DIY Dishwasher Detergent to Save Money

If you’re looking to cut back on spending money, doing it in an environmentally friendly way is always best. Instead of purchasing pricey dishwasher detergent at the store, why not make your own? This way you have the option of putting only healthy, natural ingredients in the mix to ensure harsh chemicals aren’t destroying your dishes.

Before you ignore this idea because it sounds too complicated, you should know that making your own dishwasher detergent takes very little effort and time. Did we mention it also saves you money?

What You’ll Need

  • 1 Cup Washing Soda
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • ½ Cup Lemon Juice
  • 1 cup Kosher Salt
  • 1 Cup Water

Mix It All Together

The ingredients are completely safe to use on your dishes, so feel free to add a little more or less to the concoction to make it your own. This special recipe will cleanse your dishes, fight grease, reduce hard water buildup, and smell lemony fresh.

Once you’ve mixed everything together thoroughly, you have the option to leave the detergent in powder form, or you can add water. If you decide to add water, you’ll be able to scoop the mixture into an ice cube tray so that it sets in that shape. Let them dry in the sun for about 24 hours before cracking the trays opens to retrieve them like you would with ice. Store them in Ziploc bags or an airtight container for best results.

Is It Worth It?

Yes! It’s fast, easy, and the ingredients are natural! The longest part of this whole project is letting the dishwasher detergent dry in the sun – which isn’t even necessary if you decide to keep the detergent in a dry powder form. The best part? You’ll save greatly on this do-it-yourself project!

Your built-in dishwasher needs a detergent that won’t harm it, and with this DIY detergent, you won’t go wrong. If you happen to be looking for a new dishwasher for your specially made detergent tabs, visit us to find great stainless steel dishwashers from brands such as Maytag, Whirlpool and KitchenAid. Your new stainless steel dishwasher will be durable and powerful and ready to take on anything – including your dirty dishes.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert