How to Wash Your Pillow

How to Wash Your Pillows

When was the last time you threw your pillow into the washing machine? Never, you say? Let’s examine why this should be a regular practice, for your health’s sake!

Let’s be honest. Pillows are a breeding ground for bacteria yet not all are harmful. Moisture is the primary source of most bacteria, and there could be plenty of that during the summer months. Pillows do have a shelf life and if you own any older than two years, make sure that you wash them with some of the methods we describe below. Even if stains are not visible, bacteria are mostly microscopic and can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Here are some tips on how to get your pillows clean.

Read the label

All pillows are not created equal, so it is important to read the manufacturer’s suggested washing instructions. The outer shell or the filling may be dry-cleaning only so it’s important to get this step right to prevent damage to your pillow and your washing machine. Always load two pillows at a time to help balance the washing machine and use a small amount of soap.

Foam Filled Pillows

This variety is not machine washable, however, they always come with an outer zippered case that can be thrown into the wash every week. Whether your pillow is one solid piece of foam or cut up into little morsels, the best way to wash it is to fill a bathtub or large wash basin with mild detergent. The ratio should be 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water, and spot cleaning is always a good idea for stubborn stains. By completely submerging the pillow and squeezing it gently for about 10 minutes, it will get the job done. Rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear and squeeze out excess moisture. Lay flat to dry out of direct sunlight or heat. Repeat twice a year or when needed.

Foam Filled Pillows (Large)

Down or Fibre Filled Pillows

These can be easily washed in a top or front-loading machine with great results. If your machine has an agitator in the middle, make sure that you place the pillows standing vertically to avoid any damage. Always use a gentle soap, use the gentle cycle with warm water. The fun and noisy part is when you place them in the dryer with clean tennis balls (you should always have some handy for this purpose). The balls will serve to re-fluff your pillows to their original state, keep them moving in the machine and prevent clumping. Make sure the setting is on low heat and that they are thoroughly dry before you use them.

Feather Pillows

Before you toss these in the machine make sure that there are no tears or breaks in the seams or you will have a feathery mess in your washing machine! Using warm water and the gentle cycle will get these clean as can be! Giving them an extra cold-water rinse will seal the deal for removing any soap residue. For additional brightness, adding 1 cup of peroxide, which is a natural whitening agent, and ½ cup of white vinegar to your gentle detergent, your pillows will be restored to their original whiteness!

Don’t toss your yellowing or stained pillows out in the trash but give them a new life with a regular machine or hand-washing!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

Sleep Your Way to the Top: How Getting Your Zzzs Can Help Your Career

Sleep Your Way to the Top How Getting Your Zzzs Can Help Your Career

You’ve studied hard, you’re ambitious and you want it all. How do you balance your career aspirations while keeping your health in check, including adequate sleep?

Ambition always comes with a price and that usually involves bad eating practices because we are always rushing, lack of exercise because we can’t find the time, and less than adequate sleep because, well, there is no time for that. In our pursuit of success and prosperity, we overextend our body, mind, and in many cases, our spirit.

How can you have it all? How do you balance your ambitions and health so that you can fully enjoy the fruit of your labour? Let’s examine some of the great tips I learned along the way that helped me re-focus and find balance to avoid the burnout I was headed for.

Create a Consistent Daily Exercise Routine

Whether you have joined a gym, yoga studio, or prefer to do your exercise at home, you must do something every single day. As little as 15 minutes can positively set your mind and body to face your day or help you wind down in the evening. When you are consistent with your routines either morning or evening, you are better able to deal with stress which ultimately affects your sleep.

Working standing up helps sleep

Stand as Much as You Can

Having a desk job can seriously affect your hip and knee joints as well as your shoulders and neck. I used an alarm that would tell me it was time to move around after I discovered my hip joints were always sore from sitting too long. When you stand you burn more calories and you engage every part of your body.

Advancements in office furniture have not only considered the best back support in chairs but now the industry is taking the advice of health experts by creating standing desks. Ask your employer for one!

Schedule a Walking Meeting

To get some extra steps in the day, I would arrange a meeting outdoors. It added to my fitness goals, I got to enjoy some time outdoors away from stale air, and it helped others be more relaxed. Getting those extra exercise minutes will ultimately help you sleep as you not only burned a few calories but reduced some stress along the way.

Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

When we’re stressed we tend to crave processed foods that may momentarily uplift our mood but will negatively affect our bodies and how they function. Fresh fruits and vegetables packed in your lunch bag will help you stay focused and properly nourished during the day. When your body’s systems are all functioning well, your quality of sleep is improved.

Drinking lots of water helps sleep

Drink Lots of Water

I learned something very important and that is, if I am very thirsty, my body has already become dehydrated. To avoid that, it is important to always have water nearby. Adding a slice of lemon or a few berries into your glass or bottle will really help you get plenty of water into your body. Water and lots of it will also keep all systems running at optimum efficiency and positively affect your down time.

Get the Right Amount of Zzzs

If you want to perform at work, getting the right amount of sleep is crucial. According to the chart prepared by the National Sleep Foundation, our sleep needs change as we age. Notwithstanding any other reason for more or less sleep needs, the average adult aged 26 to 64 should get anywhere between 7 and 9 hours. Considering lifestyle, and state of health, these numbers should be considered for a restorative sleep to function at your best.

Additionally, ensuring that your mattress and pillows are still supportive and comfortable is part of the equation leading to a good night’s sleep.

Average Sleep Needs by Age
Source: HelpGuide

Caring for your body, mind and spirit with exercise, proper nutrition, and quality sleep while in the pursuit of your ambitions, is essential to a fulfilling life.

For more tips on creating great sleep habits and theme-related issues, read our blogs like How Does Your Sleep Awareness Size-up?, Do You Suffer from Sleep Debt? and The Science Behind Sleep.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

How to Keep Cool During the Summer Nights with a Tempur-Pedic Mattress

How to Keep Cool During the Summer Nights with a Tempur-Pedic Mattress (Large)

Learning to survive and sleep through the hot summer nights isn’t always as easy as you’d think. Especially if your air conditioner is having some technical difficulties, trying to sleep while sweating is incredibly uncomfortable. It takes a special combination of luck, skill, and determination to fall asleep in the excruciating heat, but with the right kind of bed, such as a Tempur-Pedic mattress, and a few simple tips to keep cool, you’ll fall asleep like a baby in no time. Follow these simple tricks to keep you chill while you nod off to dreamland.

Use Your Freezer for More Than Just Ice

If there’s one thing your Tempur-Pedic Mattress can’t stand, it’s being wet. If you happen to get particularly sweaty on hot evenings, it’s probably a good idea to invest in a mattress cover if you don’t already have one. An easy way to prevent the perspiration from pooling under you is by keeping yourself cool with a chilled washcloth. Take a regular washcloth, wet it completely under the faucet, and then let it freeze. After a couple hours, it will be icy and ready to cool you down. Place it on your feet or under the back of your neck for the best results. You could even stick your sheets, socks, and more in the freezer for about thirty minutes before bed to ensure you get that chilly sensation your overheated body has been craving.

Breathable Sheets Are Your Friend

It may be tempting to rip your bed sheets off of your Tempur-Pedic, but leaving them on is in your best interest. Your sheets can make a huge difference to your nighttime routine. Just like flannel sheets will keep you nice and toasty in winter, having breathable or moisture-wicking sheets will help regulate your body’s temperature. While there are plenty of sheets out there that can make your body feel like it isn’t trapped in a sauna, some especially cooling fabrics to keep an eye out for are cotton, eucalyptus, bamboo, and silk. These natural fibres will help hot sleepers stay cool throughout the night and into the morning.

Breathable Sheets for hot summer days (Large)

Check the Airflow

Having a proper airflow under your Tempur-Pedic mattress can be a big part in keeping your body cool. If your foam mattress lays flat on the floor or has a bed frame that sits on a solid platform, you may be constricting the airflow, leaving you to sizzle on your bed like a slice of bacon. Lift your Tempur-Pedic up on a slatted bed frame and start breathing in the fresh air.

Don’t Believe the Myth

When it comes to Tempur foam mattresses, most people are under the impression that these comfy beds are notorious for absorbing heat and driving people into a sweltering fever. This is a common misconception when it comes to Tempur-Pedic mattresses, but it isn’t always true. Plenty of Tempur-Pedic mattresses even have cooling gel technology integrated within them, producing a rather refreshing experience during the heat of the night.

Don’t melt away this summer – find a Tempur-Pedic mattress at our store that will chill you out while also providing you with a perfect night’s rest!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

4 Ways to Wake Yourself Up When Your Beautyrest is Too Comfy

4 Ways to Wake Yourself Up When Your Beautyrest is Too Comfy (Large)

Do you ever find yourself pushing snooze just a few too many times in the morning? The struggle is real when it comes to opening your eyes after lying on a Beautyrest mattress for 8 hours in the night. Those first few moments when dreams turn to real-life is quite literally, a rude awakening. Sometimes when your alarm goes off though, it means business. It means you have to get up right then or you’re going to be late for that early bird meeting. Try out a few of the creative ideas below to help you get up and ready for the day without falling back into a stressful slumber.

1. Ease Up on That Caffeine Addiction

If there is one thing you can do to prevent yourself from sluggishly waking up, it’s going to bed at an early hour. If you drink caffeine too late in the day or just too much of it, there’s a chance your body may keep you up until an ungodly hour. Try limiting your coffee, or other caffeinated drinks, intake to only the minimal amount you need. Restraining your coffee consumption could be the key to helping you rest soundly, and arise with the morning sun, without feeling like a zombie.


2. Set the Right Tone

If you’re waking up every morning to the sound of a terribly obnoxious ringtone, that could be your problem right there. Is there anything worse than having your sleep interrupted by something you hate? A buzzing fly, a weird smell from the kitchen sink, and a bad ringtone are all on the same level as the worst ways to wake up. Try changing your alarm sounds to something you’d enjoy waking up to. Maybe use your favourite song or one that’s catchy enough to motivate you to get up and dance! Whatever it is, make sure you actually enjoy it, so you’ll love waking up every morning just to hear it. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” by Wham, anyone?

3. Make Exercising a Habit

Finding time to work out can be rather difficult for many people who hold 9-5 jobs. Some will try to go after work, but even that can get hard when you just want to sit back and relax after a long work day. Going to the gym first thing when you wake up is a fantastic way to spend your mornings and help you start them more productively. Once you do it enough, it’ll become a habit, and waking up at the same time will be a piece of cake for you.

Drinking water in the morning

4. Drink Water

This may sound too simple, but sometimes all it takes is drinking a glass of water to begin the waking up process for your brain. You’ll have to get out of bed, which automatically forces your body to get physical, and then drink a cold glass of water. The colder the water, the harder your body has to work to warm it during digestion – thus waking it up.

There are tons of ways to get your body and brain awake and ready to start the day, but if you have a bad mattress giving you sleepless nights, you may continue struggling to get out of bed. Rise and shine like a champ with the help of a Beautyrest mattress. You’ll sleep through the night and find your motivation and focus completely restored with Beautyrest technology.

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

Coffee, Tea or Smoothie? Best Ways to Start Your Day

Coffee, Tea or Smoothie Best Ways to Start Your Day

There is a big debate on what beverage is the best to kick-start your day! Can it be as simple as a tall glass of water or a strong shot of espresso? Perhaps, lemon water or green tea is the best to get your organs hydrated and your blood moving.

The debates vary because there are so many different mindsets, body types and goals that people have. If you are trying to lose weight, then nutritionists suggest starting your day with lemon water. You may follow the belief that organic green tea is the only beverage that will nourish your body in a healthy way. Espresso lovers allow nothing to touch their lips other than the rich crema topped liquid gold.

Let’s review some of these more closely.


Studies show that 16 ounces or 450 ml of room temperature spring non-carbonated water is the best first beverage of the day. After 6-8 hours of sleep, our body is craving water. It not only fires up our metabolism but hydrates our body, fuels up our brain, washes away built-up toxins and can reduce hunger.

Lemon Water

Drinking warm lemon water after we wake gives us a big shot of Vitamin C and protects the body’s immune system. It is known to help clear the skin from the inside out and it is a great PH balancer. It also promotes digestion and is a great addition to a weight loss plan. It also touts anti-inflammatory properties and contains electrolytes to keep the body hydrated.


Whether coffee is our first beverage of the day or the second, most people have become so habituated to the routine that they can’t consider anything else. Nutritionists say that as little as 50ml of black coffee, without adding sugar or milk can be an excellent boost to our metabolism. Although espresso appears strong it has less caffeine than, say, Columbian coffee and some black teas.

Coconut Water

Filled with healthy electrolytes and minerals, coconut water has become a new trend not only for breakfast but any time of the day. It is known to be a great hydrator and metabolism booster.

Berry Smoothie

Berry Smoothie

Berries are loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients so clearly our body would love this colourful concoction. When we add Greek yogurt, chia seeds, a drizzle of honey we can enjoy a satisfying and nutrient-filled beverage that can keep us going all morning long. When we add some greens and watch the number of sweet berries we add, we can greatly reduce a potential sugar overload. Everything in balance.

I think you will agree that a tall glass of water is perhaps the best beverage to rehydrate your body first thing in the morning, followed by your favourite chaser and breakfast. Whatever your lifestyle, remember to give your body what it needs to function at its best but don’t forget to satisfy your taste buds!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

How Daily Exercise Can Help You Sleep

How Daily Exercise Can Help You Sleep

One of the biggest robbers of sleep is stress. Stress affects the way we eat, the way we think and feel, and yes, how we sleep. Our eyes may become heavy and as we lay in bed ready for sleep, our mind suddenly turns on. All the events of the past day or the last 40 years vividly appear for re-examination. We close our eyes tighter hoping the movie will stop playing, and then, the morning alarm goes off.

According to many studies, not only does exercise have a big impact on our health but also the quality of our sleep. When our bodies are constantly in motion, it not only keeps us flexible and focused but also tires us out! Research shows that daily exercise is very effective in helping us manage the stress of the day or accumulated over the years. A gym routine 3 or 4 times a week is great, but our bodies work best if we add as little as a 30-minute brisk walk a day.

An Evening Routine

Turn your evening routine into a ritual. You work a stressful job and have a house and family that need your attention, still, you need to carve out some “Me Time”. When all the end-of-the-day tasks are completed including dinner, clean up, homework and lunches, drop into your self-care routine. Your sleep should be very important to you, so make sure you do everything you can to ensure it comes easily and lasts throughout the night.

Whether you had a date with the gym earlier in the morning or at lunch, your evening ritual should always be the same. For example, what releases the stress of the day and helps me wind down is a 30 to 45-minute walk. Some get the same results from a long soak in the tub, or perhaps yoga.

Everyone is different and you need to find what works for you. For me, since starting this routine of getting my body moving at the end of the day, it has helped me relax into the best sleep I have ever had. I may be temporarily energized but my body quickly finds that moment when it’s all systems off!

Stretching in bed

An Early Morning Routine

As soon as you wake up, do a few stretches to get your blood flowing and get the kinks out of being still for many hours. This daily routine will easily set you up for a great day feeling energized and mentally focused.

Here are some stretches you can do while still in bed. First, sit up and reach for the sky and with a little lean to the right and then to the left, get things started. Then grab one knee at a time and pull it towards your chest a few times and then repeat on the other side. Once your feet touch the floor then reach for your toes and feel that pull in your back. That feels great, right?!!

Get energized morning, noon, and night, and welcome a healthier body and a better sleep!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

5 Ways to Keep Your Nightstand Clean and Tidy

5 Ways to Keep Your Nightstand Clean and Tidy

Clutter is distressing! What’s worse is clutter next to where your bed. Just when you have organized this space, non-essentials seem to appear magically while your eyes are shut! There is an interior design concept that states anything with a flat surface will accumulate clutter. There is also a principle that states that things will accumulate to fill the space available to it. Either way, junk and other things grow exponentially if we let them.

A nightstand should convey, to some degree, a space of rest and relaxation. A book, a candle, and a lamp are ideal for this space. So, why do we find an old crumpled receipt, stale candy, or last night’s crumb-filled dish? Distraction, laziness, or mental exhaustion are some reasons why we let things run amok, especially on our nightstands. Unlike any other space, your bedroom must promote restfulness and relaxation so here are some tips on how you can keep your nightstand functional, organized, and clutter-free.

Tip #1 Use Decorative Baskets

When you opt for a clear glass table with a couple of shelves, everything is visible, so you really need to keep that thing neat and tidy! Using decorative baskets with specific functions will keep things in their place. If you are reading a couple of books, designate a basket for that on a lower shelf while keeping the top shelf for a candle, a favourite picture and lamp only.

Tip #2 Drawers, Drawers, Drawers

Drawers, drawers, drawers. The best way to keep things away from view is to designate a drawer for them. Keeping the flat surface clear with minimal essentials, using the drawers for things such as books, candle accessories, extra bulbs for your lamp is the best way to keep things neat.

Tip #3 Trays Are Chic & Functional

Using a tray on top of your nightstand can be chic and functional. Include only small items including reading glasses, hand lotion, and perhaps a glass of water.

Keep you nightstand clean and tidy with trays

Source: chango & co.

Tip #4 Put It on a Shelf

If you are a true minimalist or have a small space, a decorative shelf hung on the wall on either side of your bed will keep things tidy. The least amount of surface space you have, the less will accumulate; remember the principle above! An adjustable lamp, a small painting leaning against the wall and just enough space for a book will serve the purpose.

Tip #5 Go Camouflage

If you need motivation to keep things tidy, then choose a nightstand that is the same colour as your wall! Anything you place on the surface will stand out so choose what you leave on it wisely. Choose a piece of furniture that can easily be painted over when you change up your wall colour.

If you’ve noticed, I never mentioned adding your devices on your nightstand. Not only is the vibrating, and blue light distracting but energetically it is not conducive to a good night’s sleep. I suggest that you create a designated area away from your bed to recharge your devices.

Additionally, interior designers are encouraging clients to focus on creativity as well as functionality. Bedroom sets are not as popular as they used to be. Clients are now inspired to focus on the best bed design while mixing and matching nightstands and dressers that suit their needs. Have fun, get creative and keep things tidy!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

What Causes Sleep Paralysis and How Beautyrest Mattresses Can Help

What Causes Sleep Paralysis and How Beautyrest Mattresses Can Help

Anyone who has experienced sleep paralysis knows that it’s not a fun experience. It can feel like a waking nightmare—you open your eyes in the middle of the night and realize that you can’t move or speak. Sometimes you struggle to breathe like something is sitting on your chest, and it often causes hallucinations of an intruder or threatening presence in your room. While the experience can be scary and uncomfortable, it’s actually quite common.

There’s no comprehensive study on sleep paralysis yet, but some researchers believe as many as 65% of people may experience sleep paralysis at some point. For most people, it will only happen once in a lifetime, but for some, it’s a recurring nightmare. Sleep paralysis isn’t dangerous and it’s not necessarily a sign of any outside health problems, but most people find it extremely unpleasant.

Luckily, there are ways to cut down on your risk of sleep paralysis, from your lifestyle to the mattress you sleep on.

What Causes Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis typically happens while we’re in REM sleep. Typically, we have our most active dreams during this period of deep rest. Our brain also shuts down our major muscle groups during this stage of sleep, locking us into place so that we don’t move around too much while we’re dreaming. Normally, we’re so deeply asleep that we don’t even notice this temporary paralysis as it happens, but when the transition between REM and other stages of sleep doesn’t go smoothly, problems can arise.

Sleep paralysis is what happens when we come out of that deep sleep before our brain has had time to unlock our muscles. Doctors aren’t sure exactly what causes this misstep, but everything from sleep deprivation to medications to disorders like anxiety and sleep apnea have been pointed to as contributing factors to sleep paralysis.

How to Prevent It

Some research has shown that sleeping on your back and repeatedly waking up in the night might increase the likelihood of sleep paralysis. An irregular sleeping schedule can also put you at risk for waking up during REM. One of the best ways to ensure a good night’s rest and comfortable side-sleeping is a good mattress. Beautyrest mattresses are a great option to stave off sleep paralysis and other sleep problems.

Many modern mattress conveniences were actually invented by Beautyrest, like king and queen-sized beds, as well as the hybrid mattress, which mixes traditional springs with cushy layers of memory foam. The foam conforms to the body making side-sleeping more comfortable and can lessen the effects of sleep apnea, which has been linked to sleep paralysis. Firm but cushy memory foam can also decrease the likelihood of being woken up by a sleeping partner.

Scientists and doctors are still trying to learn more about why sleep paralysis happens and how to prevent it, but for now, getting a good night’s sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress is the best way to move smoothly through the stages of sleep and keep paralysis at bay.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

9 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster in Your Sealy Mattress

9 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster in Your Sealy Mattress

Sealy beds are specially designed for comfort and support. Their four lines of Posturepedic mattresses are carefully created with reinforced centers to better support your back and keep you from tossing and turning in the night. But no matter how comfortable your bed is, there are always going to be some nights you just can’t get to sleep. Here are some tips for nodding off quickly that are a little more interesting than counting sheep.


Meditation can be a great way to unwind after a long day. To get your mind and body ready for rest, try a few relaxing stretches and envision a calming image, like a creek or a big open field. If you’re having trouble clearing your mind of the day’s worries, there are plenty of videos online that can help guide you to your inner Zen.

Read a comic book

Comics aren’t just for kids anymore, and they can be a great way to relax and unwind. There are comic books and graphic novels about just about everything these days, from your traditional superhero comics to autobiographies, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. Just lean into your pillows, get cozy, and read until you feel your eyelids start to droop.

Have a bedtime snack

If you’ve got the munchies and all you can think about is raiding the fridge, there are a few snacks that can help lull you to sleep. A light, herbal tea like chamomile can be great for helping you get to bed, and fruits like kiwis and bananas produce hormones that can promote a more restful night of sleep. Snacks rich in magnesium, like almonds and cashews, are also known for their soporific qualities.

9 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster in Your Sealy Mattress

Play cards

Teach yourself a new game! Solitaire (with real cards, not the one on your computer) is an age-old way to keep boredom at bay. Or if you have a bedmate who also struggles with insomnia, you can try some other card games. Challenge yourself and try to remember the rules to games like Go Fish and Crazy Eights without looking them up.

Tidy up around your bed

When was the last time you cleaned under your bed? If you’re like us, it’s probably been longer than you’d like to admit. If slumber is evading you, try a little tidying up the area around your bed. Who knows what might have gotten lost under your Sealy mattress? Go hunting for loose change or other trinkets that may have disappeared into some dark corner under your bed.

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Listening to a favourite book or new podcast can be a great way to relax. Everyone loves a bedtime story, and audiobooks let you enjoy your favourite stories without even having to turn your lights on. Podcasts are another fun, free way to wind down at the end of the day, and you’ll usually learn something new while you’re at it.

Write your thoughts in a journal

If your head is too full of your daily worries to focus on counting sheep, you might want to try journaling. Whether you have a nice notebook for the purpose or just a stack of Post-It notes, it can be a relief to get all your thoughts out on paper. Just pick up a pen and let all that stress out of your head!

Make some crafts

I know what you’re thinking, and no, you don’t have to turn your bed into a mess of glitter and glue for this one. There are plenty of crafts that require little to no cleanup that can be relaxing and fun. Teach yourself to knit or make a friendship bracelet (remember those?) with some spare bits of string. Adult colouring books are all the rage these days, and a little colouring session before bed can work wonders.

Go Wikipedia page-hopping

Research shows that screen time can actually keep us awake longer, but if you just can’t resist hopping on your computer, try to avoid anything too stimulating, like watching TV or surfing Facebook. Wikipedia page-hopping is one weird way to scratch the internet itch without getting sucked into the web for hours. Here’s how it works: select the “random article” option near the top left of the Wikipedia homepage, then keep clicking through to other linked articles until you find something interesting. Make it into a game and see how fast you can get to Kevin Bacon!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

What is Melatonin and Why Do We Need It

What is Melatonin and Why Do We Need it

Our bodies are well equipped with most everything we need to survive. Cells are programmed with DNA, take in nutrients from food, and carry out many diverse functions to maintain proper health. Glands produce and secrete hormones at various times of the day and throughout our lifetime which regulate and instruct the cells to perform a specific function.

Sometimes, there is a system failure and the glands may not produce the required amount of hormone required to complete a specific task. For example, telling the body it is time for sleep is triggered by melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the tiny powerhouse called the pineal gland in our brain and sends messages to the body for sleep and awake time.

Under normal circumstances, melatonin is slowly released at sundown as darkness falls triggering our body to relax and prepare for sleep. As morning breaks and light increases, melatonin is no longer produced. Simple? Not quite. Here are some issues if we consider the science:

1) Modern technology creating light-beaming devices used all day and sometimes all night have significantly affected the production of melatonin. The result is a generation with sleep disorders!

2) Shift workers, that is, those who work at night and sleep in the day are at a higher risk of unbalancing the natural production of melatonin. Some will depend on sleep-aids that could prolong the natural production of melatonin as well as have adverse side effects if used over long periods of time.

3) Late nights on a consistent basis will affect the production of this important hormone. Potentially, it could develop into insomnia and affect overall wellness.

Jet lag can affect the production of melatonin

4) Jet lag and time zones can temporarily affect the production of melatonin until all body systems settle into the change.

5) Stress appears on every list when it comes to causes of health breakdown. Working long hours and consistently handling deadlines or managing your own business or family dynamics can easily disrupt the production of melatonin.

These are only a few melatonin disruptors, but there is good news! If you think that your body is not producing enough melatonin due to some of the causes mentioned earlier, then you can replace it with certain foods or easy to take supplements at bedtime. Let’s look at these.

1) Best natural food sources of melatonin include bananas, tomatoes, rice, ginger, and barley. Including some of these with an evening meal or as a bedtime snack will add to the production of melatonin. Of course, the famous turkey on whole grain and warm milk snack includes tryptophan which helps produce melatonin!

heavy greasy meals and sleep

2) Keep caffeine and heavy greasy meals away from the evening meals as these will only spike the stress hormone production as well as unbalance your blood sugar and keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.

3) Melatonin tablets come in a variety of dosages as well as the melt under your tongue variety. Experts say working your way from a 2mg to 5mg dosage before bedtime can yield some great results. Remember to take them only when you are ready to go to sleep and as a temporary rebalancing of your own melatonin production. Fight the urge to keep reading a book or doing exercise as it will minimize its effects.

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

See our other blogs with helpful tips on getting better sleep:
Sleep Smarts
How to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep
Hygiene Tips for a Better Sleep
Snack Attack at Bedtime: Easy and Healthy?