How to Motivate Yourself to Do Laundry

How to Motivate Yourself to Do Laundry

Let’s face it: Most people really don’t like doing laundry. But, along with dishes, mowing the lawn, and changing baby diapers, laundry is just one of those chores that has to get done, even if nobody in particular wants to do it.

And, the larger your family grows, the more laundry starts to – literally – pile up. If you are struggling with the lifetime laundry blues and are looking for help, here are some ways to put yourself back on track toward freshly washed clothes.

Make It Fun

One of the easiest ways to try to get yourself to do laundry is through association. If you associate something fun with doing laundry, then maybe you won’t put it off until you are stuck wearing the same underwear three days in a row and hoping you don’t smell.

For example, you could put on one of your favourite albums, grab your favourite beer, cocktail, or glass of wine, or even turn it into a competition between the kids to see who can do the most laundry and reward them with some ice cream, accordingly. Of course, you could always reward yourself, as well, so let’s look at idea number 2…

Reward Yourself

Treat yourself! As much as we might like to pretend that we are super evolved creatures, humans really operate on a pretty standard reward system. Much like dogs and treats, positive feedback and reinforcement go a long way, and you can turn that to your advantage to make yourself do laundry.

If you put off that thing you really want to do until you get the laundry done and then reward yourself, you’ll be more likely to keep that laundry pile small and manageable. There are plenty of possibilities: giving yourself a sticker that goes on your fridge, letting yourself stay up a bit late to watch an extra episode of your favourite Netflix show, or getting to take a nice, warm bath with a new book.

How to Motivate Yourself to Do Laundry

Wear Your Favourite Outfits First

If you are still struggling with life, liberty, and the pursuit of clean laundry, keep reading. Another trick that might work is wearing all your favourite outfits first. This way, eventually you’ll be just down to outfits you really don’t like – or no outfits at all – which will put you in the position of either finally breaking down and doing laundry or wearing your 7th grade cheerleader outfit to your aunt’s wake. Please, for the sake of your family, pick doing laundry.

Pile Your Clothes Somewhere Important

Desperate laundry times call for desperate laundry measures. If you still can’t muster up the courage to face the daunting laundry task, then maybe you need to take some extreme action.

For example, you could pile all your dirty clothes on top of – or in front of – something that you really enjoy, so that they’ll deter you from being able to use it. For some, that might mean piling all of your dirty clothes up on the TV, for others it may mean covering up your favourite chair.

Sure, it’s a little mean and messy, but if you really want to binge-watch “Gilmore Girls” for seven hours, you’ll need to get up, move that pile of clothes, and wash them.

We’ll also add that putting your clothes someplace only slightly annoying might not have the desired effect here. If you just throw them in a chair that you don’t use that often or hide them in a corner, you’ll probably just end up moving them back and forth until the pile becomes a giant, unwieldy gargantuan laundry monster that one day becomes sentient and eats you. And you don’t want that!

Of course, another way to make laundry fun is to get a new Whirlpool laundry pair – one that perfectly matches your laundry habits and has new bells and whistles to make washing and drying even easier. Stop in today to see what a new washing machine and drying machine from Whirlpool can do for you, and get out there and get washing!

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

The Basics of Installing a GE Range Hood

The Basics of Installing a GE Range Hood

A range hood is one of the most important appliances to have in your kitchen. It is a large appliance that either re-circulates fresh, filtered air back into the kitchen or vents smoke, heat, and odours outside to keep them from getting in your way while you cook. A high-quality GE range hood is a must-have for any cooking enthusiast, but if your home doesn’t come with one built in — or if your old one is worn out — installing a new GE hood can seem like a daunting task.

However, it only takes a few simple tools and some know-how to install a GE range hood in your kitchen. They come in a variety of sizes, strengths, and configurations, so you’ll need to check the manufacturer’s guide for precise instructions, but these basic guidelines will help you on your way to getting your kitchen cooking-ready.

Range Hood Installation Basics

  1. Pick out the right range hood. Your choice will depend on how much you cook and how your kitchen is set up. If you have a clear space above your range, you can use more sophisticated chimney, island, or wall mount hoods, but if your stove is directly under cabinets, you’ll have to opt for an undercabinet hood. Undercabinet hoods tend to be easier to install since many of them don’t require a duct leading outside the house, but be aware that models which recirculate air rather than venting it may not be as effective.
  2. Take safety precautions. Turn off the power to your kitchen and lock the panel box to make sure no one turns the electricity back on until you’re done. Be sure to wear goggles, gloves, and a mask while you work.
  3. Check your venting. If you want to install a vented hood, make sure you have the proper ductwork and a range hood that matches it. Undercabinet hoods typically have ducting either running up through the cabinets above, or back through the wall behind it. If you’re installing new venting for your GE range hood, be sure that it doesn’t end in the attic or against a wall. All vents should lead outside the house, to avoid heat buildup and potential fire hazards.
  4. Remove your old hood, if you have one. After shutting off the power, open up the panel covering the electrical wiring on your old hood and disconnect all the wires. If you have an undercabinet hood, loosen the screws that attach it to the cabinet above, but don’t remove them completely. You should be able to slide the hood off the screws. Once you’ve set the old hood aside, remove the screws from the cabinet.
  5. Make sure the new hood fits correctly. Depending on the type of hood and range, the new hood should be about 20 to 30 inches above the surface of the cooktop. Hoods can hang slightly lower over electric stoves as compared to gas-powered. For optimal results, make sure the range hood covers the whole cooking area, with a 3-inch overhang on all sides, if possible.
  6. Reconnect your new GE range hood. In all instances, be sure to read and follow the manufacture’s installation instructions. Hold the new hood in place and thread the wires from the wall through a small hole in the back of the hood. There should be one black and one white wire coming from the wall, as well as two black wires and two white wires coming from the hood. Connect the two black wires from your hood to the black wire on the wall, and the two white wires from your hood to the white wire on the wall using wire connectors. Tuck the wires away, replace the panel cover, then screw the hood in place using the type of screws recommended by the manufacturer. Turn your power back on and test it out to make sure your new range hood is fully functional.

Shop our GE range hoods here

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

6 Unique Kitchen Storage Ideas

6 Unique Kitchen Storage Ideas

Kitchens can easily become a mess. Between cooking, eating, cleaning, and storing, they have their work cut out for them. Balancing all of that along with work and the kids and – and oh, look, there the dog goes eating something off the counter again – can be a chore for even the most talented of homemakers.

The best bet is to try to get ahead of the battle by having storage solutions for everything that lives in the kitchen. By having places for everything, you’ll know where to return stuff when you are done with it, instead of just leaving it behind to take up precious counter space. And after putting in all the work to organize everything and seeing your kitchen in its cleanest glory, it’s likely you’ll want to keep it that way.

The needs of every kitchen are different, but we put together some ideas to help make the best use of the space you have and to organize your kitchen your own way.

1. Use Those Walls

Sure, they are there to keep your ceiling up, but walls can be used for plenty of other things, as well!

You could wall mount a plate rack or grab some wall hangers and use that space for pots and pans. It will help give you more room in those cluttered cabinets to move some of the bigger and bulkier items out of the drawers and on to the walls.

2. Mug Shots

Hanging mugs

Coffee – or tea, for you fancy folk out there – mugs can take up a lot of space, especially as you start to collect cool ones you find. Not only that, but they often aren’t easily stacked, with different ones coming in different sizes and shapes.

What to do with all of them, then? Display them! You could go with a mug rack with hanging hooks, dedicate a whole wall of your kitchen to a mug display, or use some under-cabinet hooks to really maximize your mug space. The more mugs the better, we always say!

3. Merry-go-round

Some kitchens just have awkward corners that don’t seem to help much when it comes to storage. That’s not always true, though! Corners can be just as useful as shelves or cabinets for storing your kitchenware.

How, you might ask? Turn that corner into a carousel! Grab a carousel rack and turn that once-neglected corner into a master of organized cabinetry. And one that’s fun to spin around, of course.

4. Knifing Around

Source: DeVos Custom Woodworking

Looking for a cool and unique way to display your kitchen knives? Tryout an in-counter knife slot. We wouldn’t recommend trying to put one in yourself, but it gives you an option to do something a little more colourful with your cutlery.

5. Spices

Life without spice just wouldn’t be life, now, would it? Perfect for adding that extra little bit of pizzazz to whatever it is you are cooking, spices can also tend to accumulate and take over the kitchen.

Fret not: There’s no need to contribute to waste by throwing them away, you just need a more organized and seasoned approach. Spice racks are a good way to do this, and they make racks of all shapes and sizes that can go almost anywhere in your kitchen.

6. Don’t Wine

Danby Wine Cooler

Wine bottles – while an important part of any kitchen – can also quickly take up counter space. Try throwing a little artistic direction into your alcohol storage! Wine racks are always one way to go, but the internet is full of unique and creative solutions for wine lovers of all kinds.

Another great way to store your wine bottles is to use a Danby wine cooler. Since most refrigerators are set too cold for wine, a wine cooler will help maintain the integrity of the wine by generating a consistent temperature control. You paid good money for that wine, after all, so you might as well make sure it is well-preserved too!

Need more ideas? Come visit us and talk to one of our expert sales associates on how to create your most organized kitchen to date. They’ll walk you through our Danby wine cooler collection and other new appliance features that will help you get more organized.

Shop our Danby wine coolers now.

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

5 Ways to Keep your Freezer Organized

Five Ways to Keep your Freezer Organized

With only five simple tips, your freezer will become your greatest kitchen ally. Your partner in pantry storage, meal preparation, and savouring the seasons. Whether it is your chest freezer in the garage or basement, your upright freezer in the pantry, or your fridge top or bottom freezer, these five key ingredients will make you talk about freezer organization more than cross-fit at your next cocktail party.

With an organized freezer, you’ll be more efficient in the kitchen and waste less food.

Tip #1 – Labels

The #1 tip for an organized freezer is to label EVERYTHING. I find it’s helpful to keep a big black sharpie in my kitchen gadget drawer, that way I can reach for it and write on containers, freezer bags, anything. You will want to write the item, the quantity, and the date. You can easily wash off the marker when you clean the container, so they are ready for the next item.

Tip #2 – Consistent Containers & Categories

When choosing your freezer containers choose items of consistent shapes that will stack well in your freezer style. Freezing items in consistent portion sizes (like spaghetti sauce for 2) is an easy way to meal plan. Cooking for 6? Remove three containers and defrost in the fridge or microwave. If you have teens in the house looking for quick meals, freezing chili or other items in single serve is very helpful.

Keep your freezer organized by having consistent categories, like frozen pre-made meals, frozen meats, and frozen treats. Keeping items in like-sized containers within their own category area of the freezer makes reaching in and grabbing what you need very easy.

Tip #3 – Bins and Bags (not boxes or trays)

When it comes to storing food in the freezer your best friends are bins and bags, not boxes or trays. Items like frozen chicken fillets often have cooking instructions right on the resealable bag (inside the box), so toss the box and save the space.

Five Ways to Keep your Freezer Organized_2

You also want to be sure to transfer all meat (beef, poultry, pork etc) from the tray pack from the grocery store or the butcher’s paper. These are not freezer friendly. While this type of packaging is fine for the fridge for a day or two before you cook & enjoy, you will always want to repackage your meats into freezer bags and label accordingly. This is also a great time to add your favourite marinades. Having bags of chicken breasts in my favourite peanut sauce makes stir fries a cinch!

I find small clear bins help me keep everything in those consistent categories. But if bins aren’t your jam, just type freezer organization into Pinterest and go down the rabbit hole of every possible freezer hack you can find. There will definitely be one that works for you.

Tip #4 – Keep Inventory

It might just be in your head but just like for your fridge you should have a rough idea of what you have in your freezer, and when it should be used by. Some people like big lists on the freezer, that is very handy too.

I like to think of my freezer less in terms of the individual items but more on the categories. Knowing I’ve got at least a container or two of pre-made meals, a bag or two of frozen meat for the slow cooker or barbecue, and some frozen veggies (and yes, French fries) I’ve got the basics covered. Just like having flour in your cupboard, or eggs in the fridge, having some basics in the freezer will make it part of the pantry family.

Tip #5 – Use It as Your First Step in Meal Prep

The key to an organized freezer is one that is regularly used. Make your freezer the first step in your weekly meal prep. Open it up, see what meat should be eaten, or what container of pre-made spaghetti sauce, chili, or stew could help with the busy week ahead. Using this as your starting point to help meal plan, use the food you have, and ensure none goes to waste by lingering too long in the back of the freezer will make you feel like a superhero.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

4 Things to Consider When Buying a New Refrigerator

4 Things to Consider When Buying a New Refrigerator

So, you’re looking for a new refrigerator. Something simple; something that will hold your groceries, keep your food fresh, not kill your energy bill, and maybe even look good. Shouldn’t be too hard to find one, right?

With so many choices and so many features out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Do you need a 3-door or 5-door refrigerator, a smart fridge with a water dispenser, one with a camera? Yes, fridges have cameras now!

But let’s forget about the bells and whistles. What you really need is something reliable. Something that works for you. Something you can trust. After all, you’re buying something for your kitchen, not a mission to Mars.

We’ve got you covered. Keep these 4 things in mind, and I promise you, you’ll get the fridge you need.


Size is number one on this list for a reason. If your new fridge won’t fit in your kitchen, you can’t use it. So grab your measuring tape and get your available dimensions before you buy.

As you measure your opening keep in mind that refrigerator heights vary, but widths come standard at 24, 30, 33 and 36 inches. Some manufacturers will offer a few different dimensions, but for 98% of the people out there, these are your go-tos.

In freestanding fridges, you’ve got two depth options in Standard or Counter-Depth. A standard depth refrigerator will be approximately 30″ deep and stand proud of your counter about 6″. Like its name, a counter-depth fridge will be more flush to your cabinets as only the door stands proud making them perfect for tighter spaces.

These instructions from Whirlpool will help you measure everything that you need to Refrigerator sizes: the guide to measuring for fit.


With your dimensions sorted, you’ll want to maximize the amount of food you can store. In refrigerators, that storage space is measured by capacity. Simply put, a smaller capacity fridge will hold less food than a larger capacity one.

Different refrigerator styles have different capacities too, so keep that in mind when you’re considering the look you want.

As a general rule though, budget 4 – 6 cubic feet for each adult in your home.

Refrigerator capacity versus family size


Energy savings are important. Energy Star Certified refrigerators (as well as many other certified appliances) help mother earth, and they help your wallet too. Current fridges are at least 9% more energy efficient than previous generations and simple things like properly setting the internal temperature and making sure there’s room to vent around the fridge will get you the most energy savings for your buck.

Style matters and larger fridges will typically consume more energy than smaller ones, in terms of pure efficiency though you’ll get the best balance of energy-saving and performance in the 16 – 20 cubic foot range.


Example of Refrigerator finishes

For a high-end commercial look, stainless steel remains the most popular refrigerator finish you can buy. Smudges and fingerprints are still a drawback, but with more brands introducing fingerprint-resistant finishes, stainless steel is easier to clean than ever before.

Bouncing off that popularity, manufacturers have brought a number of stainless steel colours to market from black to bronze, and traditional whites and blacks still have an incredible appeal in the right kitchen.

Whatever your kitchen just remember, when it comes to refrigerators Size, Capacity, Energy, and Colour are all you need to get started. Come on down to our store to find your perfect family fridge today.

Want to know more on How to Buy a Refrigerator? Read our Refrigerator Buying Guide.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

The 4 Best Laundry Solutions for Small Spaces

Whirpool Laundry Centre for small spaces

Trying to get the most out of your laundry room shouldn’t leave you feeling hung out to dry. Just because you have a small space, that doesn’t mean you have to hit the laundromat. There are a number of space-saving solutions for any laundry set up guaranteed to maximize your space and get your laundry done as quickly and hassle-free as possible.

Laundry Centres

(see image above)

Laundry Centres are a popular answer to a small laundry room problem. A stacked washer and dryer in a single unit, laundry centres are perfect for tight, taller spaces like closets, apartments or galley laundry rooms. Available in both compact and standard widths, laundry centres are amongst the most economical options on the market, and the only top load washer option you’ll find in the smaller class.


  • More affordable
  • Available in a variety of sizes


  • If one machine breaks you need to replace the entire unit.
  • Only available in vented options.

Shop Laundry Centres

Small Capacity Washer and Dryer

Compact washer and dryer by Whirlpool

Small capacity washer and dryers are the most versatile option going. With independent units, you can install them side by side for a more traditional look, or use a stacking kit to stack them like a laundry centre.

Unlike traditional laundry machines, small capacity units measure in at a reasonable 24″ wide, with washer capacities ranging from 1.9 to 2.6 cubic feet and dryer capacities from 3.4 – 4.0 cubic feet.

Available in gas, or electric, at either 220V or 110V, and with both vented and ventless dryer options, small capacity machines can be installed almost anywhere.


  • Best performance in the compact class.
  • Versatile installation.


  • Buying two independent machines can cost more than combination options.

All-in-One Washer & Dryer

Whirlpool All-in-One WasherDryer (Large)

If space is your number one concern, then an all-in-one laundry centre is going to be your best option. Looking like a standard front load washer or dryer, all-in-one machines perform the wash and dry cycles within a single drum. With one machine, you only need half the space compared to other options, and in really tight spaces, this may be your one and only solution. Keep in mind that with a single drum, it may take twice as long to get through your laundry, but with a ventless installation you’ll have a lot of flexibility with your installation.


  • Best space-saving option.
  • Ventless design can be installed anywhere.


  • Smaller capacity and slower workflows than other options.
  • Not available in gas.

Shop All-in-One Washer & Dryer

Portable Washers & Dryers

Portable Washer by GE

Portable laundry solutions are perfect for places like apartment kitchens, cottages, RVs, and other small spaces that don’t have room for a permanent set up.

Typically, portable washers need to be rolled out and connected to a faucet to manual fill the drum before the wash cycle can begin. Portable dryers are less common, but are available and come as part of a portable laundry set or a stand-alone unit. With tub capacities from 1.7 – 2.1 cubic feet, expect lower capacities than you’d get in most other laundry setups, but save for bedding it’s still more than enough for a small families’ needs.


  • Can be stowed away when not in use.
  • A good option for renters who want to take their laundry with them when they move.


  • Can be a hassle to set up and put away every time you want to wash your clothes.

Shop Portable Washers

Our appliance experts can help you find the answers to all your laundry concerns. And with the right solutions, you don’t have to make sacrifices in small spaces. Check out our helpful Buying Guide for all laundry solutions.

Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert

To Freezer or Not to Freezer: 3 Good Reasons to Buy a Chest Freezer

reasons to buy a freezer

So, you’re thinking about getting a chest freezer, but you’re not really sure if you need it. It’s a common question in the household: “Is it time we get a chest freezer?” Well, do you have a large family? Do you live far from town? Do you hunt?

There are a few factors that will tell you if it’s time to add that big freezer to your home, and we’re here to help you out. Take these reasons into consideration when you and your family are discussing the buy.

1. Your Family Eats a Lot

If you have a large family, there is no question about it – you need a chest freezer. These large ice boxes can store all your frozen foods for the next couple of months (or month depending on your family) so you won’t need to go shopping every other day to keep your loved ones from starving. Your refrigerator’s freezer can only hold so much food, so having a chest freezer to back you up saves you driving back and forth to the grocery store. Especially if you cook with a lot of meat products, having a GE chest freezer is the smart way to go.

2. You Throw Parties Often

If you are big on hosting parties, having a chest freezer is like a dream come true. With one, you now have the opportunity to prepare lots of food a few days before the party and store it in the freezer, helping relieve any stress you may have been experiencing about food.

Not to mention, you could buy frozen treats in bulk so all you have to do is microwave or cook them right before the party. If you throw events at all, a GE chest freezer will help you prep food better so you can work on setting up the party decorations or just pampering yourself a little longer than normal on the day of festivities.

reasons to buy a freezer

3. You Live in a Rural Area

Sometimes it’s not that easy to drive into town once a week. Sometimes it’s even difficult to make time once a month. If you live in the country or a rural area, driving to your local grocery store could be a huge hassle, and take a large chunk of your day. With a GE chest freezer, you can easily store months worth of food, so you don’t need to drive out of the way that often.

The same goes for people without a car or an easy way of getting around. A chest freezer will keep you satisfied and good to go for a couple of months, making your grocery trips happen less frequently.

There are multiple reasons to get a GE chest freezer that we didn’t even cover here, such as how buying in bulk is usually a cheaper route or if you have a garden, how one would come in handy in preserving the produce. Speak to one of our sales associates or check out our current variety of chest freezers on our website today to find one that will fit you and your family’s lifestyle.

View our GE chest freezers online now!

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

Upgrade Your Kitchen on a Budget with Bosch Appliances

Upgrade Your Kitchen on a Budget with Bosch Appliances

There comes a time in almost everyone’s life where they look at their current kitchen situation and start to see just how out of date it really is. Stainless steel styles, neutral colours, and seamless designs give kitchens a modern look that is so popular right now. The best part about this design? It’s a clean and sleek look that is sure to stick around for a long time – if not forever.

Of course, what it comes down to is the budget. But changing your kitchen around doesn’t mean you need to break the bank. With a little paint job here, and an upgrade on an appliance there, your kitchen can start to look like it belongs in 2019 without having to go into a pile of debt.

Give Yourself a Realistic Budget

You should know what amount you can spend before jumping into renovations. It would be awful to start bringing in the marble countertops without having enough money to finish the kitchen. Find out what needs to go, what you really want, and if there is anything you can just spruce up before spending the big bucks.

Stop into your local appliance store to find deals on the Bosch Appliances you’ve been wanting for your kitchen. A sales associate will be able to help and guide you towards the products that align with your financial goals.

Paint Job

One way to make a drastic change in an effortless way is through a simple paint job. Changing the colour of a room has the ability to make the place look new again. Give your kitchen a neutral colour such as a grey tone or even a light blue so that the walls are fresh and blend well with other colours.

Since you’re already painting, why not slap some on your cabinets as well? Instead of having to replace your cabinets with something a little more contemporary, painting them can brighten up your kitchen without burning a hole in your pocket.

Upgrade Your Kitchen on a Budget with Bosch Appliances

New Appliances Add Value

The most expensive part of updating your kitchen is usually when you start replacing major appliances. Of course, sometimes spending a little more on nice appliances can add value to your home while also saving you greatly on energy bills with new, energy-efficient appliances. Bosch Dishwashers are extremely quiet and energy-efficient, making it the perfect upgrade in your home.

Visit our store to speak to an expert sales associate on your appliance needs. We’ll be able to work with your budget and ensure that all your kitchen appliances look and feel new.

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

Cleaning Toys and Other Odds and Ends in Your Samsung Dishwasher

Cleaning Toys and Other Odds and Ends in Your Samsung Dishwasher

If you’ve had to count how many times you’ve told your children to take their toys out of their mouth, you’d probably be far into the triple digits. It’s normal, of course – little ones find things to chew on and action figures and other such toys tend to be rather durable for these occasions. The hard part of dealing with this situation is making sure these items are cleaned often.

But have you ever tried cleaning a toy yourself? With all the intricate details and crevices, you’ll find that you’ll be wasting a ton of time on each individual toy. It turns out, however, that, Samsung dishwashers are great cleaning machines for more than just your kitchenware and can take on toys in bulk.

But before you start placing them all in the dishwasher and letting the appliance do its thing, don’t just stop at children’s toys. There is a whole slew of items that can be cleaned better in the dishwasher, so consider plopping these objects in your Samsung dishwasher as well!

Animal Toys

It’s actually kind of funny how similar kid toys and dog toys really are. Most of the toys your puppy plays with are rubber or silicone toys, making them as easy to clean as kids’ toys. Your doggo is probably a bit dirtier than your little ones, so cleaning these playthings often would be a good idea.

If your dog’s collar is starting to look a little on the “ruff “ side, place it on the top shelf of your Samsung dishwasher and clean it that way.

Ball Caps, Hairbrushes, and Combs

Cleaning Baseball Caps in Dishwasher

When was the last time you washed your baseball hat? If you put it in the washing machine, it could lose its shape and washing by hand can be incredibly time-consuming. Luckily, washing your ball cap in the dishwasher on the top shelf won’t mess with your hat’s shape.

And, speaking of things that go on your head, feel free to wash your hairbrushes and combs on the top shelf as well. This is a good way to clean out any oils stored on your hairbrush and avoid a greasy head.

Shop Samsung Dishwashers Now.

Garden Tools

If you’re an avid gardener, you’ll most likely have garden tools saturated in dirt and in need of a serious cleaning. Keep them in good condition by washing them after every use in your dishwasher. Over time your gardening tools can start to show wear and tear when they aren’t cleaned, so using your dishwasher is an effortless way to wash them all at once and preserve them for years to come. If they happen to have a wooden handle though, you should probably wash them by hand. When wood is exposed to water and heat, it begins to warp and crack, making the wood fall apart.

Kid Toys

Like we said, plastic and rubber kids’ toys are perfect for being cleaned in a Samsung dishwasher. There are such tiny features displayed on many children’s toys that finding a way to thoroughly clean them all at once is a godsend.

But, that being said, you unfortunately can’t wash EVERY grimy toy your child possesses. The ones that are battery-operated, made of wood, or might allow water to seep inside are all better left being washed by hand.

If you aren’t sure where to put the really small toys, just stuff your silverware holder full of them and your little toys will be safe and sanitized in no time.

Although it’s called a dishwasher, this appliance can wash more than just dishes – so take advantage of it! Stop by our store to find a Samsung dishwasher that can powerfully wash your toys and other odds and ends today!

Amanda, Your Appliance Expert

5 Maytag Washer Features That Will Change Your Life

5 Maytag Washer Features That Will Change Your Life

It’s not every day you come across an appliance that has the ability to make you feel helpless without it. If you happen to be walking along a row of Maytag washers, you’ll feel it in full swing. These epic appliances are fully equipped to change your life for the better with their extremely useful features. Here are some highly advanced technologies that make Maytag washing machines the cleaning kings of the industry:

Rapid Wash Cycle

Do your kids ever bring you their gym and sports clothes in a hurry, expecting you to wash them with some sort of magic washing wand? Sometimes all you need is a washer with the ability to quickly cleanse your kids’ grass stains, just so they can make some more.

Luckily, Maytag Washers are prepared with the Rapid Wash Cycle Feature! This wonderful feature allows loads to wash faster by cutting down on wash and spin time while boosting motion and temperature to shorten the cycle without compromising on clean.

Optimal Dispensers

Illustration of optimal soap dispenser in Maytag washers

Are you ever at a loss when it comes to figuring out the right amount of detergent for your washing load? It’s a struggle to know exactly how much you need, but with the optimal dispensers feature, your Maytag Washer will automatically release detergent and always know just what your load requires to get the laundry clean. It’ll even store enough detergent for up to twelve loads of laundry! Say goodbye to wasting too much detergent on a single load and hello to all the money you’ll be saving. Trust us, your wallet will thank you.

Shop Maytag washers now.

Sanitize Cycle

Most people don’t realize that washing your clothes in the washing machine doesn’t always get them fully clean. If you happen to use cold water, have a shorter cycle, or don’t use bleach, it’s hard to say for sure that all your clothes will be completely absent of germs.

On the other hand, if you use the Sanitize Cycle on your Maytag Washer, it will remove 99.9% of household bacteria with extra hot water. Use this feature when you know something could use a little extra oomph to give you peace of mind.

PowerWash Cycle

For those extra intense loads that need a lot of work, the PowerWash Cycle will help save the day. From tough stains to smelly odours, this feature was made to kick your garments into fresh shape. It uses heated water and rinses thoroughly to conquer any and all grime. Use this feature when you have a heavy load full of dirty clothes. You’ll never be disappointed.

Overnight Wash & Dry Cycle

Need your clothes to be washed and dried, but you’re too tired to wait and switch them to the dryer after they’re finished washing? Now, with the Maytag Overnight Wash & Dry Cycle, your clothes can both wash and dry in one machine and be ready for you in the morning! Once the wash cycle is complete, your clothes will continue to tumble while air circulates through the load.

Still not convinced? Stop by our store to check out our Maytag washers and the features that make them essential to our lives.

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Amanda, Your Appliance Expert