Whirlpool’s Newest Addition – Sunset Bronze

Whirlpool’s Newest Addition – Sunset Bronze

When it comes to the colour of kitchen appliances; they have come a long way since the antiseptic white that once was the only choice in the 30’s and 40’s. We all joke about grandma’s avocado green appliances, but little did we know at the time, she was in style. Now, what would grandma say about Whirlpool’s new Sunset Bronze?

The kitchen has always been the epicentre of the household, essentially the heart of the home and a perfect place for families to congregate and enjoy some quality time together. The new Sunset Bronze finish is the perfect balance of warm and cool tones, so now is the time to bring this new trend into your kitchen to create a warm, inviting environment.

To set themselves apart from other manufacturers in the colour development for appliances, Whirlpool wanted to create something with the same texture and durability as stainless steel but add a touch of colour. The Sunset Bronze finish does just that and more. It can be likened to the popular rose gold, the newest trend that has taken over every aspect of our lives, from jewelry to iPhones. Rose gold has a delicate champagne shade that is much warmer than silver.

Close up of Sunset Bronze finish

But how do they do it? Sunset Bronze finish is achieved by colour blocking the original silver stainless steel finish with the Sunset Bronze colour. This technique will retain the texture of true stainless steel but gives it a whole different look. Whirlpool did a lot of testing with their appliances to ensure that this new finish could withstand the cold of a refrigerator and the heat of a range. The Whirlpool Sunset Bronze finish is available in a four-piece kitchen package that includes a French-Door Refrigerator, dishwasher, range and over-the-range microwave. Click on the link below to check out reviewed.com review of this new finish.

—> Up Close With Whirlpool’s New Sunset Bronze Finish

If this exciting new colour wasn’t enough, the good news is that this new finish is also fingerprint resistant. So there is no need to worry about constantly having to clean your appliances and having to use harsh chemicals to do so. See the new Sunset Bronze finish up close and personal in this video from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.

This new finish is set to hit the market in the next couple of months and know that when it does these appliances are the same reliable appliances that you are used to when it comes to Whirlpool.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

Coffee, Tea or Smoothie? Best Ways to Start Your Day

Coffee, Tea or Smoothie Best Ways to Start Your Day

There is a big debate on what beverage is the best to kick-start your day! Can it be as simple as a tall glass of water or a strong shot of espresso? Perhaps, lemon water or green tea is the best to get your organs hydrated and your blood moving.

The debates vary because there are so many different mindsets, body types and goals that people have. If you are trying to lose weight, then nutritionists suggest starting your day with lemon water. You may follow the belief that organic green tea is the only beverage that will nourish your body in a healthy way. Espresso lovers allow nothing to touch their lips other than the rich crema topped liquid gold.

Let’s review some of these more closely.


Studies show that 16 ounces or 450 ml of room temperature spring non-carbonated water is the best first beverage of the day. After 6-8 hours of sleep, our body is craving water. It not only fires up our metabolism but hydrates our body, fuels up our brain, washes away built-up toxins and can reduce hunger.

Lemon Water

Drinking warm lemon water after we wake gives us a big shot of Vitamin C and protects the body’s immune system. It is known to help clear the skin from the inside out and it is a great PH balancer. It also promotes digestion and is a great addition to a weight loss plan. It also touts anti-inflammatory properties and contains electrolytes to keep the body hydrated.


Whether coffee is our first beverage of the day or the second, most people have become so habituated to the routine that they can’t consider anything else. Nutritionists say that as little as 50ml of black coffee, without adding sugar or milk can be an excellent boost to our metabolism. Although espresso appears strong it has less caffeine than, say, Columbian coffee and some black teas.

Coconut Water

Filled with healthy electrolytes and minerals, coconut water has become a new trend not only for breakfast but any time of the day. It is known to be a great hydrator and metabolism booster.

Berry Smoothie

Berry Smoothie

Berries are loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients so clearly our body would love this colourful concoction. When we add Greek yogurt, chia seeds, a drizzle of honey we can enjoy a satisfying and nutrient-filled beverage that can keep us going all morning long. When we add some greens and watch the number of sweet berries we add, we can greatly reduce a potential sugar overload. Everything in balance.

I think you will agree that a tall glass of water is perhaps the best beverage to rehydrate your body first thing in the morning, followed by your favourite chaser and breakfast. Whatever your lifestyle, remember to give your body what it needs to function at its best but don’t forget to satisfy your taste buds!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

The Dining Room Revisited by Canadel

The Dining Room Revisited by Canadel

If, as the saying goes, home is where the heart is, it’s equally true that the dining room is the heart of the home. Along with the living room, these are your “living” spaces, havens for mind and body designed to be convivial and warm. For the dining room, it is a special gathering place to share a meal, connect and reinvent the world with family and friends.

And so, with these noble thoughts in mind, you begin your search for new dining room furniture. Beyond the obvious criteria of comfort and style, you’ll need to consider other factors, such as the material, durability, price, and customization.

Bear in mind that this is also an investment that will likely last for years. I mean, really, that budget set you purchased at IKEA has long gone past its fake wood-veneer glory days, don’t you think? Isn’t it high time you treated yourself to some genuine quality furniture, something in exactly the colour and style you really want?

Presenting Canadel!

Long known for their superior quality and custom design, Canadel is one of the most important wood furniture manufacturers in North America and, more importantly, they are 100% Canadian! As an undisputed leader in the manufacturing of solid wood dining room sets, Canadel is in a class apart because of their timeless designs, unparalleled comfort, reliability and durability.

Canadel table finish

Plus, Canadel provides tons of options. For example, did you know that you can fully customize your Canadel table? You can select:

• Top
• Height
• Shape and dimensions (including extensions if desired)
• Leg or base options
• Finish

Mix it up even further with these multiple options for the chairs:

• Leg style
• Arms if desired
• Seat – wood or upholstered
• Wood or fabric finish

And even after all that, you still haven’t found exactly what you want, you can turn to Canadel’s Signature program for a customized selection that will perfectly fit your home environment.

So your dining room needs a makeover? As you can see, Canadel makes it easy to choose the table and then get creative with the chairs, or to go for a more unified look, or maybe you just want to cut loose and select something eclectic.

Canadel's Server

BrandSource is proud to offer you Canadel’s Eastside collection. Incredibly versatile, this collection matches a wide variety of décors effortlessly – downtown loft, suburban home or country house. And like all Canadel furniture, it has been crafted and designed with care and with all the loving attention to detail for which Canadel is known. Yes, comfort and functionality in one very stylish and durable package!

Be bold! Be daring! It’s time to create the dining room of your dreams!

Rebecca, Your Furniture Expert

7 Cool Features to Look for When Purchasing a New Range

7 Cool Features to Look for When Purchasing a New Range

When it comes to buying a range, there is no doubt that there are many things to consider. Not only is a range a big purchase, but it is also a very important one, as you will be using it for years and years to come. So to start, when purchasing a new range, you must do your due diligence by doing as much research as possible, taking extensive notes, and then finally choosing what suits you and your family best!

Here are 7 features to take into consideration when purchasing a range.

1. The Warming Drawer

This is something that you might have overlooked, am I right? Well, to be fair, this is an aspect that many overlook, but one that you shouldn’t. This is a great feature for people who like entertaining with multiple courses. Or simply to keep your food warm while finishing cooking the rest of your meal or setting the table.

Warming Drawers

2. Dual-Fuel Cooking

Dual-fuel cooking, dual-fuel cooking, now say that ten times fast. The dual-fuel cooking feature on a range is important not to overlook. Not only does it offer a more precise temperature control, but it also offers consistent cooking, since it perfectly combines an electric oven and gas cooktop all in one.

3. Bridge Element

Often something that many people don’t think they need, but actually could be really useful, the bridge element on a range seems to come in quite handy. The bridge element joins 2 standard elements to make a bigger cooking area. This feature is perfect when using a griddle, it provides heat throughout, no cold spot in the middle.

4. Front Controls

An important feature to consider on a new range is front controls. Updating your range to a front control one can bring a sleeker and modern look to your kitchen but also offer functionality. The buttons are conveniently placed at the front for easy access, no more burns over that boiling water cooking pot.

Front controls

5. Double Oven

For many, this is a luxury, but whoever said that a luxury was something you didn’t have to get? A double oven is actually one of the most effective ways for someone to cut down their cooking time. Perfect for hosting a crowd, appetizers warming up in one oven while dinner is being cooked in the other. Or a time saver for families, cooking dinner and baking dessert all at the same time. Luxury or not, say yes to double ovens next time you purchase a range.

6. Steam Cooking

When cooking, there are so many different ways to do it right that the best ways often get lost in the shuffle. And one of these often-overlooked ways is steam cooking. With a big trend on healthy eating, steam cooking is a very popular method to cook your meal as it retains most flavours, nutrients and vitamins. Also, steam helps keep the moisture in which makes food taste amazing without using extra oil or fat. Make sure to inquire about the steam function in your next range.

7. Temperature Probe

This device is a temperature sensor connected in the oven which will indicate the internal temperature of the meat. This eliminates the guesswork of figuring out if the dish is cooked or not. Your meat will be cooked to perfection and ensure that it is safe to eat as well.

Depending on your lifestyle and cooking habits, some of these features may be very interesting and worth checking out next time you are on the market for a new range.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

How Daily Exercise Can Help You Sleep

How Daily Exercise Can Help You Sleep

One of the biggest robbers of sleep is stress. Stress affects the way we eat, the way we think and feel, and yes, how we sleep. Our eyes may become heavy and as we lay in bed ready for sleep, our mind suddenly turns on. All the events of the past day or the last 40 years vividly appear for re-examination. We close our eyes tighter hoping the movie will stop playing, and then, the morning alarm goes off.

According to many studies, not only does exercise have a big impact on our health but also the quality of our sleep. When our bodies are constantly in motion, it not only keeps us flexible and focused but also tires us out! Research shows that daily exercise is very effective in helping us manage the stress of the day or accumulated over the years. A gym routine 3 or 4 times a week is great, but our bodies work best if we add as little as a 30-minute brisk walk a day.

An Evening Routine

Turn your evening routine into a ritual. You work a stressful job and have a house and family that need your attention, still, you need to carve out some “Me Time”. When all the end-of-the-day tasks are completed including dinner, clean up, homework and lunches, drop into your self-care routine. Your sleep should be very important to you, so make sure you do everything you can to ensure it comes easily and lasts throughout the night.

Whether you had a date with the gym earlier in the morning or at lunch, your evening ritual should always be the same. For example, what releases the stress of the day and helps me wind down is a 30 to 45-minute walk. Some get the same results from a long soak in the tub, or perhaps yoga.

Everyone is different and you need to find what works for you. For me, since starting this routine of getting my body moving at the end of the day, it has helped me relax into the best sleep I have ever had. I may be temporarily energized but my body quickly finds that moment when it’s all systems off!

Stretching in bed

An Early Morning Routine

As soon as you wake up, do a few stretches to get your blood flowing and get the kinks out of being still for many hours. This daily routine will easily set you up for a great day feeling energized and mentally focused.

Here are some stretches you can do while still in bed. First, sit up and reach for the sky and with a little lean to the right and then to the left, get things started. Then grab one knee at a time and pull it towards your chest a few times and then repeat on the other side. Once your feet touch the floor then reach for your toes and feel that pull in your back. That feels great, right?!!

Get energized morning, noon, and night, and welcome a healthier body and a better sleep!

Gerry, Your Sleep Expert

Where to Splurge and where to Save: In the Guest Room

Where to Splurge and where to Save In the Guest Room

When you close your eyes and envision your dream home and the guest room you’d have, I bet it’s a serene oasis filled with comfort, style, and all the luxuries of a fine hotel including white bed linens. Here’s the trouble with this though, it’s not real life for most of us. For many of us, a guest room is a spare room, an office, a reading room, spare TV room, and so much more. Because honestly, who has enough rooms to keep an entire proper bedroom (and then some) in their house for the odd guest? Nope, for most people, a guest room is a multi-functional room and should be treated like such (rather than just another bedroom).

With that in mind, it’s time for another edition of Splurge VS. Save: Guest Rooms.

Where to Splurge

Sofa Beds

Yes, sofa beds. Forget about a traditional mattress in the guest room and make the room much more functional (and multi-purpose) for your everyday life by investing in a quality sofa bed. Not only will you enjoy a quality sofa bed in its sofa form on a day to day basis for reading, working, or vegging with Netflix, but the quality of the sleeping experience will make it a happy one for guests.

This room offers up a serene oasis for every day working and living, while offering up the same for guests when the room requires – the best of both worlds!

Source: Houzz

A funky sofa bed in a kid’s room is also a fun way to add extra sleepover space.

Source: Houzz


As a multi-functional room, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the right lighting for all your needs. Depending on all the room’s various uses (reading room, guest room, Netflix, or office) you’ll want to be sure you have appropriate task lighting or ambiance for each. And while of course, you can really splurge on each fixture – what we mean here is, splurge on the amount of lighting – really make sure you have a great ceiling light, floor lamp, and maybe a small desk or side table lamp to create the most inviting space for any need.

Where to Save


With incredible big box store bookshelves at bargain basement prices, this is where you’ll want to save your pennies. Adding some moulding to multiple store bought units and covering up the tell-tale big box ‘holes’ gives your multi-purpose guest room huge amounts of storage for a small price. The bonus is not only are all your books, photos, and other collectables displayed but your guests also have a good book at their disposal as they snuggle into your comfortable sofa bed.

Source: Houzz
Source: Houzz

Side Tables

In your master bedroom, a good side table is a must. In a guest room, however, is where you can use fun alternatives depending on how much an actual ‘side table’ is needed (ie: when that awesome sofa bed you splurged on gets used). Forget the traditional pair and maybe opt for one or better yet, scrap them all together and use a funky occasional chair when there is a need to pop a little alarm clock, a book, and that ever-important small bedside lamp.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out this great round up on The Spruce of bookshelf hacks.

Rebecca, Your Furniture Expert

Which kitchen layout is best for me?

When it comes time to remodel the family kitchen it’s time to start thinking beyond the traditional triangle (fridge, stove, sink) and think instead of functional work zones or task centres. The good news here is, unlike focusing on the triangle, focusing on functional task centres works with all the various kitchen layout options.

Source: Houzz

To see a great resource on kitchen layout types, check this one out from HGTV. It’s even got free downloadable templates. Top 6 Kitchen Layouts

The room or space you have to work with will really help guide which ‘shape’ your kitchen overall will take. But since today’s kitchens are used by multiple people at the same time, rather than just one person, we no longer need our kitchen to work for one – we need it to work for all of us. This gives us a lot more freedom to place our appliances in spaces best suited for them in the room, rather than letting a boring triangle dictate its placement. Even the smallest of galley kitchens can be configured for optimal multi-person work zones with the right amount of planning and consideration.

Source: Houzz

So, which layout is right for you? The short answer is whichever one you like best (and works for your space) will be the right layout for you. Where you’ll want to really put your thinking cap on is looking at your daily cooking and eating habits and seeing what work zones you need, and how you and your family use the space – or don’t and how much you bump into each other!

Make a list of common activities, like chopping or mixing, and you’ll start to see your space take shape. You can then place the sink the best place for a view of the yard, the oven or cooktop in the best place to watch and chat with guests, and the fridge in the best place to unload groceries – regardless of how they meet (or don’t) in a triangle.

Want to learn more?

The key in planning your kitchen’s layout is to make sure it works best for you and your family’s daily life.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

5 Ways to Keep Your Nightstand Clean and Tidy

5 Ways to Keep Your Nightstand Clean and Tidy

Clutter is distressing! What’s worse is clutter next to where your bed. Just when you have organized this space, non-essentials seem to appear magically while your eyes are shut! There is an interior design concept that states anything with a flat surface will accumulate clutter. There is also a principle that states that things will accumulate to fill the space available to it. Either way, junk and other things grow exponentially if we let them.

A nightstand should convey, to some degree, a space of rest and relaxation. A book, a candle, and a lamp are ideal for this space. So, why do we find an old crumpled receipt, stale candy, or last night’s crumb-filled dish? Distraction, laziness, or mental exhaustion are some reasons why we let things run amok, especially on our nightstands. Unlike any other space, your bedroom must promote restfulness and relaxation so here are some tips on how you can keep your nightstand functional, organized, and clutter-free.

Tip #1 Use Decorative Baskets

When you opt for a clear glass table with a couple of shelves, everything is visible, so you really need to keep that thing neat and tidy! Using decorative baskets with specific functions will keep things in their place. If you are reading a couple of books, designate a basket for that on a lower shelf while keeping the top shelf for a candle, a favourite picture and lamp only.

Tip #2 Drawers, Drawers, Drawers

Drawers, drawers, drawers. The best way to keep things away from view is to designate a drawer for them. Keeping the flat surface clear with minimal essentials, using the drawers for things such as books, candle accessories, extra bulbs for your lamp is the best way to keep things neat.

Tip #3 Trays Are Chic & Functional

Using a tray on top of your nightstand can be chic and functional. Include only small items including reading glasses, hand lotion, and perhaps a glass of water.

Keep you nightstand clean and tidy with trays

Source: chango & co.

Tip #4 Put It on a Shelf

If you are a true minimalist or have a small space, a decorative shelf hung on the wall on either side of your bed will keep things tidy. The least amount of surface space you have, the less will accumulate; remember the principle above! An adjustable lamp, a small painting leaning against the wall and just enough space for a book will serve the purpose.

Tip #5 Go Camouflage

If you need motivation to keep things tidy, then choose a nightstand that is the same colour as your wall! Anything you place on the surface will stand out so choose what you leave on it wisely. Choose a piece of furniture that can easily be painted over when you change up your wall colour.

If you’ve noticed, I never mentioned adding your devices on your nightstand. Not only is the vibrating, and blue light distracting but energetically it is not conducive to a good night’s sleep. I suggest that you create a designated area away from your bed to recharge your devices.

Additionally, interior designers are encouraging clients to focus on creativity as well as functionality. Bedroom sets are not as popular as they used to be. Clients are now inspired to focus on the best bed design while mixing and matching nightstands and dressers that suit their needs. Have fun, get creative and keep things tidy!

Angela, Your Sleep Expert

The Dining Room Revisited by Canadel

The Dining Room Revisited by Canadel (Large)

For many, the dining room is the heart of the house. Along with the living room, it becomes a gathering space that is both dynamic and inviting. This is where you sit with family and friends to share a good meal and reinvent the world.

It is with these thoughts in mind that you will start to shop for your new kitchen furniture. Not only will you look for comfort and style, but you will also have to consider other factors such as materials, durability, price and customization.

Now that your low price IKEA dining room set or your imported veneered/resin furniture went well beyond its life expectancy, don’t you think it’s about time that you treat yourself to great quality furniture in the colour and style that you would really love? And this where Canadel comes in…

Canadel is one of the most important wood furniture manufacturers in North America and, what’s more, they are Canadian!

An undisputed leader in the manufacture of solid wood dining room set, Canadel has long been known for its high-quality furniture and custom design. Canadel in a class of its own because of their timeless design, unparalleled comfort, reliability and durability of their products.

Eastside Table Finish

Did you know that your Canadel table can be fully customized? You can select:

  • Surface
  • Height
  • Shape and dimensions (including extensions if desired)
  • Leg or base options
  • Finish

Even the chairs can be customized to your taste. Depending on the model, you can choose the following:

  • Leg style
  • Arms if desired
  • Seat – wood or upholstered
  • Wood or fabric finish

And if you don’t find exactly what you want, you can turn to Canadel’s Signature program to get customized furniture that will fit your environment.

So your dining room could use a bit of a change? Choose the table and express your own style by creating your chairs – go for a unified look or add a bit of fun and go for an eclectic look.

Eastside Server

At BrandSource, we are pleased to offer Canadel’s Eastside collection. Very versatile, this collection will match any décor: downtown loft, suburban home or country house. Like all Canadel furniture, it is designed and custom-made with the attention to detail that Canadel is known for. Comfort and functionality all in one!

At last, you can have the dining room you’ve always dreamed of!

Rebecca, Your Furniture Expert

10 Kitchen Trends Found on Pinterest

Kitchen trends 2018 - 2019

Do you even remember life before Pinterest? I can lose spend hours of any given day looking through great recipes, craft ideas for the kids, and capsule wardrobes. What I like most about Pinterest though is how much it lets me dream about what my ‘dream bedroom’ and ‘dream kitchen’ would look like (and yes, that’s what those boards are even called). I could pin fabulous faucets until we’re out of rose all day long.

The beauty of my scrolls through Pinterest allows me to see trends and get a feel for what I’m likely going to see in magazines and my favourite home store displays. So dream with me and let’s take a look at what’s trending in kitchens and laundry on Pinterest.

1) Bold Cabinets

Boring white cabinets are starting to take a backstage to bold blues, great greens, and even black.

Source: Pinterest

2) Smart Everything

From appliances to built-in speakers, the smart kitchen is a trend that is really going mainstream and isn’t just for luxury renovations anymore.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

3) Two-toned

Going beyond bold, we’re also seeing lots of opportunities to mix it up (literally!) and go for two-tones.

Source: Pinterest

4) Green

Source: Pinterest

Yes, the colour – on walls, cabinets especially, but also (big surprise) the growing trend of house plants has gained some roots in the kitchen and laundry too.

Bohmian style kitchen with plants
Source: Pinterest

5) Multifunctional: Cook & Entertain

This trend (or is it just a way of life?) of cooking and entertaining in one big kitchen/eating space continues. We’re seeing even more stylish ways to make this big space a beautiful, cozy, functional space for both friends and family.

Source: Pinterest

6) Custom Details

With DIY projects and incredible makers on ETSY more and more of us are making (or having made) amazing custom details to really make our homes more personal.

Source: Pinterest

7) New Storage

With new ways of making cupboards and all the neat DIY ideas you can find on Pinterest, the new ways of thinking about kitchen storage are literally endless! We’re seeing lots of people start to incorporate these into new renos and builds.

Source: Pinterest

8) Lighting Takes Centre Stage

Lighting is no longer just boring (yet functional) pot lights. We’re seeing more and more fabulous chandeliers, great pendants, and even strategically placed floor lamps and task lamps (great for stains in the laundry room!)

Source: Pinterest

9) Fabulous Faucets and Sinks

Faucets are so fabulous now! With so many colours and styles to choose from, the dream kitchen possibilities really are endless.

Source: Pinterest

10) Lay Like a Rug

Rugs in the kitchen are nothing new, but we’re seeing more than just boring floor mats at the sink and stove. We’re seeing bold runners and rugs light up kitchens and laundry rooms in a way we haven’t seen in a while. This warm trend is a great one!

Source: Pinterest

What trends on the horizon are you loving?

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert