accent tables can be quite handy for keeping your magazines, the remote control or even resting your feet. Also, because they come in various styles, materials and shapes, they’ll enhance your sectional or sofa/loveseat/chair combination. (more…)

Useful Guide to Freezing Your Fruits and Vegetables

It is that time of the year when the weather starts to get a lot colder and snow will eventually begin to fall onto the ground. Practicing a little bit of cocooning and staying in your cozy home suddenly isn’t such a bad idea. However, we all have to eat and let’s be honest, no one really likes to go grocery shopping, especially in the winter.  So when summer gives you an abundance of fruits and vegetables why not stock up and enjoy them throughout the entire year? (more…)

Sleep Tight! Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

Unless you live in the Tropics, you should not fear large bugs in your bed. From microscopic bed bugs to cellar spiders, also known as daddy long legs, beds will attract insects. The reason is simply that your body sheds skin cells every day, and night, which become a midnight snack for some critters! (more…)