3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Three Easy Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Spring is a great time to deep clean the kitchen (and the rest of the house!), but it’s also a great time to kick-start some fresh habits. From cleaning counters to keeping shelves dust free, I’ve rounded up three of my best tips for keeping your kitchen clean.

1) A Little Each Day Goes a Long Way….

Rather than doing a big infrequent and begrudging clean, why not do a little each day to help keep the kitchen clean and clutter free. A kitchen schedule of daily, weekly, and monthly (even yearly) cleaning and maintenance is really helpful, and once you get in the habit, your clean kitchen and fully functioning appliances will be your pleasure rather than another dreaded task on your To-Do list.

You can download a handy daily, weekly, and monthly kitchen cleaning checklist here.

2) Know Your Appliances’ Needs

Just like a healthy marriage, knowing what your appliances need to stay in tip-top shape helps make sure your kitchen is working properly. A clean dishwasher is a well-functioning dishwasher, helping you keep up with kids and life. A clean coffee maker helps ensure you don’t come down to the kitchen after your shower to discover grinds and water all over the counter (speaking from experience!).

Here are a couple of blog articles that will help you maintain and take care of your kitchen appliances.

Kitchen Aid 5-Door Refrigerator

3) Invest in the Best

When it comes to a clean kitchen, the best ones are those that function best for your individual lifestyle. If it’s time to re-invest in your kitchen you can look at new and improved appliance finishes that magically seem to repel fingerprints (it’s not a dream, I promise), or an oven with the most advanced self-cleaning technology.

Read our previous blog articles if you are thinking of upgrading your kitchen appliances.

Don’t know how to clean or maintain your appliance or what new upgrades will work best for your home? Your local BrandSource store can help. Come and visit us!

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Why Whirlpool French Door Refrigerators Are So Popular

French door refrigerators seem to be taking the world by storm these days and it’s not just because they are sleek looking appliances, their design makes them efficient and intelligent choices. While Whirlpool now has French door fridges in fingerprint-resistant black stainless steel, the beauty of their fridges all happens on the inside. Here is why French door refrigerators are the most popular on the market today:

1. They Are Roomy

These kitchen appliances may be the same size as your last side-by-side refrigerator, but the difference is the design on the inside. We are talking full-width shelves that give you a large span of room to place 3 extra large pizza boxes in there if needed. It can easily fit serving trays, platters, and oversized items which makes it especially perfect for events.

2. They Save Energy

These Whirlpool appliances were designed to be energy efficient by saving cold air from escaping so quickly. By opening just one door and leaving the other closed, less cold air has the ability to seep out. Because of this, your French door fridge will use less energy cooling itself down to stay at the specific temperature it’s meant to maintain.

3. They Give You More Space

Some refrigerators have longer doors, but the French door fridges are not one of them. There’s almost nothing more annoying than being unable to open your refrigerator fully without bumping into a counter or just there being a lack of mobility in the kitchen. Due to the narrow doors attached to a French door refrigerator, this style is ideal for smaller homes or those working with a tight floor plan.

Whirlpool French Door Refrigerators Stainless Steel

4. They Look Like a Million Bucks

You won’t find a Whirlpool French door refrigerator that looks anything less than stunning. They are meant to be bold in their design and ultimately appealing for all your guests. If you like to set up parties, this style of refrigerators is contemporary and gives off a professional vibe that won’t go unnoticed.

Whirlpool French door refrigerators are made to be both practical and sophisticated machines, making them a worthy trend. Check out more Whirlpool appliances at your local refrigerator store and find new ways to upgrade your kitchen!

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Redefining Normal: 2018’s Hottest Appliance Trends Are Here!

The revolution will not be televised. Instead, it will be baked, it will be refrigerated, it will be washed and it will be dried. In 2018 new technologies, innovations, and new frontiers promise to change the way we think about home appliances. Whether it’s pushing the boundaries of our expectations or integrating seamlessly into our busy lives, manufacturers have stepped boldly into the future. This year’s hottest appliance trends redefine normal and make science fiction a reality. (more…)

How to Deep Clean Your Top Load Washer

Why would anyone clean their washing machine? It’s supposed to clean itself, right? Wrong! Your top load washer needs a good deep cleaning here and there otherwise dirt and grime from your laundry will build up inside the washing machine. Don’t believe us? Take a look for yourself. You are bound to find soap scum and mineral deposit build-ups. Keep your laundry appliance cleaning efficiently by following these tips! (more…)

No Need for a Noisy Dishwasher

Today’s homes are more likely to feature an eat-in kitchen or be an open concept with other rooms like the living room or family room. We have a big open room like this in our home and while this creates a lovely inclusive atmosphere letting me prep lunches while the kids do homework, it also means a loud dishwasher can interrupt our evening conversations. (more…)