School’s Out for The Summer: Your Survival Guide for Staying in the City

School's Out for The Summer Your Survival Guide for Staying in the City

Summer is indeed the time of year when most of us will let go of the pressures of day to day living, working, raising families, or running businesses. While our Canadian winters are long and cold and cater to avid skiers and snow-fort builders, our summers can be equally memorable, rejuvenating, exciting and extremely fun-filled.

So, school is out for the summer and the plan is to stay in the city! Now what?? Using some imagination, doing a little research, and creating a plan is how this summer can be the one they’ll remember! Whether you use the internet or look over the local papers, summer activities abound in every community and neighbouring towns.

Some tips:

1) Make a list of you what your family enjoys doing and start looking around for matching activities. Get your family involved to pitch in their own ideas.

2) Separate the days trips from the overnighters as they will require different logistics. Get a whiteboard to keep everything straight!

3) If your budget is a concern, a great option would be to rent a tent trailer or caravan to minimize hotel costs. Trailer parks are plentiful and have many conveniences.

Renting a trailer for summer vacations

4) Consider what your children are learning in school and include trips to eco-museums, farms, and hands-on interactive activities like pottery, painting, and cooking. Make it as fun as it is educational and memorable. Give your children some choices or if they are old enough, ask them to look for what’s happening in and around the community that they would enjoy doing.

5) International street festivals which bring other countries into your city are always an exciting and inexpensive way to learn about other cultures. Visit your local tourism office or Google your city along with keywords like things to do, summer activities, festivals.

6) Consider a neighborhood block party with local families bringing foods from their countries of origin and activities that everyone would enjoy. Make it a BYOC – bring your own chair potluck! If your block won’t permit such an activity, take it to the neighborhood park!

neighborhood block party

7) Make sure that some of the activities include some quiet time at a local beach or park for a picnic or a de-stressing day to kick back and relax. When you teach children that tuning out is an equally important activity, they will learn a valuable lesson of how the mind, body and spirit need nourishing in different ways.

8) Before you head out on day trips or overnighters, make sure you check for and replace summer clothes and shoes that no longer fit, out-dated sunscreens, bug sprays and bug bite lotions, damaged or broken summer toys and accessories.

9) Stock up on healthy non-perishable or long-shelf life snacks granola bars and trail mixes. Making your own can be a fun activity for everyone. If you don’t have any recipes, just Google: healthy snacks to go and you will surely find many your children will enjoying preparing….and eating!

Summer in the city does not have to be boring if you plan ahead, and get everyone involved! Variety is the key and adding some downtime will keep the engines revved up until school starts up again!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

It’s Father’s Day, What’s the Plan?

It’s Father’s Day, What’s the Plan

What do dads really, really want on Father’s Day? Cheeky mugs and slippers are so yesterday’s gift, but still great if you enjoy the typical reaction, “oh, how sweet of you”!

If you are looking, however, for a reaction that is epic in nature, keep reading. Remember the phrase “it’s the thought that counts”? Well, these gift ideas are not only thoughtful but practical and memorable to boot! Dad deserves to be treated with the highest of respect so get him that gift he really deserves.

Here are some thoughtful gift ideas that don’t require any extra space in his home but will live long in his heart.

1) Mobile Spa

It may not be the first gift that comes to your mind, but fathers should be pampered just like moms. A gift certificate for one or more in-home massage sessions will be greatly appreciated. At any age, these spa treatments do one a world of good but, as we get older, they become a routine necessity.

2) Memberships & Subscriptions

Father at the museum

What a treat for dad when his subscriptions or memberships to his favourite activities are all paid up for the year! Paid subscriptions to magazines, coffee-of-the-month club, meal kit delivery service, or memberships to the gym or museum will tell him just how much you support his activities outside the home.

3) A New Bedsheet Set

You want your father to sleep comfortably, and as summer approaches, a cool bedsheet set will definitely come in handy. Purchasing comfortable and breathable mattress accessories would be a great investment. Opt for moisture-wicking or eco-friendly bamboo sheets.

4) Weekend Retreat

Older man doing yoga

He has been taking a more holistic approach to life and has joined a meditation and yoga center. Inquire when their retreats take place and book him in for a weekend or longer retreat. Encourage his journey.

5) Car or Taxi Service

A gift certificate from his local garage for the usual tune-ups will go a long way and lets him know you care about his safety on the road. If dad doesn’t drive, locate a taxi service that will charge your account every time dad needs a lift.

Any way you slice it, Father’s Day this year will be memorable, not only because of your thoughtful gifts but because of you as well!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

Why a Mattress Cover is Needed on Your Bed

Why a Mattress Cover is Needed on Your Bed

You may be baffled at the idea of a mattress cover because aren’t the sheets supposed to protect the bed? You don’t plan on bringing any drinks or food into the bed, and you’re positive you won’t pee yourself by accident, so why is it necessary? While a mattress protector would save you in those specific situations, its use is needed for more than just those reasons. If you want your bed to stand a chance against the test of time, a mattress cover is just what you need.

Check out these reasons why purchasing one of these protectors is the way to go.

It Feels Nonexistent

Rumour has it, mattress covers feel and sound like laying across a thick papery pile. The truth is, you basically can’t even feel it. The mattress protector wraps over the mattress but you still put a fitted sheet over that so it has very little impact on comfort. Luckily, it’s quiet so you’ll never be woken up in the middle of the night due to the sound of rustling paper. The only problem? It might be too quiet! Don’t forget about it because it still needs to be washed from time to time.

It Prevents Allergy Outbreaks

If you have pets that you allow on the bed, getting a mattress cover could help prevent your allergies from going berserk. Pets carry all kinds of things that flare up allergies, but they aren’t the only things you need to worry about awaking your allergies – dust mites will also give you the sneezes. If you don’t use a mattress protector, these dust mites could affect your lungs causing you to wheeze and have shortness of breath. Luckily, with a cover, you have the ability to wash it here and there so dust mites and other allergens never stick around for too long.

Beautyrest Mattress Cover

It Keeps Your Mattress Clean

Simply using sheets isn’t enough to keep your mattress clean. While they do help, sweat and other bodily fluids tend to seep through the sheets and into your mattress bed. Once those bodily fluids make their way into the mattress (especially if it’s memory foam) cleaning it off is almost impossible. A spill here or a little accident there could mess with your bed’s material and break it down quicker. The messes even tend to attract creepy crawlies to your bed. It’s true – bed bugs and even roaches like to eat dead skin, which your body is constantly getting rid of. Luckily, a mattress protector will continue to keep your mattress clean and in pristine condition so you won’t be worrying about bugs in the night.

As you can tell, mattress protectors are mattress savers. They’re arguably the most important accessory for your mattress because they will keep it in better condition for longer than a mattress without a protector. It’s there to ensure your bed is rid of germs so you stay in good health. Visit your local mattress store to pick up a mattress protector and overall increase your bed lifespan.

Denis, Your Sleep Expert

Top 5 Sleep Disorders in Children

The Top 5 Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep disorders in children are varied and not uncommon. Some disorders may result in cranky and tired children, while others may cause behavioural and physical issues requiring medical attention. Studies show that children as young as 1 year old will show signs of anxiety around sleep, but many will resolve these issues as they get older. Some, however, do not. Your pediatrician should be the source of information as it applies to your child.

The signs that indicate that there may be a problem with your child’s sleep quality include excessive sleepiness during the day, bedwetting, crankiness and moodiness, trouble concentrating on simple tasks or at school.

Sometimes we will jump to conclusions as to why our children are misbehaving or appear moody. It is always worth digging a little deeper into how they sleep. Working closely with your pediatrician might help narrow in on the source of the following symptoms.

Here are the top 5 possible sleep disorders your child could be suffering from.

1) Snoring

Some children, as young as two, can suffer from insomnia due to snoring which can be a result of large adenoids, tonsillitis, a deviated septum or sinus congestion due to allergies. If you have seen or heard your child snore, and stop breathing briefly, it is wise to visit with an otolaryngologist to rule out sleep apnea or other physiological issues. In some cases, surgery can resolve the problem.

2) Bedwetting


Studies show that bedwetting occurs in about 50% of children under the age of 3. This is typically caused by the transition from diapers and trainers. Bladder control might take a little longer to develop in some children, and worth speaking to your pediatrician. Some children, however, sleep so soundly that they don’t register the need to go. Limiting fluids close to bedtime can help here. It is also worth considering any stress your child might be experiencing at home or school if it persists.

If you want to know more about bedwetting solutions, read our previous article Bedwetting: 4 easy solutions for worried parents.

3) Sleepwalking

Studies show that about 17% of children suffer from sleepwalking with most of them growing out of it. If you suspect your child walks around the house or can potentially step outdoors in the middle of the night, precautions should be taken. Placing locks on doors at a height they can’t reach, nightlights along baseboards or gentle alarms that can alert you are wise defences. The objective is to gently coax them back to sleep without waking them if possible. Consult your pediatrician if it persists.

4) Sleep Terrors

Much more severe than nightmares, sleep terrors are characterized by your child still in a deep sleep, experiencing an episode of deep fear and anxiety, but not having any recollection of it. Unlike nightmares where children will have, mostly, total recall, they will not be aware of a sleep terror. Depending on their age, removing all exposure to violent programs, games and books should be considered. Stress at home or school can also be the source of this disorder.

If you think your child is simply having nightmares, here it to help Helping your children with bad dreams.

5) Insomnia

Child not able to sleep

This sleep disorder is not only reserved for adults, but children can toss and turn unable to close their eyes to sleep. Besides following proper sleep hygiene routines, consider their schedule of activities, amount of homework, room temperature, and scratchy sheets.

Consult with your medical practitioner if you notice any of these symptoms in your children. Solutions are easily available from conventional and holistic therapies.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

Why Adjustable Beds Are a Solution for Some Sleep Sufferers

Why Adjustable Beds Are a Solution for Some Sleep Sufferers - L&P

As a couple, we do many things together like cooking and cleaning, as well as shopping and sports. There are things, however, that we do that are uniquely our own, especially when it relates to our sleeping position preferences.

I sometimes need support for my achy knees from sports-related injuries, and my partner suffers from sinus issues and prefers sleeping on a mountain of pillows. Pillows are indeed an easy fix like tucking one or two under the knees to give me the relief that I need.

Recently, however, we purchased an adjustable bed which didn’t require that we change up our bedroom furniture. We have a king-sized frame, so we added two twin XL bases and mattresses with a remote that allows us to adjust to our heart’s content! Before we launched on our search for the best sleeping system for our individual needs, we considered some of the following questions to help make our decision easier.

1. Do you suffer from osteoarthritis or other joint inflammatory symptoms?

Considering that an adjustable bed will allow you to tweak your sleeping position to that perfect spot where there is no pulling or pressure on body parts, this is an ideal solution. I loved that I no longer needed to stuff pillows under my knees to get that proper elevation which would then flatten during the night!

2. Do you suffer from chronic sinus congestion, asthma or allergies?

The best position for your head to be when under pressure from congestion is upright. Forget the pile of pillows under your head when, with a push of a button your bed will elevate your upper body to that perfect position for head pressure relief and sleeping comfort.


3. Do you snore?

Snoring is never a problem for the snorer, unless it becomes a serious health issue, but more for the non-snorer. Give your partner some relief and easily lift your upper body to release the constriction that occurs in the throat which produces the loud sounds.

4. Do you suffer from acid reflux or enjoy late-night snacking?

That late night need to munch on something just minutes before bedtime is my weakness. When I overindulge, I know that I will have problems with acid reflux keeping me awake. With just a quick adjustment, I can lift the upper part of the mattress and can instantly alleviate the problem. I love adjusting my side of the bed without affecting my partner’s particular sleep needs for that night. Adjustable beds should be in every home!

5. Do suffer from edema or water retention?

Edema is a common disorder where the body retains fluid in the lower extremities like ankles and knees. Most sufferers will wear compression stockings during the day but by sleeping on an adjustable bed, and lifting the bottom half of your mattress to a comfortable level, they can control the buildup while they sleep.


6. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Finding that perfect position to sleep in throughout the night will help alleviate the tossing and turning that insomniacs experience all night long. By adjusting the bed to help cradle you comfortably will relax your body to that point where sleep can come more easily and quickly.

Imagine then that as a couple, you both suffer from one or more of these issues requiring a completely different sleep position, comfort, and support level to help alleviate your unique symptoms. No matter what the quality of foam, fabric, comfort or support level you choose for your standard mattress, the adjustable bed is the only sleep technology that couples can personalize and customize to each of their unique sleep preferences! Stay close but also enjoy your own piece of sleep paradise!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

Is Your Job Causing Your Sleep Disorders?

Is Your Job Causing Your Sleep Disorders

Work stress affects everyone at one time or another. Deadlines, endless meetings, physically demanding work, shift work, all of these will creep into our sleep time. There is no doubt of that at all. Balancing a busy and stressful professional life with rest and relaxation is not always as easy as one thinks.

Insomnia Due to Stress

Tossing and turning, watching the clock and listening to a racing mind are signs we are suffering from insomnia. When endless deadlines, chronic pain from demanding physical work, high-pressure customer service jobs start to wear us down, sleep is usually the first to suffer.

The less we sleep because our mind is racing or our body is sore, the worse we feel. The worse we feel, the worse we perform and then the worse we sleep again. Finding balance and stepping away from the rat race is required on a regular basis to restore some quality sleep time.


Out-Of-Sync Sleep Rhythm

circadian rythm

Source: Wikipedia

The circadian rhythm is basically a 24-hour internal clock which signals the body to sleep or to be aware. It is often called the sleep/wake cycle. When we work in shifts, that is, during the night while everyone sleeps, and then you switch it up again after a few weeks, our sleep/wake cycle suffers.

Our bodies take a few days to adjust to these changes and can cause sleepiness, irritability, digestive issues and more. It is essential that we keep the same sleep hygiene or habits that promote relaxation and restorative sleep during day sleep as in night sleep.

High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Depression

These are not often considered to be sleep disorders, however, working in loud factories, or highly stressful work environments can cause excess stress and disrupt our restorative sleep. This can potentially cause these types of disorders over time.

Our physical well-being is so strongly connected to our sleep quality that once we make that awareness, it is possible to develop sleep habits that can curb some of the stress and lack-of-sleep induced imbalances.

Job Dissatisfaction

Sleep and Job Dissatisfaction

This is perhaps the most prevalent of causes of insomnia, and other sleep disorders. Whether we are a manager of a large corporation or work in a coffee shop, if we are not happy in our job, our sleep will be the first to suffer. The stress of job dissatisfaction breaks down our self-esteem and confidence, and we ultimately feel trapped in a thankless job.

Nightmares, sleepwalking or sleep talking can be the result of this type of job stress, and we may feel that we are living in an endless cycle. Ignored, these symptoms can worsen and cause our body and mind further harm. We need to address the issue without delay, and consider retraining to work in another area or industry. Your sleep depends on it!

We all wish for a dream job that checks off all of our must-have in order to be happy. When it is not always possible, we must always remember to shut off the company “noise” when we are at home and get balanced with things and activities that bring us joy!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

How Do You Know If You Have a Sleep Disorder?

How Do You Know If You Have a Sleep Disorder

What is a sleep disorder, you ask? A sleep disorder is characterized by a series of symptoms including trouble falling asleep, poor sleep quality when we get some, irritability, sleepiness during the day, and many more.

Researchers believe that there are over 70 sleep disorders that are grouped into 6 main categories. These include:

  1. Sleep disorders which induce involuntary body movements including restless leg syndrome.
  2. Disorders of the central nervous system such as narcolepsy where the brain loses the ability to regulate the wake/sleep cycle and spontaneous episodes of deep sleep during the day occur.
  3. Breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea where soft tissue obstructs the windpipe causing us to stop breathing for a few seconds at a time, regularly disrupting our sleep.
  4. Insomnia characterized by our difficulty in falling asleep, constant waking in the middle of the night and the inability to return to sleep.
  5. Circadian rhythms disorders characterized by the disruption in the sleep/wake cycle as in those people who do shift-work, or recovering from illness or injury.
  6. Parasomnias are various disorders including sleepwalking and talking, teeth grinding, and night terrors.

As you can see, it is possible that we may at one time or another had some disruptions in our sleep and didn’t realize that there was a name for it! When sleep disorders go unaddressed, it affects both body and mind to the point that we may need serious medical attention. Let’s examine some of the possible symptoms that we suffer from most that could indicate a specific sleep disorder and how to address it.


The most obvious is when someone tells us that we snore. Whether our partner or a friend at a sleepover or camping trip tells us that we make the most earth-trembling sounds while we sleep could indicate that there is an obstruction in our windpipe.

Sometimes, a simple change in our adjustable bed position or a better pillow can alleviate the snoring. If it persists, we must seek out some professional medical assistance to rule out anything more serious.

Daytime Sleepiness

Daytime Sleepiness

When we feel very sleepy during the day, this could be the result of poor sleep quality. Despite getting 7 to 8 hours of bedtime doesn’t translate into quality sleep if we wake up tired. There are devices as well as apps for our smartphones which can monitor our sleep and give us some interesting results. Investing in one might be the first step towards fixing the problem.

Irritability and Lack of Focus

When we are snapping at friends and family for little or no reason or have trouble concentrating on simple tasks, it’s time to examine how we sleep. A review of our sleep hygiene or bedtime habits can potentially show where our poor sleep experience comes from. If we are enjoying a late-night burger or sugar-laden snack, or perhaps participating in vigorous exercise before bedtime, it may be time to change things!

High Blood Pressure and Sleep

Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

It is possible that some of these health issues stem from poor sleep quality. Medication will surely help the symptoms, but we must address the source as well. When we develop a proper bedtime routine including, winding down with a warm bath, meditation or yoga it can yield great results in our overall health.

Now that you know a little more about the types of sleep disorders, it’s time to take charge of your sleep and consult a specialist if your problems persist.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

3 Benefits of a Beautyrest Innerspring Mattress

3 Benefits of a Beautyrest Innerspring Mattress (Large)

Classic styles are classic for a reason – they never go out of fashion. Innerspring mattresses tend to use springs which have been viewed as outdated or not good for supporting your body, which is just not the case.

The Beautyrest pocket coil mattresses aren’t old beds. They’re innovatively engineered and have evolved to become much more supportive of the back as well as help with proper spine alignment. Don’t let the words spring and coil scare you!

There are many benefits to sleeping on a Beautyrest pocket coil mattress, and if you never test one out, you’ll never know what you’re missing out on!


You aren’t limited when it comes to innerspring mattresses because there’s a wide variety to choose from! Some Innerspring beds have more coils and springs adding extra firmness or softness to the mattress. If you happen to be a warm sleeper, innerspring beds tend to be cooler than other types of bed such as all foam.

You could even find a hybrid bed that mixes both springs and memory foam to make a unique mattress. Talk to a sales associate at your local mattress store to get a better idea of what kind of technology and comfort you’d want in your perfect bed. The options are endless!


Because there are so many kinds of Beautyrest pocket coil mattresses, finding a bed that’s within your budget will not be a problem. Deciding on which one you want is what you’ll have to worry about! Check in at your closest Beautyrest mattress store to see if there are any promotional offers going on that you could take advantage of!

Traditional and Familiar

This kind of mattress has been around for so long for a reason. It works! People keep coming back to Beautyrest pocket coil mattresses because they’ve worked time and time again. They continue to change while keeping the famous pocket coil technology and comfort, making the Beautyrest mattresses a timeless, luxury bed.

Next time you’re out looking for mattresses, try out a few Beautyrest pocket coil mattresses. You’ll find that they are supportive and comfortable beds worthy of sleeping on.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

Your Complete Bedroom Spring Cleaning Checklist

Your Complete Bedroom Spring Cleaning Checklist

You know when the days get longer, and the sun shines brighter, it’s spring cleaning time! After a long cold winter, we get that instinctive urge to open windows and freshen things up. With that extra daylight, we can see what we miss in the dark of winter. We shouldn’t, however, keep it only to new comforters and sheets, but consider a full room makeover.

Here are some ceiling-to-floor simple ideas to get that fresh feel back into your bedroom.

1) Wash Your Walls and Ceiling

This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Begin by removing all the wall hangings and window dressings as well as all items from the top of your dressers. Your bed should be bare except for an old sheet to protect the mattress from falling debris.

Open all windows. Using a damp microfibre style mop with a telescopic handle, wipe the ceilings and walls. Regularly rinse out the mop in the bucket. If you suffer from allergies, add a few drops of lavender to the water as this will add an extra layer of anti-bacterial protection.

2) Dust Everything Else

If there are any hanging lamps or ceiling fans, get to those next with a vacuum and damp cloth. Table lamp shades should be vacuumed and intricate designs cleaned with a damp cloth. Vacuum the backs of the dressers, something always missed which collects its share of dust. Rather than returning everything back to the dresser, reduce, recycle, or reuse elsewhere.

3) Paint or Not to Paint

Painting a bedroom

Your bedroom may be in dire need of more than a wipe down so if you see a paint job in your future, consider colors that are known to promote a better-quality sleep. Experts say that before you pick your colors you should consider your décor style: dark and cozy or light and airy, solids or patterns.

Experts also say that your bedroom walls should promote relaxation so light blues, greens, grays, and whites are the best. Add your unique style with a punch of color in your selected accessories.

4) Clean Your Bed

Wash or Replace Your Sheets: The life expectancy of bed sheets is typically 10 years, but it is all dependent on the quality of the fabric, the wear and tear they have seen, and washing methods. Refer to this informative blog When to Change Your Bed Sheets for more expert-suggested guidelines.

Use a Mattress Protector: Some consumers skip this level of protection for their mattress, but they really shouldn’t. To stretch the life of your mattress from the wear and tear, stains, and ensure allergen protection, mattress protectors should be your first line of defence! Read more from my previous blog Mattress Protectors: The Buying Guide.

Vacuum Your Mattress and Bed Frame: One last step before you place your mattress protector and sheets back on, make sure the mattress top gets a good vacuuming. Sprinkling some baking soda infused with a few drops of lavender oil will ensure that you are getting to the microscopic bugs and bacteria.

Your headboard and footboard, as well as your bed frame, should get a good clean, ideally with a damp cloth.

For complete information about how to care for your mattress, read these two blogs:

Vacuuming your bed frame

Don’t Forget Your Pillow: Where you place your head at the end of the day should be clean and protected from allergens. Wash your pillows regularly as per manufacturer’s instructions and always use a protective case before your bedding’s pillowcase.

These two blogs will help you with that step:

5) Declutter Your Drawers and Closet

This may be by far the most difficult for many as it usually means getting rid of stuff you no longer need but tug at your heart. The simplest route would be to use the KonMari method. This method for decluttering uses the philosophy of keeping only what makes you happy and not focusing on the end result of donating or discarding. It essentially becomes a meditative practice. See the Kon-Mari method in action below.

Happy Spring cleaning!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

How to Deep Clean Your Bed in 5 Steps

Deep Clean Your Bed in 5 Steps

Cleaning your bed does not have to be the toughest chore on the list. Although some items composing your bed should be washed weekly, other pieces can use a clean on a varying schedule. When you strip down your bed, you should have sheets and pillow cases, mattress protector, comforter or duvet, throw pillows and shams, and, of course, the mattress itself.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these products on their own, but remember to always read the label for the manufacturer’s suggested product care.

1) Sheets and Pillow Cases

As these are the items that are closest to our bodies and therefore more likely to be soiled, they should be washed on a weekly basis. To reduce your chore list, consider a backup set or two in your closet, and wash them at a later time. Although there are soaps that work best in cold water, always wash these in hot water to remove all traces of allergens. Place them in your dryer in the gentle cycle with a couple of tennis balls to keep them from clumping and tumbling smoothly in the machine.

2) Mattress Protector

These are the workhorses of your bedding. The best quality ones that promise allergen protection and stain resistance can be washed every 2 or 3 months. Consider every change of season to help you remember your schedule. Of course, reading the label for the manufacturer’s washing instructions should always be considered. Most can be washed in warm water and tumble dried.

If you don’t have a mattress protector, you should seriously consider buying one. Check out our buying guide here for things you should know when shopping for one.

Cleaning Your Duvet and Comforter

3) Duvets or Comforters

Sticking to the same schedule as you did for your mattress protectors, clean your duvets or comforters seasonally. Most of them can easily fit into your standard washing machine but make sure to follow the manufacturer’s washing instructions to protect your investment.

Depending on their usage and materials, some comforters may require an industrial machine wash. For information on how to clean duvets and comforters, read our previous blog, How to Wash Duvets and Comforters.

4) Pillows

Two at a time, these can be easily washed and whitened in a regular washing machine on a monthly or seasonal basis depending on their usage. Throwing in the pillow protector with your sheets weekly wash will add extra cleanliness. Feather, down, or polyester-filled wash well in a standard machine while moulded pillows should be vacuumed regularly.

For more tips, refer to our blog “How to Wash Pillows”. If you own a Tempur-Pedic pillow, this is how you should clean it Tempur-Pedic Pillow Care.

5) Mattress

Finally, the cleaning of your bed wouldn’t be complete without cleaning the mattress. While your sheets and mattress protector are in the wash, sprinkle baking soda with a sieve all over the mattress surface. Let sit for an hour, then vacuum. Take the time to rotate your mattress to reduce body impressions, and clean your headboard and footboard as well as your bed frame.

For more information about how to care for your mattress, read our previous blog How to Clean and Care for Your Mattress.

Now that you know how to take care of your sleep system, let’s get cleaning!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert