Think back when you were comfortably relaxing on a beach lounging chair. Do you remember all those positions at your fingers’ tips so that you can tweak to that perfect position for a relaxing and comfortable nap? What if I told you that you and your partner can experience that same comfort every night while you sleep?

Adjustable beds are not a new phenomenon, but the technology we have today is quite spectacular. Your adjustable bed doesn’t need to look or feel like your beach chair or a hospital bed, but a luxurious, and customizable bed system that can fit into your current bed frame and décor. Consider this: A King size frame holding two independent twin XL mattresses with their very own adjustable features for your unique sleeping needs.

Why should you and your partner sleep on an adjustable bed? Let me tell you about the benefits, not only for your health but also for your overall well-being.

1) Relief from joint pain and inflammation

Medication, exercise and diet alone cannot relieve symptoms from arthritis and other joint-related pain. If you sleep for 7 hours, that’s a very long time to be lying in an uncomfortable position no matter how much foam covers your mattress. With an adjustable bed, you can adjust your bed to that perfect position where all your body parts are comfortably supported to sleep better and wake up refreshed.

2) Relief from snoring

How many times have you heard people say they couldn’t sleep because their partner sounded like a freight train? If you or your partner suffers from snoring especially when extremely stressed at work and during allergy season, raising the upper part of the bed on those nights to that perfect angle where constriction in the throat is alleviated, you will both get a great night’s sleep.

Reading in Bed with Adjustable BEd

3) Enjoy reading or working in bed

If one of your favourite things to do, especially in bed, is to read although your partner might pull out the laptop and do some work, either way, you can experience your uniquely perfect position on your bed that allows for support and comfort.

4) Relief from reflux from a late-night snack

Snacking at bedtime is not always recommended as our body will be busy digesting instead of slowing down for sleep. When you get your snack attack, you can raise the upper part of your bed to allow gravity to help in an easier digestion process and avoid acid reflux symptoms.

5) Relief for asthma and sinus congestion sufferers

By adjusting your bed to that perfect angle, you can sleep better with chronic sinus congestion while improving your breathing. If you or your partner occasionally suffers from asthma, a simple bed adjustment will help relieve pressure on the lungs and heart creating a more restful sleep.

There are many more benefits to sleeping on an adjustable bed but these top 5 are surely the most common reasons to make the investment!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert