Eat These 6 Healthy Snacks Before Hopping Into Your Bed

Eat These 6 Healthy Snacks Before Hopping Into Your Bed

Are your midnight snacks sabotaging your sleep? Turns out, it’s more likely than you think! That’s right, the habit of digging into leftovers or chowing down on cookies before bed might be satisfying, but eating the wrong foods before bedtime can wreak major havoc on your rest! Late night snacks aren’t a bad thing as a general rule, but most of our typical snack foods (full of salt, sugar, and carbs) can dry us out or keep us awake long past` our bedtimes.

But there are ways to curb this problem without going to sleep on an empty tummy. Some snacks are not only fine to eat before bed, they might actually help you sleep too! So, if you’re a chronic snacker, don’t reach for those potato chips just yet. Instead, try these six healthy snacks that can help you get to sleep faster and sleep more deeply. Pair these snacks with a snooze on a Beautyrest mattress and you’ve got all the fixings for a great night of sleep!

1) A Handful of Nuts

Nuts, especially almonds and pistachios, are great for filling you up and helping you hit the hay. Nuts are packed full of protein and other important vitamins and minerals that soothe your body and help you achieve a deeper sleep. Don’t go for more than a handful though! Consuming too many calories before bedtime can keep you awake while your body struggles to break down all that food.

2) Nut Butter and Fruit

Nut butters have a similar effect as their in-shell counterparts. A small piece of fruit, like an apple or banana, smothered in peanut or almond butter is a great way to feel full while staying healthy. The potassium and magnesium in the fruit paired with the protein and delicious taste of the nut butter is the perfect recipe for a great night of sleep!

3) Greek Yogurt

In addition to being delicious, Greek yogurt has tons of protein and fibre that can help you achieve a more restful night of sleep. Top it with some cherries (which help naturally increase melatonin levels) or chia seeds (packed with iron and fibre) for an extra sleepy time punch!

Whole grain toast

4) Whole Grain Toast

It turns out, some carbs can actually help you get to bed more easily! Avoid white bread, which tends to be tough for your body to process and contains little nutritional value, and opt for a slice of whole grain toast, full of healthy fats which can help you sleep. Top your toast with previously mentioned nut butter, cheese, or even some slices of avocado (we’re looking at you, millennials), all of which have sleep-inducing qualities.

5) Herbal Tea With Honey

Not only are herbal teas like chamomile and lavender relaxing and cozy, you can even sweeten them up when you have a cup before bed, totally guilt-free! Honey helps promote the hormones your body needs to slip quickly into dreamland, and herbal teas are great for eliminating stress and relaxing those nerves that keep you wide awake and jittery through the night.

6) Leafy Greens

Salad might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of bedtime snack foods, but greens like kale, lettuce, and spinach are great for your bedtime health! Try chopping up some veggies (carrots and chickpeas are just a few other great sleep-inducing options) and reap the rewards of a refreshing pre-bedtime salad!

Still struggling to get to bed even with all these sleep-promoting snacks? You might have a bigger problem on your hands than satisfying the late-night munchies. A bad mattress can keep you tossing and turning no matter how good your nighttime routine is! With a Beautyrest mattress, carefully crafted to perfectly fit your body and adapt to your unique sleep needs, you’ll be on cloud nine every night. So, if you can’t seem to get a good night’s rest no matter what you try, set the snacks aside and go shopping for a Beautyrest. Give us a call or check out our store to learn more about all the great Beautyrest mattresses we have in stock!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

Which Ancient Techniques are You Ready to Try?

Which Ancient Techniques are You Ready to Try

Holistic healing has become a huge business. People are slowly starting to realize that much of their health, or lack thereof, can be completely in their control. Using chemicals to change the body chemistry to regulate symptoms is not getting to the root cause of the problem. Conventional medicine, for the most part, addresses the symptoms only. Enter, alternative medicine and holistic healers.

Just like practicing good sleep hygiene, getting quality sleep, exercising, and feeding the body proper nutrition, there is so much more you can do. Personally, when I resort to more holistic approaches to improve my health, my mind and body respond quicker than with conventional methods without the side effects.

Holistic practitioners all agree that unresolved emotional imbalances carried through the years ultimately yield physical symptoms. Based on Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) for example, constant emotions like fear and anger unbalance the body chemistry. Fear appears to attack the lower back and extremities while anger is understood to affect the liver.

Ruling out any environmental contaminants that can be connected to the symptoms, most of our problems may come from repeated unhealthy behaviours and thoughts. Yoga, acupuncture, meditation, massage therapy, reiki and tapping all carry amazing benefits that have the power to transform your health.



Did you know that yoga is several years old?  Some texts reveal that this practice is as much as 10,000 years old!  Now that can qualify as ancient!  Yoga consists of several practices in one. They include, of course, the physical aspect involving gentle to more advanced stretches and positions. Additionally, it includes calming the mind with breathing techniques while raising conscious awareness.

When we tap into the calm, all body systems will work more efficiently and effectively to fight off symptoms. From a philosophical perspective, practising yoga regularly can have a huge impact on our level of success in all aspects of life as it trains the mind to move with the flow of things. Walking the path of least resistance allows you to be more accepting and create more opportunities while encouraging synchronicities, you may have missed otherwise.


Acupuncture is considered several thousands of years old based on ancient Chinese texts. It uses the body roadmap of meridians which are like interconnected highways sending energy, or Qi throughout the body. When one of the “highways” has a traffic jam, it reduces the flow of Qi resulting in symptoms.

Other than using needles, I have successfully used laser acupuncture which is great for the squeamish. Although the practitioner uses the same roadmap as traditional acupuncture, the laser light beam is understood to penetrate more deeply into the cells to reorganize them and begin a healing process.



Meditation comes in many forms. Deep breathing over a 5-minute period, for example, can release toxins trapped in our organs and send a rush of oxygen-rich blood into all our systems. We are, for the most part very shallow breathers, but when we breathe deeply, our belly and lower back expand helping us to get grounded.

Sound meditation can include the tapping of brass or crystal bowls, gentle drumming or a singing voice. When our body’s energy frequency begins to match that of the sound healing tools, then we become more balanced. A simple walking meditation can help restore mental clarity and focus. Adding any one or all of these holistic practices to your wellness routine can greatly enhance your conventional treatments potentially reducing them over time.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert



Can’t Sleep: How Much Caffeine Are You Consuming?

Caffeine consumption and sleep

Tossing and turning can be very stressful when all you want is to close your eyes and have a restful sleep.

Sure, we say we don’t drink coffee, or much at least. But do we consume caffeine in other forms? Studies show that caffeine can be hiding in what we eat and drink every single day. Consumed before 4pm, any caffeine found in food or drink will keep us focused and alert. Any time after that, according to research, it can potentially keep us awake and irritable.

Here’s a list to help you pinpoint the culprits that are keeping you awake when all you want is to sleep.


Coffee is clearly a stimulant and that cup, or three before noon will sharpen your focus and keep you moving. Not all coffee is created equal when you factor in the size of your cup, the type of coffee bean, the kind of roast and the brewing technique.

Were you aware that light roast has more caffeine than dark roast? Although for many it is a question of taste, light roast is denser by weight and therefore slightly higher if both are measured the same. Espresso coffee surprisingly has less caffeine than regular roast and comes in at 125 mg of caffeine for a 2-ounce shot versus 180 mg in 8-ounce drip! You can never drink 2 ounces of drip coffee so it is also a question of volume. Decaffeinated coffee is not entirely caffeine-free at 5 mg per 8-ounce cup.


Teas contain caffeine! Yes, they do. However, the ranges for an 8-ounce cup is far lower than the equivalent cup of coffee. White tea appears to have the lowest range running from 30-55 mg and the highest in health benefits! Green tea is a close second with 35-70 mg per cup and good for you too! It’s the black tea which carries the most caffeine at a range of 60-90 mg but also rich in antioxidants. Finally, herbal teas are caffeine free as they are typically made from flowers and stems of some of the healthiest plants around!


Colas have caffeine regardless if they are light or sugar-free. These will include all the dark sodas and will range from 22 mg to 55 mg for 12 ounces. Clear coloured soft drinks, lemonades and orange sodas have zero caffeine, however, you need to watch the sugar content as that will equally keep you tossing and turning!

Energy drinks and sleep

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are, by their very nature, energy boosters. Some come in with a whopping 200 mg for 2 ounces, but the average drink will contain about 160 mg of caffeine per 16 ounces. You must keep in mind that typically these drinks will also be laden with sugar which is equally stimulating.

Energy Bars and Caffeinated Snacks

Energy bars and caffeinated snacks will help you during that afternoon slump, but you must beware of the pitfalls! A mocha-vanilla yogurt may sound healthy enough, but you will be affected by ‘mocha’. The same rings true for coffee or chocolate-flavoured ice cream at about 50 mg per 4-ounce serving, but a Hershey’s Kiss will come in at 1 mg of caffeine each. Chocolate flavoured puddings and cereals will also have high levels of caffeine along with the added sugar.

This is not an exhaustive list so the best you can do is to read the labels when you are reaching for a food item late in the afternoon or evening so to avoid the jitters and the tossing at bedtime.

Curious to know more about your caffeine intake? These two blog articles will provide you with additional information:

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

The Sounds of Silence: The New Relaxation Wave

The Sounds of Silence The New Relaxation Wave

Many people are now using sound to help them relax and numb the internal noise built up over the day. Regularly replacing pings and bells for more soothing sounds is what our bodies need to stay balanced and calm.

The term “sounds of silence” may appear to be an oxymoron. How can silence have a sound? The premise here is to replace the various and constant irritating sounds that surround us, with more soothing ones. Many will agree that our lives have become much louder with the advancement of technology and therefore more stressful. Everything happens quicker and perhaps, easier due to these advancements, but we need balance. The human body has a limit to how much external noise it can absorb before it begins to show symptoms from stress and anxiety.

There is a treasure trove of “sound therapies” that are proven to relieve many types of anxieties both in the short term and long term. The ultimate goal is to regularly take time to disconnect from the day long “noise” that constantly pulls at our energies and irritates our nervous system. We will examine a few techniques and practices people are using to overcome anxiety, stress and pain.

White Noise

White noise can be described as a constant sound like the spinning of a fan, the rumble of a jet engine or the sound of trickling water. When we have trouble sleeping because there is noise in our environment such as traffic or construction work, or for many of us constant ringing in the ear, using white noise will help us focus on that sound instead. Because white noise is a balanced and a constant sound with no highs or lows, such as a fan, the sound is soothing.

Nature Sounds

Nature sounds, like white noise, can also be balanced and constant as a spinning fan. We can select from various sounds like birds, purring cats, rain or beating hearts. For nature-lovers who don’t get out much, the sounds of nature on a CD or sound machine can be relaxing and as well as meditative.

Signing Bowls

Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are ceremonial brass or crystal bowls designed specifically to create a note from the musical scale when struck and sustain it for several seconds to minutes. Many people claim that they are therapeutic and attend concerts held in spiritual or healing centres to help relieve stress. Studies show that the sounds emanating from the bowls can match the natural vibration of healthy cells in our bodies thus creating a balance in the physical body while relaxing the mind.


Chanting is an ancient technique to bring the body to a relaxed and meditative state while elevating the natural healing abilities in the body. When we chant certain sounds, our bodies will gently vibrate releasing calming hormones, as well as help us focus. When we are in the presence of a practitioner chanting specific sounds, we are more passive and allow the sounds to melt away stress.

Readily and easily accessible, these sounds are available on CDs, on sound machines and on apps we can download to our phones. Tune in so that you can tune out!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

To learn more about the benefits of sound, you can also read this interesting article Everything You Need to Know About Sound Healing.

The Best Size Sealy Mattress for Every Lifestyle

The Best Size Sealy Mattress for Every Lifestyle

The size of your bed can have a big impact on your sleep, and choosing the right size is an often overlooked, but vital part of mattress shopping. There’s no single size that’s best for everyone – especially when you get a Sealy mattress, you’ll be getting a great quality bed no matter what size you pick – but the size that will suit you best depends on how you sleep and how you live.

Luckily, Sealy mattresses come in plenty of size and firmness options, so you can always find the perfect one to fit your needs. Let’s take a closer look at all the different sizes that Sealy has to offer and see which one will suit your lifestyle best.


A twin bed is a great choice for kids’ rooms or a small guest room, but it’s not typically enough space for most adults. Clocking in at 39 inches wide and 75 inches tall, lots of grownups will find their toes hanging over the edge. But, if you’re on the shorter side and space is at a premium, it’s not a bad option. Twin beds work especially well for side-sleepers, who typically need less room anyway.

If that sounds like you, one of Sealy’s foam mattresses could be a great option. Their portable, boxed design makes getting your mattress in and out of a small space simple, while the supportive memory foam helps relieve the pressure points and back pain that sometimes come with side sleeping.

Twin XL

If your bedroom has limited space but you need a little extra room to spread out, a Twin XL is the perfect choice. It’s 5 inches longer than a standard twin, keeping your toes tucked carefully under the covers instead of hanging over the edge, but the bed is still slim enough to fit in tight corners.

Stomach sleepers, in particular, will delight in the extra space to stretch, without having to worry about getting cold feet. If you tend to sleep in a full belly-flop, try out one of Sealy’s firmer models, for the extra support you need to keep from sinking in too deep overnight.

six years old child sleeping in bed with alarm clock


Couples can comfortably sleep side-by-side on a full-sized bed, but it’s a bit of a tight squeeze. At 54 by 75 inches, each sleeper has about 28 inches of personal sleeping space, and as we said, adult toes tend to dangle off the edges of a 75-inch mattress. But if getting cozy is the goal, a full-size bed will work just fine for you and your sweetie.

Though couples can make it work in one of these beds, they’re really ideal for solo sleepers who want a little extra wiggle room. Starfish sleepers, that means you! Try out a plush, Sealy pillowtop mattress to maximize your comfort and make your bed cozy as possible and cushion every inch of your body, whether you’re sleeping by yourself or with a partner.


A queen is the perfect couple’s bed! This is really the largest size you could need as an individual sleeper (unless you’re a real toss-and-turner) but it’s best suited for two. Queen-sized mattresses are typically 60 by 80 inches, leaving you lots of space to yourself, as well as plenty of opportunities to cozy up with your partner.

If you are mattress shopping for two, Sealy’s foam mattresses are a great pick. Complete comfort and movement dampening are vital features when sleeping in pairs. With a foam mattress, you not only have plenty of room to stretch out, you’ll also keep sleeping soundly no matter how many times your partner gets up for a glass of water.

Couple sleeping in king size bed


Maximize your comfort with all the individual sleeping space of a twin, plus plenty of room for a partner – and even for your little ones with nightmares. At 76 inches wide, a king-sized bed is double the width of a traditional twin, and 80 inches long, leaving plenty of room to spread out. A king-sized bed is great for sleepers looking for some personal space, or who have kids in need of some moral support to face those monsters in the closet!

Pairing your king-sized bed with a Sealy hybrid mattress is a great way to get the most out of your sleeping space. Hybrids typically have the lack of heat retention and better bounce of an innerspring mattress, plus the superior comfort and support of Memory Foam. That means they’re easier to get in and out of, plus all that extra surface area will stay nice and cool no matter how many people (or pets) are piled inside.

Cal King

Cal Kings are a bit slimmer than traditional king-sized beds (just 72 inches wide as opposed to 76) but they are about 4 inches longer. That means plenty of extra space for tall sleepers or any furry friends who like to join you in bed. That way you can sleep soundly and leave lots of room for Fido to curl up at your feet!

Try out one of Sealy’s Cal King sized adjustable foundations to totally customize your comfort. Whether you like to sit up and read before lights out, recline a bit while you rest to ease snoring or back pain, or lay flat to snooze the night away, you can adjust your Sealy exactly how you want, and make the most out of all that extra space.

When you’re shopping for a new mattress, make sure you’re getting one that supports your life as effectively as it supports your body. Sleeping arrangements, space, and bedtime routines are all important to consider when you’re picking out a new mattress, and Sealy has options for everyone. Come by our store today to see what Sealy has to offer!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

3 Tips to Start Waking Up Early in a Beautyrest Mattress

3 Tips to Start Waking Up Early in a Beautyrest Mattress

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin

Waking up early isn’t always an easy task. It takes skill to get to bed early, wake up early, and not feel like you need a gallon of coffee to keep you alive throughout the day. But if you need to start getting up in the morning at an early hour, yet are finding it difficult, it’s time for you to start changing some of your habits.

Of course, it may not be your fault that you can’t get to bed or wake up early. Your mattress could be the culprit. After you get your new Beautyrest mattress, be sure to try out these tips to help you start getting up early in the morning first.

Tip #1: Be Consistent

Choose a time you want to start going to bed each night and stick to it! The same goes for when you wake up in the morning. There’s nothing more confusing for your body than an irregular sleep schedule, so creating specific times for yourself will help your body begin to normalize and easily fall asleep/wake up at those times you’ve chosen.

If your body fights you on sleeping earlier and continues to sleep in, it could be your mattress making things difficult for you. With a Beautyrest bed, you’ll have an innovative mattress made to give your body the support it needs to pass out quickly every night, making it easier to wake up early.

Tip #2: Place the Alarm Far Away

This may be the oldest trick in the book, but it works! Every night before you hop into bed, put your alarm clock or your phone in a place that’s far enough away from arm’s reach. That way, every morning when your alarm goes off, you’re forced to either get up and turn it off right away or listen to it ring until you can’t take it anymore and then get up and turn it off anyway.

Drink Caffeine in the Mornings Only

Tip #3: Drink Caffeine in the Mornings Only

Having beverages with caffeine is all fine and dandy, unless it’s after two in the afternoon. Drinking caffeine late in the day can horrendously affect your sleep schedule and keep you up, till all hours in the morning if you’re especially sensitive to caffeine. Even if you think you can handle it, it’s best to save your caffeine for the morning to avoid causing any sort of sleep disruptions in the night.

It’s not always easy to wake up early in the morning. But, if you’re actively trying to wake up early, yet are still struggling, it’s almost certainly time for a new mattress. At our store, we provide Beautyrest mattresses that are so luxurious, you never have to struggle again with your sleep schedule. Each mattress is made to help restore your sleep and give you more energy throughout the day. Visit us to find the Beautyrest mattress that will truly help you sleep better so you can wake better.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

Habits of a Successful Napper

Habits of a Successful Napper

Babies and toddlers, do it. Cats and puppies, do it too! And because they do, they have lots of boundless energy that is very difficult to contain! What do they know that we don’t? Why do so many of us have such difficulty taking naps when our bodies need it most? And then, there are those of us who have this napping business down to an art-form.

Thanks to Edison inventing the light bulb, we can push our bodies beyond the exhaustion zone. When we do, our natural sleep rhythms are disrupted, and a vicious cycle begins. Naps are not reserved just for the rhythms of nature and change in seasons, but anytime our bodies and mind crave for everything to stop – even for just a few minutes.

Here are some tips on what habitual nappers do to get their bodies energized!

1) Schedule the time to turn off

When we are at the office, we can schedule a quick nap after lunch. We can find a spot where we can be alone for 15 minutes and set an alarm so that we don’t miss the afternoon meeting. While at home, we can recharge our energy from our long list of chores by taking a little snooze on our patio, or on our cat’s favourite couch to give us the lift we need. Napping with kids could be a fun activity by creating a blanket fort in the living room. Adding this to our phone scheduler will, at the very least, have us stop for a moment or two to take a breath.

2) Early afternoon is the best time

Beware of the need for naps coming late in the afternoon as this will surely disrupt our night sleep. Whether we are feeling it or not, our body will just want to stop moving. It’s best to skip the late nap altogether to avoid a poor quality of sleep later. Remember point number 2 above!

3) Don’t feel guilty

Many of us feel a pang of guilt when our eyes become heavy and our bodies crave to curl up on a couch, and it’s only 2pm. The fear of being judged as lazy can easily prevent us from listening to our own body. We should always listen to our body.

Habits of a Successful Napper (2)

4) Set a gentle alarm after 20 minutes

Naps are not intended to be hours long. We need to take lessons from cats to understand the art of napping. Short breaks can yield long bursts of energy and is what our goal should be. Setting a gentle alarm, and not a fire drill will ease us back to get on with our day. There is no need to shock us into wakefulness, our body will know when it’s had its fill.

5) Feel productive and accomplished

Although this may sound odd, taking breaks in our day will indeed improve productivity – more so than pushing through the fatigue to get to the end. Attempting to complete tasks when we are running on ‘empty’ only yields disorganized and substandard results. One thing we must remember is that there is always something to do.

When we find ourselves needing longer naps and not feeling rested afterwards it could be a sign of poor sleep quality. Seeing a professional if a sleep disorder is suspected is a good idea.

Make sure to visit our Inspiration blog for more sleep tips like 5 Habits Messing Up Your Sleep and many more Sleep useful articles.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

The Best Natural Cleaning Solutions

The Best Natural Cleaning Solutions

As we become more environmentally aware, we look for better cleaning solutions that are effective and safe. Before the invention of detergents, bleaches, solvents and other chemically charged cleaners, there were herbs, oils, fermented plants and fruit to solve cleaning problems. What began as a bunch of twigs tied together on a long stick to make a broom, we now have machines and solvents to do the job. What was intended to make our lives and chores easier, became a chemical soup affecting our health.

I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, however, many diseases have been sourced back to certain chemicals used in washing our windows, floors, appliances, our clothes and the sheets we sleep on. Granted, we do live much longer in this century than we did in the 13th, nonetheless, we are potentially aggravating our health by what we do every day.

If you want to take a healthier way of cleaning approach, here are the main ingredients to naturally clean your home.

Distilled Vinegar

Often used for pickling and typically made from apple, grape, corn, wheat, or rye. Because of its acidic properties, it is very effective in cleaning grimy surfaces. Just add directly into a spray bottle undiluted to instantly clean the surface of your outdoor grill. Add some essential oils and you have a great window cleaner. Also, half a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle or adding to softener dispenser will brighten colours as well as whites. I love how it makes my windows shine and my grill looking like new.

Baking Soda

This powerful ingredient added to grime in window tracks, around sinks and tubs will make everything sparkle. Adding a spritz or two of vinegar will make the baking soda fizz while lifting the dirt right out! This is my preferred oven cleaner!

Nothing works better and it has no fumes. In a small mason jar add baking soda with 10 drops of lavender essential oil will create the best antimicrobial mattress refresher! Read more on this topic in our previous article Sleep Tight! Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite.


Lemons The Best Natural Cleaning Solutions

They are not just to adorn cocktails or squeezed on fish, but the acid in lemons can actually remove rust and shine brass to a brilliance only seen from the sun. Squeezing half a lemon onto a wooden or plastic cutting board, gently rubbing the stains and letting it sit for 20 minutes will remove all the bacteria and stains. If you add a few drops of lemon juice to your dishwater, it will boost the grease cutting properties of your dish soap.

Cooking Oil

Vegetable or plant-based oil like sunflower or corn can remove dirt, lessen scratches on wood, and restore your pans. Adding some coarse salt with a few drops of oil to your cast iron pan will easily remove all the bits of stuck on food. Soap never touches my cast iron pan!

Restore your leather shoes by adding just a few drops on a cloth to remove scuff marks. Follow with a buffing cloth, and voila! Furniture polish made with the juice of one lemon and a cup of oil will smooth out scratches with just a few drops on a clean cloth.

I have barely scratched the surface on this topic, so watch for another instalment on natural cleaning solutions that keep you safe while getting the job done!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

Aromatherapy – Simple and Safe Solutions Part 2: Recipes for Your Well-Being

Aromatherapy - Simple and Safe Solutions Part 2 Recipes for Your Well-Being

As I said in the first part of this mini-series on aromatherapy, this practice has become a huge trend! Those little blue bottles can be found at drug stores, natural food stores, and online directly from distillers. With this abundant supply, it is, however, very important to be a perceptive consumer.

Unless it says on the label that it is pure and organic, there is a good chance what you are buying is a manufactured scent to resemble herbs and florals. It is important to distinguish between essential oil and fragrance oil. Now that this is out of the way, here are just a few great benefits from using essential oils.

Improving Your Sleep

In a previous article How to Clean and Care for Your Mattress, I presented a simple recipe to clean and refresh your mattress including a sieve, baking soda and lavender oil! Lavender has long been known as a soothing scent, and as such, it is ideal to use at bedtime on your mattress, pillow or diffused. Whether your child is struggling with sleep, or you have trouble catching those zzzzs, diffusing lavender is just one ideal solution.

Cleaning Your Toilet

If you are a fan of non-toxic cleansers, I have just the thing. Making scented and chemical free toilet cleaning bombs are actually “the bomb”. Everyone is raving about how simple it is to mix one cup of baking soda, half a cup of citric acid, a tablespoon of water and 30 drops each of peppermint, lavender and lemon essential oils. Once you’ve created a paste add them to silicone moulds in your preferred shape, let dry, and then store in a mason jar. Whenever your toilet needs refreshing just drop one of the bombs in and watch it fizz, clean and deodorize!

Source: DIY Natural

Refreshing Your Room

Adding your favourite essential oil to distilled water can easily create a room freshener and a quick spritz on your hot skin will cool it right down! Essential oils such as lemon, tea tree oil, rosemary and yes lavender all carry antibacterial properties which are fantastic in your natural cleansing solutions. A wild orange spritzer or diffuser will work wonders on uplifting the mood and freshness of your living space. For more cleaning with essential oils ideas, I recommend you visit sites like Hello Glow and OH, The Things We’ll Made.

As I mentioned earlier, many essential oils are antimicrobial and not only help rid our living space of little microscopic pests but are great to use on sprains, bruises, burns and rashes. Always do a patch test before applying any essential oils on your skin.

Eucalyptus essential oil

It is best to remember that although we tap into nature’s bounty to help us live healthier and cleaner, some things in nature can also be toxic. When I suffer from a bad cold, I stopped reaching for the boxes of remedies found at the drug store. I now grab my eucalyptus, tea tree and some rosemary essential oils, and add to my diffuser or my steamer. After taking a few deep breaths, I can begin to feel the mucus breaking up. It can work very quickly if you start at the beginning of your symptoms.

Although essential oils are not recommended to be ingested, used topically and diffused in the air are now being widely used for many ailments from menopause to headaches to insomnia. There are many sources online and my copy of The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood is always close by.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

5 Easy-Care House Plants to Lift Your Mood

5 Easy-Care House Plants to Lift Your Mood

Here is my short list of great low-maintenance and hardy – can’t kill them if you tried, houseplants to lift your mood, clean the air and spruce up your décor.

Spider Plant

Spider Plant

My first pick and favourite one is unofficially called a Spider Plant or in Latin terms, chlorophytum comosum. I love the way this plant grows is low maintenance, pretty to look at, and great for cleaning the air in my living space! How so, you say?

Besides breathing in our expelled carbon dioxide, it breathes out the oxygen we breathe! How convenient! While it is busy breathing it is also destroying chemicals in the air such as formaldehyde and xylene, according to a study by Nasa! That’s good enough for me!

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

My second pick was the Snake plant or officially the sanseveria plant. Although only about 6 inches high, it could grow to 30 inches in height! As pretty as it is with its yellow and green stripes, this is another great air filter removing toxins and also reducing odours! You’ll never know when I will serve fish for dinner!! It is also another low maintenance plant and is known to filter out benzene, xylene and formaldehyde which is found in many household items including furniture!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plant

Another favourite of mine, and very practical to have around is my Aloe Vera plant. As I can sometimes be clumsy in the kitchen, I regularly get a burn on a finger or three, or on my arms. After I yell and kick air for a moment, I reach for one of the luscious leaves, cut it gently near the root. I remove the outer skin on one side and scrape down the gooey gel substance all over the burn. I can tell you, nothing heals a burn faster, and I love to watch how it grows after I cut off a leaf!

Ficus (Rubber Plant)

Ficus Rubber Plant

My list now includes the Rubber plant or also known as Ficus! This baby has some serious air cleaning properties that will amaze anyone who suffers from allergies! It can grow, however, to 10 feet in height so learning some good pruning skills is also on my list!!

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Another plant that is not only green but sprouts some lovely blooms is the Peace Lily or the Spathiphyllum. This plant has some superpowers that many don’t have, and that is, it loves mould as much as we hate it!! As such, it is great to keep in your bathroom and basement where mould grows more easily than any other spot in the house. So, as I look for the perfect spot to pretty up, I know it will be hard at work for me and my family!

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of placement, touts loudly the use of fresh plants in the home. From a business perspective, placing strong growing plants in the “abundance corner” of your desk or home can potentially bring about a strong growing business! I won’t take any chances and keep some of these natural beauties close by. For more Feng Shui tips on using plants in your home, read this article Feng Shui Friendly House Plants.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert