GE Knows How to Be Energy Efficient

Having the right appliances in your home can make a world of difference when it comes to paying your utility bill every month. Some kitchen appliances that haven’t been updated or some that have issues such as leaks can cost you more in the long run. It’s better to go out and buy a refrigerator or washing machine in that’s in good shape than hold onto one that does its job poorly.

We understand it’s hard to let go and spend the money on something else, but you must realize, you’ll actually be saving money! So, when the time comes where you decide to replace your appliances, we recommend going with GE. They are known for producing energy efficient appliances that are made to conserve energy and the environment.

Energy Star Certified

The Energy Star program is aimed at helping business and individuals save money while also protecting the environment through the use of superior energy efficiency. The only way to earn the “Energy Star” label is by testing the products in EPA-recognized laboratories.

GE now has been Energy Star certified for numerous appliances including refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, chest freezers, and more! One of the best parts about GE Energy Star certified products is that they don’t sacrifice performance to save on energy.

The Price of Saving Energy

You may not think it’s worth it to have an “energy efficient” refrigerator, but when you start looking at how Energy Star certified appliances affect your monthly bills, you’ll think differently.

GE Energy Star Refrigerators are at least 20% more energy efficient than standard models! Think of it this way: In 1980, it cost about $205 to run a refrigerator a year. Now GE Energy star models cost about $50 a year to run.

When the time comes to buy a new appliance, take some time to look at GE Energy Star Certified appliances. You’ll get back more than what you paid for!

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert