Don’t Put These 5 Things in Your Microwave

Don’t Put These 5 Things in Your Microwave

Microwaves tend to be the simplest of all the kitchen appliances, but that doesn’t mean you can put anything inside them. Most people know that metal and foil containers are no-no’s, but is there something else we should be avoiding? In order to prevent a fire from occurring in your home, or releasing toxic chemicals into the air, try watching out for these items so you can keep your microwave in pristine shape.

1. Aluminum Foil

Obviously, you should never put aluminum foil in your microwave. We know that fireworks are exciting, but when you start seeing sparks flying from your microwave, you better stop it immediately. The interior of a microwave is normally metal, so when aluminum foil is placed inside, the radio waves that emit electromagnetic energy to heat up your food, reflects off it, which causes a light show in your microwave.

2. Paper Bags

Paper bags were not made to be put in a microwave. Of course, popcorn bags are different and were made to handle the radio waves emitted from microwaves. It may seem like nothing, but your regular paper bag is not protected and can release chemicals into the air and your food when warmed up. Not to mention, the bag could catch fire so it’s probably a good idea to just not test it out.

3. Plastic Bags and Containers

Plastic isn’t the best material to go inside a microwave. When it’s heated, BPA, an organic compound, is released, which can heavily disrupt your hormones. Keep your hormones natural by never using plastic to warm up your food.

4. Hot Peppers

Hot Pepper in microwave

Heating up peppers is bad for a couple reasons. One being that they could catch fire – which no one wants. Also, microwaving hot peppers is essentially the same as being pepper-sprayed. As soon as you open the microwave, your eyes and throat could be vulnerable to burning – so maybe don’t heat up your peppers in a microwave.

5. Styrofoam

Leftovers have come in Styrofoam containers since the dawn of time, it would seem. Unfortunately, they don’t belong in your microwave for warming up. Remove your food before heating up to prevent harsh chemicals from infecting your next meal.

Microwaves may seem like simple appliances, but they’re very powerful tools that should be used carefully. With your newfound knowledge, you’ll keep your microwave in better shape so that it can stick around to heat up your food for a long time.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

DIY Dishwasher Detergent to Save Money

DIY Dishwasher Detergent to Save Money

If you’re looking to cut back on spending money, doing it in an environmentally friendly way is always best. Instead of purchasing pricey dishwasher detergent at the store, why not make your own? This way you have the option of putting only healthy, natural ingredients in the mix to ensure harsh chemicals aren’t destroying your dishes.

Before you ignore this idea because it sounds too complicated, you should know that making your own dishwasher detergent takes very little effort and time. Did we mention it also saves you money?

What You’ll Need

  • 1 Cup Washing Soda
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • ½ Cup Lemon Juice
  • 1 cup Kosher Salt
  • 1 Cup Water

Mix It All Together

The ingredients are completely safe to use on your dishes, so feel free to add a little more or less to the concoction to make it your own. This special recipe will cleanse your dishes, fight grease, reduce hard water buildup, and smell lemony fresh.

Once you’ve mixed everything together thoroughly, you have the option to leave the detergent in powder form, or you can add water. If you decide to add water, you’ll be able to scoop the mixture into an ice cube tray so that it sets in that shape. Let them dry in the sun for about 24 hours before cracking the trays opens to retrieve them like you would with ice. Store them in Ziploc bags or an airtight container for best results.

Is It Worth It?

Yes! It’s fast, easy, and the ingredients are natural! The longest part of this whole project is letting the dishwasher detergent dry in the sun – which isn’t even necessary if you decide to keep the detergent in a dry powder form. The best part? You’ll save greatly on this do-it-yourself project!

Your built-in dishwasher needs a detergent that won’t harm it, and with this DIY detergent, you won’t go wrong. If you happen to be looking for a new dishwasher for your specially made detergent tabs, visit us to find great stainless steel dishwashers from brands such as Maytag, Whirlpool and KitchenAid. Your new stainless steel dishwasher will be durable and powerful and ready to take on anything – including your dirty dishes.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Chest Freezer Organization Tips

Chest Freezer Organization Tips

There’s nothing more annoying than opening your chest freezer to find such a complete pile of mess that you’re unable to locate the food you needed in the first place. Not to mention, it can feel overwhelming, leaving you with less motivation than you started with. With a little effort from your side and a few tips from our side, you can get a clean and tidy chest freezer with just a few tips!

Follow these steps to make your chest freezer use as efficient as possible!

Put It Away Right the First Time

The easiest way for things not to get messy is by putting everything away the right way the first time. Of course, if you have a family that likes to rush with putting the groceries away, this may be a struggle. But if your chest freezer is already out of control, there are a few simple ways to gain back your control again.

Take Everything Out

There’s no better way to organize than to start off with a blank canvas. Start by removing everything from your deep freezer. When all the contents are removed, take advantage of the empty space and thoroughly clean it out with a simple all-purpose cleaner. Who knows the next time you’ll get a chance to wipe your chest freezer down, so be sure to do an efficient job!

GE Chest Freezer


Instead of placing the food back in your freezer appliance so that everything is intertwined and likely to be muddled, separating your food with containers will greatly help you organize. First, you’ll want to sort your groceries into categories and make each container a category. Let’s say these are your categories:
– Meat
– Ice cream/ desserts
– Frozen fruit
– Ice
– Frozen food

Label each container and put the correct items in their box. This is a surefire way to always know where things go and where to find them.

Your freezer plays a big role in your family’s life, so it’s important that it’s easy to find what you need. Check out our GE Chest and upright freezers and start organizing yours today!

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Built-In VS. Countertop Microwaves

Built-In VS. Countertop Microwaves

It’s a no-brainer why almost everyone owns a microwave – it’s a convenient way to cook and heat up food. So when it comes time to upgrading or replacing yours, will you go with one that sits neatly on your countertop, or one that fits seamlessly into your wall?

The choice is a hard one, but there are a few ways to figure out what would work best for you, your family, and your kitchen. Take these pros and cons into consideration when making a decision on this kitchen appliance.

Countertop Microwaves

There are two things to think about when it comes to a countertop microwave: it can be placed anywhere and it’s less expensive than built-in microwaves. The con? The loss of counter space. You win some, you lose some. If you’re someone who tends to move around a lot, taking this appliance with you would be extremely easy opposed to if it were connected to your house.

Built-In Microwaves

You may not have as many options but you’ll always have a lot of counter space as well as the look of luxury with a built-in microwave. While they require someone to install them, they ultimately add a lot of value to your kitchen. Also, if you happen to be someone who uses a lot of counter space when prepping a meal, you may want to go the way of an over the range or built-in microwave.

JennAir Built-In Microwave

The biggest factors that come into place with this microwave quandary are price and space. Whether you prefer a built-in microwave, or one that can be placed on your counter, our main suggestion is that you just don’t get a cheap one.

While you may like cheap, spending a little more money on a microwave is always a better idea to ensure you get a working microwave in tip-top shape. Trust us to give you the best from several kitchen appliances brands.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

3 Outdoor Cooking & Kitchens Trends to Know About

3 Outdoor Cooking & Kitchens Trends to Know About (Large)

Outdoor kitchen with sink and BBQ

Cooking outdoors has been part of humankind since the caveman, and our pleasure in gathering together hasn’t waned since. Outdoor kitchens, from the most basic of barbecue setups to the full enchilada of prep surfaces, sinks, seats, bar service, and entire outdoor rooms, have continued to gain momentum and are now considered a big selling feature for home resale.

When it comes to cooking and enjoying the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together our top three trends.

1) Simplicity

In Outdoor Cooking:

A great meal, just like a great party, doesn’t need much – just the right attitude and ingredients. Simple backyard barbecue meals from our past are seeing a resurgence in popularity. Think pasta salads, Jell-O moulds, egg salad sandwiches, and the classic burger. Sure the pasta salad might have some quinoa sprinkled in for good measure, the eggs are organic free-range, and the bread is gluten-free, but its nostalgic nature makes it a crowd favourite and help us dream of simpler days.

In Outdoor Kitchens:

If you are just starting your outdoor kitchen creation, focus on the basics like a great barbecue with a large enough capacity for guests, and a great outdoor sink for quick hand wash and help during prep. And during dinner parties, keep things simple by bringing the indoor furniture outside.

2) Long Time Running

In Outdoor Cooking:

Smokers, the outdoor kitchen’s version of a slow cooker, have made a major comeback. With smokers, one must have patience, but just like the classic Hip lyrics say: “it’s well worth the wait”. From backyard briskets to the Thanksgiving turkey, we’re seeing smokers and meat smoked recipes pop up everywhere.

In Outdoor Kitchens:

Where previously the outdoor kitchen was a barbecue, today’s outdoor kitchens include longer cooking time options like pizza ovens and smokers. Take a seat, enjoy the outdoors and your company, pull some wine out of the outdoor bar fridge and put on a good Canadian album while you wait to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Danby Outdoor Fridge

Danby 3.3 cu.ft. Outdoor Compact Refrigerator

3) Edible Garden

In Outdoor Cooking:

Fresh herbs, vine tomatoes, and a crunchy cucumber are awesome additions to any summer meal. Even better when they’ve come right from your kitchen garden! With even more people looking to know more about where their food comes from, kitchen gardens are becoming more popular than ever. Read this guide from the Almanach if you want to attempt the vegetable garden challenge Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

In Outdoor Kitchens:

Rather than spending time doing back-breaking yard work, more and more backyard designs are incorporating low maintenance landscaping and maximizing the outdoor entertaining areas. With planters for fresh herbs and other veggies, gardens are kept to hearty annuals giving you more time to enjoy your outdoor space with family and friends and a great meal.

If you are curious about how you can improve your outdoor living and entertaining, below are more readings just for you.

Outdoor Furniture: Types of Materials
Become the King or Queen of Your Outdoor Kitchen
New Refrigeration Technologies Dad Will Love


Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

How to Keep Your Samsung Stainless Steel Appliances Clean

Keep Your Samsung Stainless Steel Appliances Clean

Stainless Steel appliances are the trendiest style of kitchen appliances for a reason – they look good and hold up well for basically an eternity. The biggest problems that can occur are when fingerprints and water marks start showing up on the surface. While this isn’t a big deal on most appliances, it will start to make your refrigerator look a little grimy if not wiped away often. It doesn’t take much to clean stainless steel, so give all your Samsung appliances some love with a little sprucing up!

Daily Maintenance is Key

How many times do you open your fridge a day? Do you put your head against the oven door when peering inside when baking? Does your microwave have food drops on the interior and exterior? Needless to say, your appliances get a lot of use. If you aren’t opening them, you’re touching their buttons or spilling food on them.

The best and easiest way to keep a stainless steel appliance clean is by simply cleaning it every day. Grab a microfiber cloth and just add soap and water. Then dry it off. Your stainless steel dishwasher or other Samsung appliances are instantly spotless.

Keep Your Stainless Steel Appliances Clean (Large)

Go with the Grain

Knowing that all you need is a microfiber cloth, soap, and water to make the perfect cleaner is not enough – the way you clean your appliance will make all the difference.

Stainless steel is like wood in the way that it has a grain to it. Look closely and you will see some lines which you will want to clean in the direction of. If you don’t, dirt is more likely to stay in the small crevices and build up over time. Take a second to figure out which way the grain goes and clean it in that direction so your Samsung refrigerator or other stainless steel appliance continues to shine for a long time.

It doesn’t take much to keep stainless steel looking pristine, which is why they are the preferred style for appliances. Upgrade your kitchen today with Samsung stainless steel appliances.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

How Whirlpool Laundry Pedestals Benefit You

How Whirlpool Laundry Pedestals Benefit You

When you didn’t think that washers and dryers could improve at all, the Whirlpool laundry pedestal proves you wrong. In one step, your laundry pair could be inches taller, provide you with extra storage space, and keep your laundry room decluttered. Learn more about why a Whirlpool Laundry Pedestal is beneficial for your household.

Lift Your Laundry Pair Up

Giving your washer and dryer a 12-16 inch boost can make a huge difference when doing laundry – especially if you have any back pain at all. Instead of bending over far to take your clothes out of your front load washer, a laundry pedestal will prevent aches and strains on your back. The height tends to be more comfortable than the regular washer and dryer height, making the laundry process much more enjoyable. Wash and dry your clothes without ever being in pain again!

Storage Pedestals for Laundry pair

Extra Storage Drawer

Not only does a Whirlpool Laundry Pedestal raise your laundry appliances, it adds a storage drawer to your laundry room. It’s easy to run out of space in your laundry room, but adding a laundry pedestal will fix that issue. You can place laundry detergent, dryer sheets, bleach, and other laundry products inside or you could use it for something completely different.

Put your socks and other garments in there when you’re missing a matching piece, that way you’ll always know where to find it. You could even put cleaning products in there for when you want to clean up your washer and dryer. Whatever reason you decide to use your laundry pedestal for, make sure it is one that makes your life more convenient.

Having a laundry pedestal was made to make your life better. From simply giving you less back pain, to making your laundry process more organized, a Whirlpool Laundry Pedestal will make doing laundry more bearable. Talk to a sales associate at your local BrandSource store about the Whirlpool Laundry Pedestals. But beware! Don’t just get any laundry pedestal! You’ll want to make sure whichever one you choose is compatible with the model of your current washer or dryer.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Bring Minimalism to Your Kitchen with Maytag Appliances

Bring Minimalism to Your Kitchen with Maytag

The art and philosophy of minimalism is simple – life with less is better. Being a minimalist doesn’t mean you can’t own material possessions, but only having what you truly need and use is key. Stop for a moment to observe your kitchen. Take a look at the details: do you have countertop appliances everywhere? Are your major kitchen appliances being used often? Try bringing minimalism into your kitchen so that there is more organization, less clutter, and more purpose to your items.

Do you need all the appliances in your kitchen?

We’ve grown up believing that in order to have a perfect kitchen you must have all the appliances required: a range, microwave, refrigerator, and so on.

The laws of minimalism tell us to only keep what we need so the question is: do you need every appliance you have? Do you only use a microwave to make popcorn? Do you have both a toaster and a toaster oven? Really think about their purpose and whether you can easily use one appliance to do the work for you instead of multiple with the same purpose.

Bring Minimalism to Your Kitchen with Maytag Appliances

Your countertops look cluttered

You have a stand mixer, blender, coffee maker, a juicer and so much more just sitting on your countertop. How do you even have room to prepare a meal? Our suggestion is to find a place in your cupboards to hide them away until you use them. You’ll appreciate how clean the extra space looks and actually have space to get crafty with your food.

Kitchen organization

Organization is key

Putting things in the right place will make all the difference when trying to minimalize your kitchen. Spices, dishes, pots and pans, cups, and more should be placed in a way where you can see them and not thrown in disarray. Sometimes getting rid of a few of those coffee mugs you like to collect can help too.

Not everyone needs to live a minimalist life, but it can help you feel more motivated to have fun in your kitchen. When there is mess throughout your path, it can be overwhelming, and that’s why minimalism was made to clear it out so you can move forward without any obstacles to run into. Stop into your local BrandSource appliance store to find quality Maytag appliances that will start you on your minimalist journey.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

3 Easy Ways to Update Your Kitchen With Samsung Appliances

3 Easy Ways to Update Your Kitchen with Samsung Appliances_IMG1

A change is needed every once in a while to make something feel exciting again. When you walk into your kitchen, if you don’t feel happy with the way it looks, you may not want to stick around to cook anything! Upgrade your eatery with a splash of colour to the walls, high-tech appliances, or even something as simple as replacing the knobs of your cabinets! Keep things fresh in the kitchen with the following ideas.

Add Some Colour

Whether it’s your walls, your appliances, or even your cabinets, sometimes adding a splash of colour can change the entire vibe of your kitchen. Plain white walls can instantly be brightened up with a welcoming blue or lively yellow colour. Sometimes even adding a black stainless steel refrigerator to the mix could be a bold statement. A colour switch can be an effortless way to changeup your layout without having to pay too much.

Innovative Appliances

Having appliances that make your work easier is always a plus. That’s why Samsung is consistently finding new ways to improve their products and make more innovative appliances all the time. Take the Samsung induction and electric cooktops with touch controls, for example. These high-tech appliances are made for precision so that your food is always created with professional quality. Not only that, but their design will give any kitchen a contemporary feel.


Open Shelving

One way to completely change the look of your kitchen is with open shelving. Instead of having your dishes behind closed doors, make everything able to be seen. This is a very inviting design tactic.

There are obviously many ways to upgrade and redesign your kitchen so that it looks updated. From bold colours to new appliances, the changes are endless.

Don’t know where to start? Check out Samsung kitchen appliances at your local BrandSource appliance store to help with the process! Speak to a sales associate there to get more ideas for your project. No matter what you decide to do, make your kitchen a place where you like to be, and it will always feel fresh.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Your Convection Oven Cooking Questions Answered

Convection Oven Cooking Questions Answered

You may have heard of convection ovens, but do you know what they do? This appliance has been around for years and for a good reason. It’s an oven that circulates heated air with a fan. So instead of food just being in a hot oven, a convection oven will blow hot air onto the food allowing it to cook quicker and more evenly. This is beneficial for your food and for your wallet since the fan saves on energy.

Have more questions or concerns about convection ovens? Here are a few frequent questions on convection ovens that I took the time to answer for you.

1. Does it matter what pans I use?

No, it doesn’t matter what pans you use, but some do work better than others. For the best performance, use pans with shorter sides so as to not block airflow to the food.

2. How much faster does food cook in a convection oven?

A convection oven has been known to cook food between 20 and 30 percent faster than a regular, conventional oven. That saves a little bit of time in the kitchen!

3. What is carry-over cooking?

This term refers to when you take your food out of the oven, but it still continues to cook. The larger the meal taken out of the convection oven, the longer it needs to sit before being cut into. We suggest waiting about 10 minutes cutting into a piece of meat, just to give you an idea.

4. Can I cook a couple of things at a time?

Absolutely! Instead of having to switch out different dishes, or place them on specific racks, the convection oven will evenly cook everything no matter where it is located. The hot air flows throughout and consistently cooks it all.

Kitchen appliances are investments, but when they are well priced as a Whirlpool Convection Oven, they’re worth it. Want to learn more about these Whirlpool appliances? Visit your local BrandSource appliance store for more information! Our qualified appliance experts will be happy to show you and explain all the benefits of using a convection oven.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert