Sleep Better by Keeping These Out of Your Beautyrest Mattress Bed (Large)

The way we sleep affects our entire life. If you’re well rested, you generally have more energy and brain power. If you sleep bad, your health starts to suffer. Sometimes the only changes that need to be made are minor and come from your nighttime routine. Simply removing electronic devices from arms reach could be exactly what you need to help you fall into a deep slumber. Try keeping these things out of your bed to minimize your distraction and help you get some shut-eye!

1. Phones, tablets, computers, and all other electronic devices

Electronics can keep you awake forever, it would seem. If you aren’t looking at a computer all day for work, you’re looking at your cell phone throughout the day, and then you’re watching television at the end of the day. Your brain could use a rest, but it’s difficult with so much information being thrown its way. Do yourself a favour and turn the tv off while you’re in bed, and put your electronic devices away in a drawer. If you need to be working on something, don’t bring it to your bed. It’s important that there is a line between where you sleep and where you work.

2. Your Pet

If you’re someone who likes to have your furry friend sleep next to you while in bed, you’re not going to like what I have to say. Unfortunately, while sleeping with your pet can be cute, it can also be the reason why you’re waking up off and on throughout the night. Not to mention, they can bring in dirt, pollen, and other allergens, that could flare up an allergy. Try finding another place, that isn’t your bed, so you can cuddle.

Sleeping with your pet

3. Food

Eating in bed is a solid no. There is a good chance that even though you’re the most careful person in the world while eating on your mattress, you’ll still spill a few crumbs here and there. Crumbs bring bugs, and bugs are gross. Leave the food in the kitchen and continue to keep your sheets clean so you don’t have to deal with nighttime creepy crawlies.

If you have a healthy bedtime routine, your lack of sleep could all come down to your mattress. Find yourself a Beautyrest Mattress at your local BrandSource Beautyrest Mattress store that won’t disturb your precious sleep!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert